Political Science 611: Comparative Political Economy Spring 2019 Midterm Exam Reminder: You are free to use any course materials to answer these questions (readings, slides, etc.), but you should NOT do external research. Once you begin the exam, you have 24 hours to complete it. Time and Date Begun: _____________ I. Short Essays: Answer any three (3) questions. Read the instructions before answering and just answer what the question asks. Define your terms where necessary. Please be brief – approximately 2 paragraphs. (25 points each) 1. Briefly explain the history of global economic growth from prehistory to today. 2. How would you explain the difference in state strength between Europe and Africa? Focus on the reasons that the continents are different from each other rather than explaining what happened in each one. 3. What are the main arguments AGAINST geography as a key driver of development? 4. How and why does backwardness affect the role of the state in development? 5. What are the pros and cons of the state playing an interventionist role in the economy? II. Long Essay. You must answer this question. Make sure to define your terms. Your answer should be 2-3 pages. (50 points) How would you explain the great divergence between rich and poor countries? Of the theories we have discussed, which is the most important factor and why? Your answer should have four parts: (i) how does this factor produce the great divergence, (ii) why do you think it is the most important factor, (iii) how you would defend the theory against criticisms, and (iv) what does this theory tell us to do in order to help poor countries grow – ie, what are the policy implications.