Výsledek obrázku pro sharia Sharia – the Islamic law and basics of Islamic thinking Islamic Political Thought (BSS474) Josef Kraus Sources of Islamic law and thought nQuran ¡The word of God ¡Untouchable, unchangeable, codified ¡Structured to chapters (surah - 114), verses (6 236), sorted from longest to shortest chapters ¡Problems with translations (not codified), the effort of chronological sorting ¡Absence of firm structure or continuous story ¡Tafsir – exegesis of Quran (interpretation) ¡ Sources of Islamic law and thought n Sunnah nThe collection of Prophet‘s deeds and speeches nHe was the chosen one, his behavior was according to God‘s rule nOriginally only oral tradition nCollected, recorded and codified during 200 – 300 after M. death (forbidden by Umar – Quran is enough) n Collection of particular narrations, problems with terminology ¡Hadith / Sira – events around M., his speech, or reliability of narration? nNarrations verified by the methods of ilm al-Hadith ¡Complete chain of narrators, their credibility etc. ¡Many frauds and mystifications ¡Classification of hadiths – sahih (right) / mardud (wrong) … ¡ ¡ ¡ Islamic Law given by God nGiven to mankind once and for all, but not in systematic, understandable, and accessible form. nMain topic and questions were solved, other development blocked by a method of taqlid – following -> rigidity, traditionalism nSharia – way to water source, covers all men behavior ¡Man-God dimension – how to worship a God properly ¡Man–man dimension – family, business… law ¡Criminal law – punishment of forbidden deeds nTerritoriality is important ¡Muslim can‘t be punished for breaking sharia out of dar al-Islam ¡Non-Muslim can be prosecuted within Islamic state, but not outside ¡ Islamic Law given by God nImpossibility of enforcing everything + Man-God dimension only metaphysically (annulation of prayer, going to hell, loss of honor) nIn history the sharia wasn‘t every fully applied on society ¡Unreachable ideal nAbbasi era judiciary duality – criminal law enforced by police state administration instead of religious one nDevelopment, unification and implementation of sharia best during Ottoman empire ¡Judiciary system, hierarchy, rules based on sharia in whole empire ¡State controlled, state financed and state enforced ¡19th cent. reformation towards Western law n ¡ ¡ Human Deeds Classification nWestern law highly limited, Islamic law tries to affect anything n n n n n n nLegality - lawfulness (state enforced) – public affairs nMorality (society enforced) – public affairs nConscience (depends on individual) – personal affairs Islamic law and its effort to classify deeds Obligatory +2 Recommended +1 Neutral 0 Disliked -1 Sinful forbidden -2 Human Deeds Classification nDeeds towards God ¡Correct / Valid ¡Unfair / Suitable, but can be improper ¡Corrupted / Unsuitable in formal perspective, can be fixed or canceled ¡Invalid / void ¡ Výsledek obrázku pro worshipping allah Islamic Law Creation nIjtihad - the mental effort of jurist (mujtahid) in finding a solution to a legal question – third source. nAt the first the taqlid (following) should be searched. nUsul al Fiqh - principles of Islamic jurisprudence ¡A science about sources and methods of law creation (fiqh) nLaw sources for Sunnis ¡Quran ¡Sunnah ¡Ijtihad and following methods nIjma nQiyas nOther… n ¡ ¡ Výsledek obrázku pro islamic law Islamic Law Creation nIjma – consensus or agreement nAbsolute consensus of religious and law experts over problem nDifferences in constituency of decision makers ¡(whole community X one Islamic center of thought Ibn Hanbal limits consensus to Muhammad‘s party only) nFor Sunnis only, Shi‘as refuse it, never participated nIjma protects proper interpretation of Quran and Sunnah nDerivation of other laws should refer to ijma (source) ¡Formulation of resolution by fatwa (religious edict) n ¡ ¡ Islamic Law Creation nQiyas – analogy nThe weakest method (source), used only if other fail nSearching for similarities between two cases based on sources (Quran, Sunnah) nMainly expansion of rule to similar cases nCreation of rule to new case nShi‘as highly skeptical about this method ¡Some refuse it at all – It is written in Quran, or pure speculation ¡Instead using of method of aql ¡ ¡ Islamic Law Creation nOther Sunni methods (very weak) nIstihsan - juristic "preference" ¡Muslim scholars express their own preferences and personal judgment ¡Sometimes refused due to disrespecting of Sources (mainly by Shafi‘a) ¡Supporters claims istihsan only completes qiyas and adapts law to local conditions ¡Based on primary sources ¡Used in case of maslaha ¡ nMaslaha - public interest ¡Serves the common good or public welfare ¡Humans should look for the best public solution ¡Protecting values – religion, life, family… ¡Usually used by modernists (also by fundamentalists) ¡ Islamic Law Creation nShi‘as methods, attitude and thought nAql – reason nSecondary rule – in favor of life, health and prosperity ¡Similar to maslaha ¡Possible to overcome sharia if necessary nIslamic law according to place and time (less sources) ¡Different time, different place, different law ¡High level of flexibility ¡Shi‘a Salafism? – nonsense nInstitute of marja-e taqlid – the third source of law ¡Declares fatwa or hokm (hukm) Marja-e taqlid nRepresentative of hidden Imam in the world nHave to be mujtahid first n„Church“ hierarchy – hojatoleslam (prove of Islam) -> ayatollah (sign of God) -> great ayatollah = marja nIssue fatwa, answer questions (estefta) nDifferent regulations of different marja nIn unresolved or undogmatic topics Sunni-Shi‘a differences nSame Quran nDifferent Sunnah nSunnis obey caliphs, Shi‘as obey Imams ¡Traditions of Imams sources of Islamic law for Shi‘as ¡ nDifferent methodology ¡Sunnis – qiyas, ijma ¡Shi‘as – aql, secondary rule ¡ nMarja-e taqlid as a source of law for Shi‘as Main Schools of Islam n n n n Main Schools of Islam nMany differences based on sources and methodology + incorporation of local habbits and traditions nShafi‘i (Muhammad al-Shafi‘i) – no local consensus, no istihsan, only by a whole community (impossible), emphasis on sources (less space for analogy and reason) nHanbali (Ibn Hanbala) – rejection of reason, only sources (more collectors than lawyers) nMaliki (Malik ibn Anas) – high influence of local traditional law, judges make choice if Sharia or tradition (in contrast to Hanbali / Saudi Arabia), ijma method nHanafi (Abu Hanifa) – istihsan (preference) method n n Differences among Schools n Hanafi X Maliki X Shafi´i X Hanbali nMen wearing red: n repulsively X legal X illegal X repulsively n nMen wearing yellow: n illegal X legal X illegal X illegal n nYawn during praying nullify it: n yes X no X yes X yes n nCan woman participate in hajj without man‘s accompany?: n no X yes X yes X no n n n n n n Principals of Forbidden and Permissible nThe most important for Islamic law is defining forbidden (haram) and permissible (halal). nWhat Allah has created for human welfare is good. nNothing is forbidden except explicit things (Quran, Sunnah) nWhat A. forbid is forbidden, what permitted is permissible, what did mentioned si given to men and is allowed. (not in case of man-God relations) nOnly God has to right to forbid and permit things ¡Those who do that over God‘s rule commit sin similar to shirk. n n n n n Principals of Forbidden and Permissible nIf something is forbidden, it is bad and harmful ¡Harmful things are haram ¡Beneficial are halal ¡Mainly harmful – haram / Mainly beneficial – halal nForbidden things are always replaceable nEverything leading to forbidden is forbidden nGood intentions don‘t make forbidden permissible nIt is better to avoid uncertain things, and be distant ¡Lack of knowledge and information is not automatically a sin nExceptions in case of emergency are permissible n n n n Thank you for your attention! n n n n ¡ ¡Time for Q&A Výsledek obrázku pro muslim question