01 The theory: „all what is said, is said by somebody" a>. The context and meaning Lubomir Kostron 2020 (1) Peter Senge The course structure 1. Introduction 2. Perception, judgment (and behavioral activities); the story of Egon Brunswik 3. a) social judgment theory, b) the nature of information 4. A model of personalisty - what is missing? 5. The theory o tasks, situations and the environment/ecology 6. The role of emotions and group support in ill defined problems solution 7. System dynamics - learning to „see" processes 8. The decision-making under uncertainly 9. Interpersonal cognitive conflict solution (workshop dedicated to POLICY) 10. The puzzle of consciousness. 11. The ultimate knowledge - the art of asking the smart questions Students are expected to turn in a paper on one of the issues, listed above. For more detailes see the sylabus. Simple definition of psychology 1: the science or study of the mind and behavior 2 : the way a person or group thinks Full Definition of psychology - plural psychologies 1: the science of mind and behavior 2 a : the mental or behavioral characteristics of an individual or group b : the study of mind and behavior in relation to a particular field of knowledge or activity 3 : a theory or system of psychology Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary l.The Introduction: * The history of psychology and its position within the system of science, * Psychological states and processes, * The problem of cosciousness (what are we aware of and is subconscious, subliminal?) * The life story of psychologist, Egon Edler Brunswik of Korompa (Krompachy) 2. The Perception: the story of Egon Brunswik 18.3.1903 - 7.7.1955 4 Egon's parents. Egon Brunswik's father and his brothers. Austro-Hungarian nobility i Korompa (Krompachy), central Slovakia The professional career of Egon Brunswik started with experiments on perception („the perception constancy") in Psychological Institute of Karl Buhler, Vienna. Brunswiks PhD disertation: second chair on the committee was Moritz Schlick. The philosophy that came to dominate research in psychology in the first half of the 20th century was called logical positivism. ... The basic idea of logical positivism is that all knowledge is based on empirical observation, assisted by the rigorous use of logic and mathematics. Logical positivism, also called logical empiricism, a philosophical movement that arose in Vienna in the 1920s and was characterized by the view that scientific knowledge is the only kind of factual knowledge and that all traditional metaphysical doctrines are to be rejected as meaningless. The program of logical positivism gave inspiration to the unity of science movement. The movement carried the belief that all sciences, including the social sciences and the humanities, ought to share some common language if these disciplines were to be considered genuine sciences (Wissenschafteh). Overview of the members of the Vienna Circle Inner Circle: Gustav Bergmann, Rudolf Carnap, Herbert Feigl, Philipp Frank, Kurt Gödel, Hans Hahn, Olga Hahn-Neurath, Béla Juhos, Felix Kaufmann, Victor Kraft, Karl Menger, Richard von Mises, Otto Neurath, Rose Rand, Josef Schächter, Moritz Schlick, Friedrich Waismann, Edgar Zilsel. Periphery: Alfred Jules Aver, Egon Brunswik, Karl Bühler, Josef Frank, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Heinrich Gomperz, Carl Gustav Hempel, Eino Kaila, Hans Kelsen, Charles W. Morris, Arne Naess, Karl Raimund Popper, Willard Van Orman Quine, Frank P. Ramsey, Hans Reichenbach, Kurt Reidemeister, Alfred Tarski, Olga Tausskv-Todd, Ludwig Wittgenstein. Karl Popper In 1928, he earned a doctorate in psychology, under the supervision of Karl Bühler. His dissertation was titled On Questions of Method in the Psychology of ThinkingSln a book „The Logic of Scientific Discovery'' he criticised psvchologism, naturalism, inductivism, and logical positivism, and put forth his theory of potential falsifiability as the criterion demarcating science from non-science. The Unity of Science Movement Tree of Knowledge Gregg Henriques' Tree of Knowledge System Jean Piaqet's 1918 work Recherche: ...the unity of science can be considered in terms of a circle of the sciences, where logic is the foundation for mathematics, which is the foundation for mechanics and physics, and physics is the foundation for chemistry, which is the foundation for biology, which is the foundation for sociology, the moral sciences, psychology, and the theory of knowledge, and the theory of knowledge is based on logics Science is a human endeavor, a part of human culture. It is unified in the sense that it is understood as a single endeavor, and there are no scientists studying alternative realities. To the extent that they do, however, one could argue that they are not unified. It is the perception of a single reality that results in a unity of science. The unity of science thesis is most famously clarified and tentatively argued for by Ludwiq von Bertalanffy's General System Theory, Paul Oppenheim and Hilary Putnam. It is most famously argued against by Jerry Fodor, John Dupre and Paul Feyerabend. International encyclopedia of unified science The IEUS was an output of the Vienna Circle to address the "growing concern throughout the world for the logic, the history, and the sociology of science...„ Only the first section Foundations of the Unity of Science (FUS) was published; it contains two volumes for a total of nineteen monographs published from 1938 to 1969. Preliminary conference in Prague in 1934, the First International Congress for the Unity of Science was held at the Sorbonne, Paris, 16-21 September 1935. The Third International Congress for the Unity of Science, which was devoted exclusively to the IEUS, was held in Paris 29-31 July 1937. The Conceptual Framework of Psychology (FUS 1-10) Egon Brunswik Much later, in the U.S., he introduced the concept of probability into psychological research; also, he was inspired by the then new theory of information. He proposed his original theory of psychology : probabilistic functionalism. He introduced several new concepts: ecological validity, conceptual isomorphism; promoted the idiographic approach to the research design (first understanding the nature of a problem studied, then may follow attempts to study causal relations, nomothetic approach). Also, he offered an original research methodology : representative design of experiments", as contrasted to the traditional systematic design of experiments" (taken over from natural sciences); He is a forerunner of ^Ecological psychology" Psychoanalytic psychologist, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Egon's colleague and later his wife. 18.8.1908-31.3.1958 Lemberg (Lvov), Berkeley La figura di Yastrow commentatada L. Wittgenstein, da cui Else Frenkel-Brunswik, coautrice della ricercadi T.W. Adorno et al. (1950), La personalita autoritaria, costrui un filmatoa cartonianimati perstudiareTintolleranzadellambiguitáe la rigidita percettiva che ostacolano la ristrutturazione cognitiva Else was involved into the intolerance of ambiguity research, the F scale i 1950 After obtaining a position at the University of a Berkeley in California (U.S.A), Brunswik, (who was raised in a rather philosophical tradition of a logical positivism) was challanged with totally different approach to psychology: a pragmatical behaviorism A transition cultural shock - from Vienna to Amerika: Brunswik's notes in the textbook of Woodworth, Schlosberg's ^Experimental Psychology". which can be built into a science. "Almost necessarily," we say; hopeful beginnings in the study of the young child presage a day when there will O^kti.AfJ ke true experimentation in this field. >jjf\ An p?rpprimenter is said tq^control the conditions in which an event oc-Mii^lwD j curs. He has several advantages over an'bTSsefver who simply follows ®tj&BL the course of events without exercising any control. tl^^ixt* ^e exr^rimenter makes-the event happen at a certain time and place and so is fully prepared to make an accurate observation. &ftfcj-gtfa 2. Controlled conditions being known conditions, the experimenter can set up his experiment a second time and repeat, the observation; jjtfaad, what is very important in view of the social .nature of scientific Jti investigation, he can report his conditions so that another experimenter l^can duplicate them and check the data. far f 3. The experimenter can systematically varyjhe conditions and note • XHneki^ the concomitant variation in the results. If he follows the old standard ^rule of one yariable;;"helioldsLall the conditions constantexcept for one. iactor which is hi^experimental factor" or his "independent variable." The observed effect, is the '^dependent variable" which in a psychological experiment is some, characteristic of behavior or reported experience. In an experiment ou the effect of noise on TP^fal work, noise is the independent variable controlled by the experimenter, and the dependent variable may be speed or accuracy of work or the subject's report of his feelings. „ As regards the jule_of one variable, it applies only to the ind_ependent variable, for there is nonobjection to observing a variety of effects of the" experimental factor. With careful planning two or three independent { variables can sometimes be handled in a single experiment with economy /K***-^<^^^T-of effort andwith some chance of "disco verTng'the in f eractiprTcT "the two" _or jnore factors (Fisher, 1936). JL/\ ' , ! A cultural shock in Amerika: Brunswik's comments in the textbook of Woodworth, Schlosberg ^Experimental Psychology". a. INTRODUCTION ' 3 Whether one or more independent variables are used, it remains essential that all other conditions be constant. Otherwise you .cannot, r connect the effect observed with any definite cause. The psychologist • must expect to encounter difficulties in meeting this requirement of scientific work. He has to contend with differences between individuals, „ inequalities in thejnaterials_used (problems to be solved, tor example;, and changes due to motivation, practice ancTfatigue. He can often over-gome_these dimculties by some system of compensatingjactors. Suppose (( the efficiency of work under two conditions, noise and quiet, or, in gen-eraL_A and E, is to be compared. If the subjects work^rstlinder con-dition A and then under condition B, B will probably show better performance because of the practice effect. We may meet this difficulty in several ways:. U)^g^'e_tiie_s^bie^^^bua^nt preliminary practice: ., (2) use the double order of conditions, ABBA; (3) use two groups of *>ft'-'-subjects, one in the order AB and one in the order BA, and combine the 'Cr3^'\^rtt results irom the two groups. The exp^nmeht rnust'Ee carefully planned in advance, always with an eye to.some defensible way of handling the data. To be distinguished from the experimental method, and standing on^ (~Q~^) a par with it in value, rather than above or below, is the comparative_and__ ~/s ^correlational method. It takes its start from individual differences. By ]| j ube ui' ^LuLable tests it measures the individuals m a sample oFsome population, distributes these measures and finds their average, scatter, 1 etc. Measuring two or more characteristics of the same individuals_it_ computes the correlation "of these characteristics and goes on to factor analysis. This-meYhöd~döes "not introduce an "experimental factor";" it has no "independent variable" but treats aH the measured variables alike.~"Tt does not directly study cause and effect. The experimentalist's \\ : mdependent variable is antecedent to his dependent variable; one is cause (or part of the cause) and the other effect. The correlationist . studies the interrelation of cüfferent jifiects^ >\ Everything from the beginning again: how does it fit together? -Whu is knowledge? -Essences -Causes l7ihCcnl. Hoboes M J. Locke D. Hume (Causality) Empiric ism Classical Antiquity Aristotle -^^^ Plato 4 lSlhCcnlury Hartley (Auocialicmiim) rhcnorocnology. 19th » beginniog of 20ih Century Experiment Method Ralmnjlism lltuuftl- I KiM -» Sul>jc Critilka) Theory Through Philosophy of Science Ft. Uortt P. St cord -*E McMulUn E3 W. Wundi Experimental Psvch Suuclujalum C. Jung A. Adler K. Homey E. ErikjOD K. U - II Qinirnl/CnunsclinB. S«lf. TTKcliii T. A. T. Himi W. Michel. G. Allport, H. Mumy. G. Murphy EE / iguiv (>0-1 I Inwaid'i cognitive mjp ol the history ot psychology Behavioral J. Wolpe A. Luinij A Bariduii H. Eyienck A. Kudin . Maheney Pimm T. Meilum N Gulanick Brunswik had to rethink psychology anew EXPLICATIO TABLE 17.4 Scientific background and cross-disciplinary relations of psychology with special emphasis on general systematic isomorphisms and on methodology SYSTEMATIC THEORIZING DESCRIPTIVE APPROACH Bacon, Hume, Mill, Mach STATISTICAL APPROACH Nomothetic or axiomatic Astronomy Kepler 1609 Physics Galilei, Newton 1687 "Models- Sciences Heimholt! 1847 (Cons, of energy) Maxwell 1873 Geometry Hilbert 1899 Biology Darwin 1859 Physiology Bernard 1865 Pavlov 1903 (Conditioning) PSYCHOLOGY Experimental-Normative Introspective Behavioral Fechner 1860 (Sensation) Ebbinghaus 1885 (Association) "-v Gestalt psychol. Wertheimer 1912 Differential \ [Anatomy Gall 1810 (Claims in y "phrenology")] Gallon 1869 (Heredity) Formal Mathematics Gauss 1809 (Law of error) Biophysics Rashevsky 1938 Biology _ Woodger 1939 Physics Prigogme 1946 (Open system thermodyn ) Cannon 1932 (Homeostasis) Thorndike 1898 (Animal experiments) Class, behaviorism Watson 1913 \ Molar or functional behaviorism Tolman 1932 Postulational behaviorism Hull 1943 Biometrics Pearson 1896 (Correlation) Binet 1903 Spearman 1904 (Factor analysis) Agriculture Fisher 1925 (Factorial design) Thurstone 1934 Econometrics Frisch 1938. Haavelmo ^ (Probabilism, cf also Meteorology) Biology Bertalantry 1950 (Equifinallty) [ / 947 (Representative design)] Engineering Wiener 1949 (Time series) Shannon 1949 (Communication) PURE INTROSPECTIONISM: Meditative philosophy (From 17th century) Sensationism (I8th and 19th centuries) Areas (regions): Geographic (ecological) environment Stimuli <9. \ 4us Distal - — _ „__Proximal--- . - - Peripheral----, Central Organism Overt responses OBJECTIVE APPROACH: Micro -phy si ologism (First half of 19th century) Intentionalism (Lost quarter of 19th century) Classical behaviorism (First quorter of 20th century) Symbols (for all figures): Observed Introspective f Objective Units, variables, s—\ processes {_) - Relationships .------_____ fUnivoco/ reI ) ~--~^ ---*%%%&>lnfarred processes ond hypothe- ~~l-~?ftico/ univocol relationships ] Tacit presuppositions 1 - Empty organism" approach ■ Objective functional psychology (Second quarter of 20th century) t F,g'J." ^ J gC.S °f introsPect,ve and objective psychology. Reprinted from The Conceptual Framework of Psychology 1952 bv E Brunswik bv permission of the University of Chicago Press. Y Brunsvxlk by TABLE 17.1 The emergence of physiological psychology from physiology A. INTERNAL PROCESS TRACING B. PERIPHERAL ARC C. CENTRAL-DISTAL APPROACH Specific nerve energies Bell, Müller 1834 'Rate of nervous impulse Müller, Helmholtz 1850 Reaction time Bessel 1822 Wundt, Cattell 1893 *Sensory-motor approach Watson 1913, Skinner *Brain-and-achievement Lashley 1929, Halstead Hypothetical brain models Köhler 1920, McCulloch The Brunswik's „lens moder of a perception Working together with Edward C.Tolman, they realized, that the Jens model", may be mirror like reversed and the output side may be added. So, thus the lens contains input with impulses, stimulating receptors, and also output, which signifies the choice of means of activities, actual behavior. The choice of action, behavior: the extended lens model offered a common base for the co-operation with Edward C.Tolman object Behavior^ of we$ Central response of m&tov DM 1856 -1959 The organism and the environment (ecology) : two equally important systems in a mutual interaction CENTRAL RESPONSE PROXIMAL Distal S-R laws DISTAL R environment www.brunswik.org The organism and the causal texture of the environment [1935] Edward C. Tolman and Egon Brunswik Psychology as a science of objective relations [1937] Egon Brunswik Representative design and probabilistic theory in a functional psychology [1955] and In defense of probabilistic functionalism: A reply [1955] Egon Brunswik The Conceptual Framework of Psychology [1952] Egon Brunswik "Ratiomorphic" models of perception and thinking [1955] Egon Brunswik Historical and thematic relations of psychology to other sciences [1956] Egon Brunswik Perception and the representative design of psychological experiments [1956] Egon Brunswik 3 a: Judgment His student, Kenneth R. Hammond University of Colorado at Boulder), extended the focus of perception research on subsequent ^reasoning how do we arrive at judgments? K.R.H: (1955) "Probabilistic Functionalism and the Clinical Method K.R.H., 1917 - 2015 He with his colleagues, created a number of lens model versions; L.R. Tucker came up with regression equation, which makes possible to quantify the lens model, decompose the relations into linear and nonlinear components and to use it for a research in various settings. The lens model equation /Hursch, Hammond, and Hursch, 1964; Tucker. 19641 expresses the correlation between two variables as the sum of a linear and a nonlinear component. The linear component reflects that part of the correlation which can be explained by the linear relation between the variables and a set of mediating variables, and the nonlinear component reflects the part of the correlation which cannot be accounted for by the linear component. SINGLE-SYSTEM CASE "POLICY CAPTURING" RELATIVE IMPORTANCE DOUBLE SYSTEM CASE ACHIEVEMENT (ra) CUES (Xj) BRUNSWIKS LENS MODEL DOUBLE SYSTEM CASE Hierarchical model Logic of Understanding' Concepts of Storm Generation B Weather Events Objective Data/cues Logic of Prediction1 D Perception of Data/cues Concepts Forecast O O o o a ■a o Partition Between Forecaster and World TRIPLE SYSTEM CASE JUDGMENTS TRIPLE SYSTEM CASE INTERPERSONAL LEARNING, INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT s2 cue dependencies The POLICY program calculates the weights (the degree of utilization), which judges ascribe to individual cues CUES TOTAL ACHIEVEMENT L90 LINEAR ACHIEVEMENT 4£4 NONLINEAR ACHIEVEMENT .399 DEPENDENCY MATCHING LINEARITY OF PERSON A .090 LINEARITY OF PERSON S .789 The POLICY program calculates by means of a regression analysis the realtions between cues and the distal variable (the goal) cue POSITIVE LINEAR cue NEGATIVE LINEAR cue INVERTED U-SHAPED cue U-SHAPED ACCURACY (ra) FALLIBLE INDICATORS (Xj) A B Patient Physiological state Process (Intangible) o c Fallible Tangible Indicators Objective Data (Lab Data) Physician's A. Subjective Data ^ (Palpation) ^3 Patient's © Symptoms (Headacne) i^k. History Physician's Judgment of Indicators Integration Diagnostic Hypothesis = fallibility index Hammond came up with the following ^cognitive continuum theory": Cognitive Continuum Theory Quasirationality_ Intuition Compromise Analysis Three Premises arious modes, or forms, of cognition can be V ordered in relation to one another on a continuum that is marked by intuitive cognition at one pole and analytical cognition at the other, in contrast to the traditional dichotomy, and antinomy, that has existed between these modes of cognition. e forms of cognition that lie on the continuum JL between intuition and analysis include elements of both intuition and analysis and are included under the term quasirationality. This is the most common form of cognition: It is known to the lay person as "common sense." Cognitive tasks can be ordered on a continuum with regard to their capacity to induce intuition, quasirationality, and analytical cognition. MODES OF. INQUIRY ANALYTICAL*——- MODE CF COGNITION-> INTUITIVE CONFLICT- REDUCING CONFLICT-PRODUCING High -I Feasibility for Policy Formation Low (0 (0 c < (Coherence Theories) c o c o o o •a o Quasi-experiments with relaxed controls (social science) Control-group experiments & statistics (agriculture; medicine; behavioral science) True experiments (physics; chemistry) c O '<*-» 3 C (Correspondence Theories) Unrestricted judgments 01 c c 0) 2 +-* c n '55 o o. o o o a> o> t_ O) a> Q Ol c c 0) in a rr Kahneman's „slow" System 2 Kahneman's „fast" System 1 High Interpersonal Conflict Potential Low Properties of Intuition and Analysis (Hammond, Hamm, Grassia, & Pearson, 1987) Intuition Analysis Cognitive Control low- high Rate of Data Processing rapid slow Conscious Awareness low high Organizing Principle weighted average task specific Errors normally distributed few, but large Confidence high confidence in answer; low confidence in method low confidence in answer; high confidence in method ELABORATION OF TASK-COGNITION RELATION (Hammond, Hamm, Grassia, & Pearson, 1987) TASK CHARACTERISTIC INTUITION-INDUCING STATE OF TASK CHARACTERISTIC ANALYSIS INDUCING STATE OF TASK CHARACTERISTIC 1. Number of Cues large ( > 5 ) small 2. Measurement of cues perceptual measurement objective, reliable measurement 3. Distribution of cue values continuous, highly variable distribution unknown distribution; cues are dichotomous; values are discrete 4. Redundancy among cues high redundancy low redundancy 5. Decomposition of task low- high 6. Degree of certainty in task low certainty high certainty 7. Relation between cues and criterion linear nonlinear 8. Weighting of cues in environmental model equal unequal 9. Availability of orga-izing principle unavailable available 10. Display of cues simultaneous display sequential display 11. Time period brief long Some Predictions 1 1 Task properties induce corresponding cognitive processes; closer correspondence results in better performance. 2 Errors produced by analytical cognition (or systems) will be extreme; not so for intuitive cognition. 3 Analytical cognition does not always provide a ceiling for performance [See Hammond, K. R., Hamm, R. M., Grassia, J., & Pearson, T. (1987). Direct comparison of the efficacy of intuitive and analytical cognition in expert judgment. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC-J 7(5), 753-770.] Goals s Correspondence Theories tudy accuracy of judgments of empirical events from multiple fallible indicators. Lens Model Cognitive Continuum Theory e.g., highway engineers'judgments of highway safety Coherence Theories Study match of probability judgments with answers from mathematical models (e.g., Bayes' Theorem) e.g., Gambler's Fallacy Similarity Kahneman (Twersky) „Thinking Slow and Fast" Need for Expansion Dynamic Cognition Cognitive activities move along the intuitive-analytical continuum over time; as they do so the relative contributions to cognition of intuitive and analytic components of quasirationality will change. Successful cognition inhibits movement, failure stimulates it. Inclusion of Coherence Research Human cognition is capable of pattern recognition and the use of functional relations. Film strips - intuition inducing Bar graphs - quasi Rationality inducing Fomulas - analysis inducing Task Continuum Index 1 Q A 2 3 (normal) best \y 1 mediocre \ poor 1 4 i \ 6 1 mediocre 1 best\ mediocre \ mediocre 8 mediocre 9 best The highway design study tudy SURFACE TASK CHARACTERISTICS Film Strips Bar Graphs Formulas (Intuition Inducing) (Quasi Rationality Inducing) (Analysis Inducing) 1 Q A D E Aesthetics P T H (Intuition Inducing) IE QE AE T A E S K Safety C H A R (Quasi Rationality Inducing) IS QS AS n A C S T E Capacity R 1 S T i (Analysis Inducing) IC QC AC i C S C Design of Study Other approaches to judgment and decision making. Ward Edwards (1927 - 2005) An American psychologist, prominent for work on decision theory and on the formulation and revision of beliefs. For twenty-two years, he directed the university's Social Science Research Institute as a professor of psychology and of industrial and systems engineering. Edwards retired from USC in 1995. Edwards published more than one hundred journal articles and books including Decision Analysis and Behavioral Research and Utility Theories: Measurement and Applications. Ward Edwards (1954) „The Theory of Decision Making" In 1962, Edwards founded the Bayesian Research Conference with the aim to incorporate and apply Bayesian statistical methods and ideas to decision theory- His approach was adopted by many leading psychologists of the time including future Nobel Prize laureate, Daniel Kahneman. In the 1970s, Edwards began to look at social utilities and how to use their measurement for social decision making. Daniel Kahneman's and Amos Twersky's study of judgment and decisions: D.Kahneman: ^Thinking Fast and Slow" System 1 5HSS Fast Unconscious Automatic Everyday 0 Q Decisions Error prone System 2 r-i—H 24 1-2-3 Slow Conscious Effortful Complex Decisions Reliable System 1 System 2 Characteristics c3ct Effortless ■asu Unconscious Triggers Associative emotions Locks for patterns Looks for —, . . . causation Creat,es stones to explain events Siow Effortful Consdous Logical Deh'beracvc Can handle abstract concepts Advantages Speed of response Creativity in a crisis through associations, Easy completion so good for of routine or expansive repetitive tasks thinking Allows reflection and consideration of the "bigger picture", options, pros and cons, consequences Can handle logic, Good for maths, statistics reductive thinking itages Unhelpful emotional responses Slow, so requires time Disadvar Can make errors that are not detected and corrected, such as wrong assumptions, poor judgements, false causal links Requires effort and energy, which can lead to decision fatigue Mats Bjorkman: human judgment as related to Carl Popper's „Three Worlds" K.R.Hammond.: Human Judgment and Social Policy - Irreducible Uncertainly, Inevitable Error, Unavoidable injustice, Chapter.8 World 1: the world of physical objects and states, the ecology T, , 07 The correspondence competence; cccuracy of judgment (KRH), intuition inclined, (System 1), pattern recognition , World 2 : Our subjective world. Perception, thinking, our cogitive systems, dispositions to act The coherence competence; Rationality of judgment (Ward Edwards); functional analysis inclined (System 2), World 3: the world of scientific concepts, problems and theories, „objective objects of thought" Methodology: Representative design of experiments; E.Brunswik. Modern computer „flight" simulators Systematic design of experiments; R.A.Fisher, one experimental variable, exper. and control groups Helping to synthetize: pictorial presentations as a tool to reveal non obvious relationships. Three books Graphic Press, Cheshire, Conn. : Edward R. Tufte 1942 - - The Visual Display of Quantitative information (1983) - Envisioning Information (1990) - Visual Explanations images and quantities, evidence and narrative (1997) Alliii-ilii Muni, Ifi-.ritiitiotii •. i'i 11 * m i im ih (I '.I I ľ., I «,(.•), 11 I H s , 11 li I il.....lil.......I I 'lliluin ľ nm1 iln Ad Milí- I I I ■ im Ml m ih, I I I i'/ A Ii ,1 Uli Ilh III I I I I I I I t I I ll li I |. . I , I CARTE FIGURATIVE, des penes successives en hommes, de I'Armee Franchise dans lacampagne de Russie 1812-1813. DresseeparHWm&rdi.lnspecteur Genera./ des Ponts et Chamssees en retraite. '■..... ?: "0') v if o MOSCOtl °o I A It 1.1 AU UM A I'll I JUL (/•• 11 trmpcriturc cn degres du thermorretre de Reaunur au dessous deiero Vim. . „W. I It 11 ml. | ■ November K'"' O.K.bn A comprehensive narrative description of a transport system requires a record of both time and spatial experiences. Here a complex network of routes is brought together with flight times and identification numbers in a brilliant map/schedule for the Czechoslovakia Air Transport Company in 1933. A playful and polished cover makes the brochure an exceptional union of graphic and information design. ČESKOSLOVENSKA LETECKÁ SPOLEČNOST ČECHOSLOVAKISCHE LUFTVER KEHRS-GE S LETECKY DOPRAVISII ŘAD FLU GPLAN1933 ISTANBUL Cairo Karachi Saigon Bafravia m v xn Kellom Tomlinson, 77ie ;4rt 0/"Dancing, Explained by Reading and Figures (London, 1735), book 1, plate xn. Changes impressed by the Vegetable World upon the Atmosphere. Changes impressed by the Animal World upon the Atmosphere. 3 b: The nature of information and its processing; some related opinions.... „Tangible", explicit kind of infomation, Analysis. C ^ diffused by means of communication. The meaning of information is usually less dependent upon the context. Michael Polanyi 1891-1976 „Tacit" knowledge, skills, is rather of a Intuition. very personal experience nature. It is difficult to communicate it, it gets shared differently. Most often it is story telling, metaphors, skills by dsimply imitation. The meaning may to a considerable extent depend upon the context. System dynamics modelling: systems behavior is given by the structure of process interaction. In the case of complex systems, most often we are not even eware of. Quantifiable knowledge Tangible knowledge Tacit knowledge Jay Wright Forrester 1918 - 2016 „A percept turns into an information when we are able to ascribe any meaning to it. The meaning is, of course, determined by the econtext, the situation - which changes most of the time..." (Lem, 1964, pp.?) Summa Technologiae, published 1964 1818 - 1862 What we look at is not that important. Important is what we Henry David Thoreau see An example of other model of perception (one of many sirnrnilar ones (Nystedig/Z) the ou:sicle environment the system of a subject The clis:al situation: The subs:ances. Proximal qalities. situation ■elations The Input selector! The I abstract ■" structures- The momentarily states Y Y t Jf he perceptual-{cognitive structure: {substances, ■qualities, relataions The covert eactio" s reactio" ^ The overt "eactions L Feedback The context indepencency rn - un Wisdom - understandding of principles Knowledge - understanding to the structures of process Information — understanding 1o1he relations among elements / irnulae, data > The level of understanding