PUP581 Conceptualisation of the thesis Poznačit si hvězdičkou Scope 0/2/0. 8 kr. Teacher prof. PhDr. Tomáš Sirovátka, CSc. (přednášející) Assumptions The course is enrolled in that semester when subject of final work is submitted. Objectives On successful completion of the course students will be able to give theoretical reasons to their partial research questions which consist with the research question. Learning outcomes Student will provide the objective of the thesis in terms of new knowledge and application of the knowledge in practice, the research question and partial research questions that correspond to the objective of the thesis, and the theoretical arguments behind them. Programme · The course is devoted to the following topics and issues: · 1. Identifying concepts used in designing the basic research question. · 2. Defining concepts consistent with the intended meaning of the basic research question · 3. Defining partial research questions and elaborating theoretical arguments supporting their design. Literature Bryman, A. Social Research Methods. Oxford University Press, 2012. 4th edition. Teaching methods The learning outcome of the course will be attained by means of following teaching methods: 1. elaborating and giving theoretical reasons to partial research questions by student, 2. individual consultation by thesis supervisor. Assessment methods The course is completed by credit which is preconditioned by handing in the first draft of theoretical part of the final work to the thesis supervisor. The draft is assessed in terms of following abilities of the student: 1. defining key theoretical concepts of the final work in accordance with the sense of research question, 2. elaborating as well as give theoretical reasons to partial research questions consistent with research question. Programme in detail: Step 1 Students are encouraged to suggest their own topic, problem and research question for their MA thesis. They address teachers (depending on the topic and thein choice) with their suggestions, and elaborate the objective of their thesis in detail with the assistance of the appointed superviser. Step 2 Students elaborate the theoretical part of the thesis and grounds of the metodology. Suggested structure of the theoretical part: 1 Objectives 1a Formulate the problem you want to address, argue why i tis a problem, releated relevant questions 1b What is known about the problem and the relevant questions 1c How you want to contribute to the existing knowledge (gaps in knowledge) and why 1d How this knowledge can help to solve the problem 1e Main research question and partial research questions, hypotheses 2 Theoretical background 2a Theoretical concepts related to the research questions and the relevant theories 2b State of art: overview of the existing knowledge related to the research question 2c Considerations/hypotheses how these theories, concepts and findings may be used in the thesis 3 Methodology (preliminary) 3a Specification of partial research questions and their operationalisation 3b Methods of data collection and data analysis