CJVA101 requirements and assessment: combined students points In-term argumentative essay 25 exam period position paper (deadline 2 days before your presentation) 20 final abstract 10 final presentation 25 Listening –summary of a lecture 20 TOTAL 100 1. argumentative essay- The task during the semester is to write an argumentative essay of 400 words. This essay should focus on any publication relevant to your field of study (with original being in English). Therefore, the task is to find a piece of academic English study and formulate your opinions in an academic manner in an argumentative essay of 400 words. The materials should be targeted at upper-intermediate (B2 level) students of social sciences. Your essays can be submitted at any point, but by the end of the term (i.e. before the start of the exam period) at the latest – please email it to me. 2. position paper: word limit 500-600 words, based on source material (journal article or a chapter from a book which is different from the one used for argumentative essay) related to your field of studies. Note: the source material must be also uploaded in the appropriate homework vault (odevzdavarna). The paper consists of a summary of the source material and your argumentation with the original. Deadline: two days before your final presentation 3. final presentation: 8-10 minute presentation on the material you write about in your position paper. It will be given in groups of 5-6 students and you need to sign up for it in the IS. The presentation assessment criteria are described in the learning materials in the IS. 4. final abstract: word limit 150-250 words, abstract to your presentation. Bring it printed out to your presentation date. 5. summary of a lecture (listening) : taken in the exam period (there will be a special date for it, sign up for it). You will listen to a video (audio) of a part of a lecture and then write its summary (approximately 150 words). 6. NOTE: parts 2-5 are the same for both regular and combined type of studies