Isaac Reeds (2011) book interpretative and social knowledge focuses on what the term social knowledge is and how professionals in the field can attain such social knowledge. this according to Reeds can be attained by constructing maximal interpretation from minimal factual claims through facts within coherent theoretical bricolage. However, the idea of maximal interpretation is sort of embedded in the interpretative modes which are familiar to questions of realism and normative modes. In the interpretative epistemic mode the investigator attempts to answer these questions with questions about the the meaning through the experience of social actors. all three modes take a deeper comprehension of social life, a reading of the evidence that goes beyond the evidence and yet remains responsible to it. moving on, in this epistemic mode , maximal interpretation is are constructed through the use of a theoretical scheme to order and explain fact. in this case they provide the means to resignification of social action that is also a displacement. the interpretative mode works with a different notion of what theory is and can do. for the aim of this mode is to resignify the evidence by reconstruction it into a set of deeper meaning that are also historically and socially limited. in this interpretative mode, the work of maximal interpretation makes claim about the symbolic order and makes these claims in a way that remains within the orbit of the social action under scrutiny. To, understand the interpretative social research regarding maximal interpretation lets look at some icon texts. lets take for instance Geertz work on the "Balinese cockfight", in cock fights , the big fighters are the ones in which much money is waged by the owners of the cock, indeed too much money. Geertz analysis bring theory and evidence together as he studies. Geertz (1973) uses a piece of theory to illuminate a piece of meaning that underlines the actors of the men who engage in cockfighting in Balinese. Already we can see that this is not realist resignification because the term "deep play" is used to bring out the hidden meaning and thus illuminate to meaningful context of Balinese gambling. Geertz (1973) argues that an anthropologist task is to explain and interpret culture like a language through thick description which specifies many details, conceptual structures and meaning as opposed to thin description which is a factual account without any interpretative meaning. A second example could be the "EUROS CUP" the cup represents various meaning for the various country they represent and as such needs a maximal interpretation to uncover the symbolic meaning. in order words, what interpretative analysis does does is reconstruct landscape of meaning. The analogy for social investigation is rather the painting of a landscape References 1. Geertz, c. (1973). The Interpretation of Cultures: New York: Basic Books 2. Reed, I. A. 2011. Interpretation and Social Knowledge: On the Use of Theory in the Human Sciences. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press,