Základy klinické psychologie a psychologie zdraví

Cognitive and emotional problems of patients in chronic medical status

V souvislosti s pandemií koronaviru a vyhlášenými mimořádnými opatřeními je v daném termínu zrušena kontaktní výuka. 

Přednáška se uskuteční v termínu 23.4. 16-19.40h, přednášející dr. Łucja Domańska (Institute of Psychology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland)

The determinants of patients' adaptation to the illness will be analysed with focusing on patients' cognitive attitude towards their illness. Cognitive representation of chronic illness is associated with patients' processing and encoding of different information about their condition. The representation refers to the causes and underlying mechanisms of the disease, current health status, effects of the illness, views on treatment and prognosis. Patients' understanding of their condition may facilitate treatment, but it may also interfere with treatment by the development of maladaptive coping behaviours. Some organic and psychosocial factors can contribute to patients' limited insight into their situation. Patients' subjectiveexperience and problems encountered by clinicians during neuropsychological assessment and therapeutic work constitute two perspectives of the presentation.