Control questions (PUP 4402) (0 Explain what are the key instruments of monetary, fiscal and income/wage policy that affect aggregate demand, aggregate supply/production capacity, and, consequently also economic growth, employment and inflation.) 1 Explain what are the effects of the ‚expansive‘ economic (monetary, fiscal, income) policy on aggregate demand and on production capacity (aggregate supply), and, consequently, on unemployment. Distinguish, if possible, the short-run and long-run effects. (recommendation: take into consideration the effects of the policy on inflation) 2 Explain what are the effects of the ‚restrictive‘ economic (monetary, fiscal, income) policy on aggregate demand and on production capacity (aggregate supply), and, consequently, on unemployment. Distinguish, if possible, the short-run and long-run effects. (recommendation: take into consideration the effects of the policy on inflation) 3 Explain, what is the difference between unemployment insurance benefit scheme and unemployment assistance benefit scheme. How are the benefits provided in each of these schemes different? 4 Explain, what are the basic characteristics of UB schemes. Explain how the generosity (the level and duration) of unemployment benefits influences the flows among employment, unemployment and inactivity. 5 Explain, how the systems of unemployment benefits are different in the European countries in their basic characteristics. Define first, what are the basic characteristics of UB schemes. Then consider how they are different in different ‘unemployment regimes’. You can use for example typology by Gallie and Paugham or any other if you are not familiar with this one. 6 Explain what are the basic types of ALMP measures/instruments. Explain the aim/objective of each of them. You can built preferably on the typology by G. Bonoli, or any other classification of ALMP measures. 7 Explain what are the objectives of labour market training/(re-)training (re-qualifications) and what are the specific forms/types of labour market training measures. 8 Explain what are the basic types of job creation schemes among labour market policy measures. What are the principles of targeting the schemes at the unemployed (which groups)? 9 Compare how the employment regimes are different in their emphasis on ALMPs and what specific types of measures are typical for different employment regimes? 10 Explain what is it workfare and what are the typical measures, instruments used ?