Overview papers submitted (update: 2 May 15h00) Papers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 feedback 1. 439838 Dráb Marek X X X V 2. 466586 Fryčová Klára X X X V 3. 49212 Konvalinová Anežka X X X X V 4. 478869 Marková Lenka X X X X V 5. 463847 Naštická Andrea X X V 6. 450619 Novák Lukáš X X X X V 7. 486264 Picatoste Andrea X X X V 8. 421245 Popelová Lucie X X X V 9. 483196 Rumeau Quentin X X X V 10. 490899 Roncone Matteo X X X V 11. 450781 Shynkarova Olena X X X V 12. 438593 Szakalová Michaela 13. 450455 Urbanský Jan X X X V 14. 486371 De Eza Baroja Sheila Urbina X X X X V 15. 428315 Fiso Mirsad X X V X (in orange) = the student got (one-off) feedback on the related paper Dear Students, In the map ‘Study Materials’ of the course you will find an overview of the papers that have reached me so far. Please consider it as a check list (both for yourselves and for me) to verify whether the papers you intended to send to me, have actually reached me. Also,