2 Practical methodology of behavioural activation and other LI CBT skills Tereza Ruzickova Psychopharmacology and Emotion Research Lab University of Oxford 19th May 2021 General factors - treating each client with respect and empathy (re fl ection, summarising, eye contact, facial expressions) - the client is the expert by experience - treatment is decided collaboratively - BA practitioner’s role is to validate, motivate and encourage (kind of like a coach) Initial assessment 1. Introduction 2. Con fi dentiality 3. Information gathering 4. Risk assessment 5. Information giving 1. Introduction - introduce yourself and your role - describe agenda (length + purpose of meeting) - make it clear they can ask questions, express preference 2. Confidentiality - record storage? - anonymised database? - supervision? - research? - conditions for breaking con fi dentiality? 3. Information gathering: The funnelling method 1. Open & general: four Ws 1. Open & general: four Ws 2. Open & speci fi c Can you tell me a bit more about… Can you say a bit more about… 3. Information gathering: The funnelling method 1. Open & general: four Ws 2. Open & speci fi c 3. Closed (frequency, intensity, duration, triggers) - How often do you feel depressed like this? - How long does it usually last? - On the scale from 0-10, how intense is the feeling (of depression/guilt/grief)? - What factors tend to trigger it? 3. Information gathering: The funnelling method 3. Information gathering: specific example Describe the last time you felt depressed like this… - emotional symptoms - behavioural symptoms - cognitive symptoms - physical symptoms 3. Information gathering: contextual information - triggers, onset, progress, impact on daily life - other current mental health treatments - previous mental health treatments - other current physical health treatments - employment status - alcohol, drug, ca ff eine consumption + Routine Outcome Measures Routine outcome measures - completed at baseline and every week of intervention - checking whether our intervention is helping you - can always explain results - research support 4. Risk assessment - suicidal ideation - intent - plans - action - prevention - ideation: Do you ever have thoughts of taking your own life? Have you ever felt this way in the past? - intent: Have you ever thought about how you would take your own life? How often do you have thoughts of killing yourself? How easily can you put these thoughts out of your mind? How strongly do you believe that you would act on these thoughts on the scale 0-10? - plans Have you made any plans to act on these thoughts? Have you acted on these thoughts in the past? - actions Have you taken any steps towards taking your own life? What access do you have to things that you could use? What did you use when you attempted this in the past? - prevention What’s keeping you going at the moment? Who do you turn to when you need someone to talk to? What stopped you from taking your own life in the past?