Sunni fundamentalism, Salafism, and the Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Political Thought (BSS474) Josef Kraus Výsledek obrázku pro sayyed qutb Výsledek obrázku pro ibn taymiyyah History of Salafism nHistorical tensions between rationalists and traditionalists (ahl al-hadith) ¡Mainly Hanbali school, refusing of reason and speculation, emphasis of Quran and Sunnah ¡Faith is obedience, not knowledge, no space for reasoning ¡ nTaqī ad-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Taymiyyah (1263 – 1328) ¡Moved with family to Damascus ¡Important representative of traditionalism ¡„Founder“ of salafism Ibn Taymiyyah nAs-salaf as-salih (salaf)- the righteous ancestors ¡Generation of Prophet Muhammad and his companions nThe effort to make Mamluk sultan to rule according to Sharia law ¡Ordering the good, forbidding the bad ¡Benefits (maslaha) overbalance negatives (revolt = chaos) nIbn Taymiyyah era ¡four madhhabs of Islam, ¡all independent on each other ¡Domination of taqlid method of legislature (gate of ijtihad closed) ¡ Ibn Taymiyyah nIbn Taymiyyah criticized a division of Islamic law nIjtihad should be active ¡Different levels – performed by mujtahid al-mutlaq ¡Important knowledge of ancestors (salaf) verdict, because ijma is above ijtihad nIbn Taymiyyah effort to rehabilitate (reform) Islam ¡No un-Islamic innovation, no heresy ¡Law based on references to Quran and Sunnah ¡No respect to common law or rules not based on Sources ¡The emphasis on literal interpretation of the Sources Ibn Taymiyyah nIbn Taymiyyah affected by sufism, but rejected its folk traditions n nCriticism of Shi‘a ¡Similar to Christianity and Judaism ¡No jihad until Antichrist or Mahdi comes ¡Worshipping of God‘s messengers ¡Conception of Imamate nPolitical claims of Ali‘s descendants nImams‘ tradition as a source of law nLaw from the God, not from ordinary people ¡ Výsledek obrázku pro sufi hot coal Salafism after Ibn Taymiyyah nThought carried by Sufi orders until 18th century ¡Sufi problems with folk practicing of Islam ¡Exception of wahhabism, based in rural region with Beduine pressure against any Islamic orthodoxy – wahhabism independent to sufism ¡ nSalafism created during Ottoman rule in Damascus and Baghdad ¡Rediscovery of Ibn Taymiyyah thoughts ¡Spread by Shah Waliullah Dehlawi, Muhammad ash-Shawkani Salafism after Ibn Taymiyyah nExpansion to Egypt – the creation of enlighten salafism ¡Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Ridah ¡Harmony between reason and revelation ¡The effort of Muslim renaissance ¡Goal in salaf, but modernist attitude ¡Against superstitions and backwardness – open to Western science ¡Ijtihad only for elites, taqlid for masses n nMuhammad Hamid al-Fiqi (+1969) ¡First salafi organization - Ansar Al-Sunnah ¡Expansion to Sudan ¡Close to wahhabi interpretation ¡Created two years before Muslim Brotherhood Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt nThe Society of the Muslim Brothers (Jamāʻat al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn) nFounded in 1928, spread to whole Middle-East, North Africa, South Asia… nFounding father – Hassan al-Banna ¡Born to religious family ¡Affected by Hasafiyyah – a Sufi order ¡Against British administration and Christian missions ¡Taught Arabic in the city of Isma’iliya, Egypt nMain ideas ¡Restauration of true Islam ¡Denouncement of the Western decadence ¡Against domination of materialism and secularism n Muslim Brotherhood Logo.png Výsledek obrázku Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt nAl-Banna‘s followers created an organization ¡Social projects – schools, hospitals, orphanages, mosques building, electrification etc. ¡Generation of grass-root support of Brotherhood – new members recruiting n40s – political activities of the MB ¡The effort to minimize governmental pressure towards MB ¡Suppression of prostitution, alcohol etc. ¡Own newspapers – propaganda, lecturing ¡1945 – Al-Banna failure in election nState repression towards the MB ¡Going underground – covert operation, violent resistance ¡1948 – forbidden ¡Assassination of prime minister Nuqrashi Pasha by member of the MB ¡In reaction Al-Banna assassinated in 1949 and became a martyr Muslim Brotherhood Logo.png Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt nMain goals ¡Liberation of nation (ummah), get freedom, independence, sovereignty ¡Then state and society reconstruction to reach the ideal state by Islamic values nRecommendation to ruler ¡End the rivalry of political parties ¡Law reformation – Islamic legislation ¡Strengthening of armed forces ¡Strengthening of connection among Arab and Muslim countries ¡State services and society based on Islamic principles nIn society – ordering the good, forbidding the bad nIn economy – zakat collection by a state authority, forbidding of usury Muslim Brotherhood Logo.png Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt nAfter Al-Banna death his legacy has continued ¡Corrupted West destroys Islamic ummah ¡Armed struggle against unbelievers ¡Disappointment from religious establishment ¡Contempt of intellectualism ¡Radicalism of Al-Banna attitude by Sayyid Qutb and others n nSayyid Qutb (1906 – 1966) ¡Originally teacher, then school inspector ¡1948 travel to USA – criticism of the West ¡Entered the MB ¡Antigovernment activity ¡1966 executed ¡ Muslim Brotherhood Logo.png Qutb.jpg Sayyid Qutb thought and impact nCurrent world is in the stat of jahiliyyah (ignorance of divine guidance) ¡Moral degradation cause by usurpation of God‘s authority ¡Political regimes with sovereignty of people are in jahiliyyah ¡Started by the West, corrupted Muslim regimes ¡Secular Islamic state = jahiliyyah nlegislative authority only for God Muslim Brotherhood Logo.png Sayyid Qutb thought and impact nThe cure for jahiliyyah is the implementation of sovereignty of God, establishment of Islamic law and rule ¡Refusing of secularism – religion isn‘t personal issue, but social one ¡The true Islam is not perverted by corrupted ulama or intellectuals ¡The demand for access of masses to holy sources X elite interpretation ¡Tyrannical governments force to worship someone else than the God ¡It is necessary to overthrow them Muslim Brotherhood Logo.png Sayyid Qutb thought and impact nThe principal of humanity ¡The era of the West is over ¡Materialism suppressed values – Islam is the solution ¡Islam is not against scientific progress or materialism, but has to be above it ¡People don‘t believe in abstract theories – implementation of Islam nArmed jihad ¡Not only defensive ¡Defense in meaning of positive movement for liberation of men ¡Defense against oppression, tyranny ¡The enforcement of God‘s authority and sovereignty ¡Elimination of Kingdom, replacement by God‘s rule ¡ Muslim Brotherhood Logo.png Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt nSuppression in Egypt, expansion to different regions ¡Palestine (Hamas), Sudan (National Islamic Front), Syria… ¡Saudi Arabia nBrought by Muhammad Qutb nCommon points with wahhabism – jahiliyyah, excomunication (takfir), jihad nSahwa (awakening) movement – also politics commentary nThe MB rule strongest in Egypt ¡Revolution in 2011, overthrowing of Hosni Mubarak ¡Mohamed Morsi won the 2012 presidential election ¡Massive protests – coup by armed forces ¡President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi ¡The MB forbidden by a law ¡ Muslim Brotherhood Logo.png Výsledek obrázku Muslim Brotherhood Worlwide nRelevant in many places of Islamic world ¡Often underground ¡Rise during armed conflicts nHistorically influent in Syria, Palestine, Sudan, Yemen… Výsledek obrázku pro muslim brotherhood map Muslim Brotherhood in Syria nFounded 1930s nHistorically strong opposition to secular Baas regime ¡Banned in 1963 ¡Capital offense since 1980 ¡But toleration of Hamas HQ in Damascus n1976 terror campaign started ¡Guerilla war n1982 – MB uprising ¡Hama massacre ¡20 000 casualties ¡Exiled to Jordan, Iraq 1982HamaMassacre.png Muslim Brotherhood in Syria nDominant group within Syrian civil war from 2012 – 2013 ¡Lost the influence soon, replaced by Wahhabi extremists ¡Da‘esh, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra Front… influence of Saudi Arabia nNever had a chance to develop a government Výsledek obrázku pro muslim brotherhood syria Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine n80s Hamas foundation and evolution ¡Articulation of Islamic dimension of Israeli-Palestine conflict nCo-founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin nArmed resistence nIntensive social work ¡Using zakat ¡Support of poor, establishing schools, hospitals, mosques n2007 take over of Gaza Strip nStrong relationship with Morsi govrn. nAfter 2013 weakening of Hamas position Ahmed Yassin.JPG Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine nCombination of Islam and politics -> islamism nNever demanded global Islamic caliphate ¡Focusing on Palestinian issue – against secularism and nationalism nIslamic law based on ijtihad, not just taqlid ¡Limited democracy accepted ¡Election participation, accepting Palestinian autonomy nGovernment depending on EU, not fully developed Islamic governance ¡Technocratic way of rule ¡Political dynamics based on Palestinian-Israeli conflict Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan nSince 1950s – spreading Islam over whole Sudanese territory nNational Islamic Front – Hassan al-Turabi ¡to Islamize the society "from above„ ¡Government infiltration ¡Islamic banking system implementation with help of Saudi Arabia ¡Legislation based on ijtihad ¡Effort to overcome the Sunni-Shia disputes n n2015 interruption of relations with Iran, joining Saudi alliance Výsledek obrázku pro hassan turabi Thank you for your attention! n Výsledek obrázku pro sayyed qutb