SOCd0104/SOCd0105 - Dissertation Thesis Seminar I./II. (updated May 28, 2020) The purpose of the course is to help students with their research-in-progress and especially with the process of writing a research paper/dissertation chapter. During the course, we will mimic the review process: we will be assigning reviewers and editors to each paper, discussing reviews and encouraging particular revisions. We will discuss specific writing/revision strategies throughout the course. Course outline and duties – SOCd0105 1. Each student should complete and share a serious draft of a research paper or dissertation chapter by March 21, 2020. Share the paper via IS, using the „homework vaults“ utility. 2. Each student reads all other available papers. 3. Each student serves as “editor” for one other paper. Assignment of editors to papers will be done through a shared excel file after all papers have been submitted. The editor reads the paper, the reviews, moderates discussion (this happens during the first group meeting), and provides written revision guidelines after the meeting. 4. All papers receive an invitation to be “revised and resubmitted”. 5. All papers are revised and resubmitted by authors – revisions could/should be discussed with suprvisors+consultants as well as course instructors. Authors also compile a response-to-reviews letter explaining and justifying revisions (and possibly refusing some if they strongly feel that they are not substantiated). 6. Resubmitted papers/responses are reviewed again by the same reviewers. Papers and reviews are discussed again (in a 2^nd group meeting). Editors again serve as discussion leaders. Editors propose a final decision on the manuscript: reject/publish. Final publication decision is made by course instructors on the basis of the editor’s recommendation. Authors of papers “accepted for publication” are granted credits. Course outline and duties – SOCd0104 1. All students read all available papers and provide written reviews, one student writes one review per paper. 2. All students read all available reviews. 3. All students participate in the 1^st group meeting, provide feedback, critique and suggestions for improving the paper. 4. All students read all resubmitted papers/responses and provide a new set of reviews. 5. All students participate in 2^nd group meeting, where revised papers, reviews, responses are discussed. Calendar -updated: 1^st drafts are submitted into IS by June 1, 2020 First reviews are submitted by June 10, 2020 1^st group meeting: June 18, 3-5pm, TBA Revised papers + response letters are resubmitted by August 20, 2020 Reviews of resubmitted papers are submitted by September 5, 2020 2^nd group meeting: September 22, 2020, 3-5pm, TBA