Scrappy Upstart MVZ247 Week 2 From Mandate to Partition Domestic terrorism Pressure and Support at UN Finding allies in Europe UK, France, Germany Finding allies in USA Jewish Americans President Truman Partition UN Partition Resolution (GA 181) divides Palestine into a Jewish State and an Arab State; Jerusalem was to be internationalized. GA 181 is supported by US and USSR. Arab nations as well as the Arab League reject offer, refuse to recognize resolution The Road to War 1947Attacks and Reprisals Arab riots in Jerusalem begin….unrest characterized by skirmishes, roadside ambushes, bombings and massacres. On Dec.27 the Irgun (paramilitary/terrorist) bombs Damascus gate killing 20 and wounding 50. (Levi, 1986: 432). Dec.28 attack a crowd of Arabs outside Haifa oil refinery with 6 killed and 42 wounded.. Inside, Arab refinerary workers joined by Arabs from street attack Jewish refinery workers. 41 Jews are killed and 49 wounded. Road to War In January, 1948 Arab Salvation Army (ALA) enter Palestine by British (still Mandate) Jewish Agency concludes arms deal with Czechoslovakia. Arms arrive in June 1948. Irgun bomb Jaffa Gate Jewish convoy ambushed Settlement of Gush Etzion (kibbutz) attacked February and March and April SS-trained explosive expert Fawzi el Kuttub blow up the Palestine Post Source: Collins & Lapierre, 1973:161 ff Convoy attacks Ben Yehuda Street bombing by Fawzi and British Army deserters Jewish Provisional Government formed Jewish Agency bombing by Fawzi Deir Yassin massacre of Arabs by Jewish paramilitary/terrorist groups British Lose Control Conflicted policy Protection of inhabitants? Bias? Desertions British soldiers become mercenaries and join ALA Time, Money, Troops Lack of time, funds from British govt. and troops force major British reassessment of policy in Mandate. Refer to UN Declaration May 14 David Ben Gurion declares an Independent State of Israel USA recognizes the new State of Israel May 17 USSR recognizes the new State of Israel Israel as a nation is internationally recognized by the two leading superpowers of the world. Clear Intent “We declare that after the termination of the British Mandate, from 15 May 1948 and until elected authorities of the state would be assembled in accordance with a constitution accepted by the Elected Constituent Assembly not later than October 1, 1948, the Provisional State Council would act as the temporary State Council, and its executive institution, the Provisional government of Israel, would constitute the temporary Government of the Jewish state, which would be named Israel.” War for Independence Survival On May 14, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan invade new State of Israel Fighting is undertaken by paramilitary groups and Israeli Defense Forces Intensive, brutal, loss of life both military and civilian War is from May 1948 until March of 1949 To begin Anew Borders and displaced peoples Armistice Feb-June 1949 separate agreements between Israel and Arab neighbors. Israel gains roughly 50% more in territory than originally allotted by Partition Plan Approx. 726,000 Arabs living in Palestine are refugees settling in either Egypt or Jordan Gaza fell under the jurisdiction of Egypt and West Bank occupied by Jordan. Lausanne Conference fails though minor achievements are made. Working recognition of Israel Acceptance of UN Resolutions Now what? Government January 1949 elections Turnout is over 86% David Ben-Gurion is Prime Minister Build a country (nation exists…) Institutions and offices based upon model of the Jewish Agency and Jewish National Council (or provisional govt. since 1948) Building a state Recognition Solidify international recognition International Monies Receive loans from USA and European nations Defense IDF protect borders and Jewish population within in state Sources Benny Morris “Righteous Victims” (1999) Yitzhak Levi “9 Measures” IDF. (1986) Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre “O Jerusalem” (1973) Chiam Herzog and Shomo Gazit “The Arab Israeli Wars” (2005)