ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION SIGNAL INFORMATION VOL III RUSSIAN AGGRESSION AGAINST UKRAINE Conspiracies and disinformation has caused considerable impact on nations Societies are vulnerable to fakes, at least they are well educated Common efforts are the wa y to build common resilience Acsc think-tank signals disinformation ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION The Signal Information is a project to highlight the vast scope of disinformation directed against the Polish Armed Forces and the Polish military environment. In this special time we dedicate our work to solidarity with Ukraine. "The Russian invasion of Ukraine ends once and for all an era of illusions about the west's relations with Moscow. What has been clear to Poland for years must now surely be clear to all western countries. Russian aggression against independent Ukraine has shown President Vladimir Putin's true face"1. Mateusz Morawiecki, the Prime Minister of Poland promote awareness & debunk disinformation - communicate ACSC Team A s rui 1 Full article by the PM: ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION RUSSIAN HOSTILE ACTIONS At the beginning of the year there was a cyberattack lunderthe False Flag| laimed at Polish-Ukrainian relations! 13/14 JAN there was a "deface" cyberattack directed at many governmental services in Ukraine. The content of services was replaced by the picture. It was noticed that all Internet services with replaced content were working under the control of October CMS2. yxpaimeub! Bei Baun oco6mctí AaHi 6y/in 3aßaHTaxeHi b 3ara/ibHy Mepexy. Bei AaHi Ha KOMn'Krrepi 3HMUiynTbcsi, bíahobmtm ix HeMox/iMBO. Ben i HffiopMaui n npo Bac cTa/ia ny6/iiHHOK), 6iHTecn i HeKairre ripuioro. u,e BaM 3a Bame MMHy/ie, cboroAeHHn i MaMoyme. 3a Bo/inHb, 3a OYH ynA, 3a ra/iMHMHy, 3a no/iicca i 3a íctopmhhí 3eM/ii. YKpanHeu! Bce Baun /ínHHbie AaHHbie dusím 3arpyxeHbi b o6uty» ceTb. Bce AaHHbie Ha xoMribiorepe yHMHTOxaioTCíi, BOCCTaHOBHTb MX HeB03MOXHO. BCfl HH$OpMaUMfl O Bac čia/ta nyö/iMHHOM, 6oMTecb m acAHTe xyAUJero. 3to BaM 3a Bame npoui/ioe, HacToamee m öyAywee. 3a Bo/iuHb, 3a OYH ynA, 3a ra/inunio, 3a no/iecbe m 3a ncTopnHecKne 3eM/in. Ukrainiec! Wszystkie TWoje dane osobowe zostavy przesíane do wspólnej sieci. Wszystkie dane na komputerze sa. niszczone, nie možná ich odzyskač. Wszystkie informacje o Tobie staíy si§ publiezne, bój si§ i czekaj na najgorsze. To dla Ciebie za twoja. przeszíošč, teražni ejszošč i przyszlošč. Za Woíyň, za oun upa, Gal icj?, Polesie i za terény historyczne. I I L L ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION Translation: "Ukrainian! All your personal data has been sent to the common Net. All data on the computer are being deleted, and these will be impossible to recover. All information about you are public, be afraid and wait for the worst. This is for you, for your past, present and future. For Volyn, for the OUN UIA [Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists Ukrainian Insurgent Army], Galicia, Polesie and for historical lands". Malicious malware was discovered on multiple computer systems, an attack reached more than 70 government websites. A hacking group linked to Belarus used multiple techniques to break into government computer systems, including hacking into Ukrainian IT company to launch a "supply chain" attack against its government customers. The defacement attacks exploited unpatched versions of the open-source content management system "October CMS", which was supported by Ukrainian software company Kitsoft and other IT companies. The Ukrainian Security Service confirmed, "hackers exploited a specific vulnerability" in a content management system used by the government. "The attackers hacked the infrastructure of a commercial company that had access to the rights to administer the web resources affected by the attack.", highlighted services4. RUSSIA ONCE AGAIN The attack comes at a time of geopolitical tension between Russia and the West. Ms. Olha Stefanishyna, Ukrainian deputy Prime Minister, stated to BBC World News she believed there was a Russian influence behind the cyberattacks impacting the country, "The cyberattacks are happening on a daily basis on websites of the Ukraine of a regional and central nature."5, she said. Jen Psaki, Press Secretary to the Whitehouse stated, "The United States and our allies and partners are concerned about the cyberattack, and the President has been briefed. We are also in touch with the Ukrainians and have offered our support as Ukraine investigates the impact and nature and recovers from the incidents. I know the Ukrainians also announced and conveyed that they got their systems up and running pretty quickly and that personal data was not accessed. We will continue to, of course, work with them and assess any additional impacts. We're continuing to consult with allies and partners, including Ukraine, on this. You might have also seen NATO's statement as well, which says that they're also exchanging information with Ukraine. So that's where the status stands right now. I think it's important to note the Ukrainians' statements on this, which convey very, very clearly that they were able to get their systems up and running."6. 1 ' ' Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell, January 14, 2022, p. | 4 ►É ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION MAKE IT HYBRID The Centre for Strategic Communication7, the Ukrainian government body that aims to counter disinformation from Russia and elsewhere, claimed in a blogpost that the attack forms part of a campaign that has been continuing since 2014, "Russia's cyber troops are often working against the United States and Ukraine, trying to use technology to shake up the political situation," it said. "The latest cyberattack against Ukraine is one of the manifestations of the hybrid war against our state (...). Its goal is to destabilize the situation in Ukraine by stopping the work of the public sector and undermining the confidence of the government on the part of Ukrainians.", it underlined8. MAIN LINES OF THE ATTAC A signal was sent to the Ukrainian public about the growing threat, the possibility of intercepting personal data. To Western countries, the attack was intended to show that Russia is starting a next stage in the escalation of the conflict and to make the possibility of armed aggression more likely. It can be seen as an element of pressure on Western states to refrain from introducing harsh sanctions on Russia, as they may respond in the form of cyberattacks. Russia is carrying out continuous actions aimed at reinforcing the conviction in Russian society that Western countries are aggressive, also in the context of the escalation of tension around the Ukrainian borders. IT security experts warn that cyberattacks, online espionage and information operations will increase in range and power9. Information about the cyberattack was published the day after the incident: a Cyberattack hits Ukraine government websites (By Kathanna KrebS and Jake Kwon, CNN © Updated 0047 GMT {0&47 MKT) January 15. 2022 000® j A laptop screen displays a warning message in Ukrainian, Russian and Polish that appeared on tne official webarte of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry 7 8 re-attack 9 Ibid. 10 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION THE GURADIAN: Luke Harding in A'i'/i f 10 m Ukraine hit by 'massive' cyber-attack on government websites Suspected Russian hackers leave message warning: 'Ukrainians... be afraid and expect worse' a Ukraine has been repeatedly targeted by cyber-attackers since 2014. Composite: Screengrabs Ukraine- has been hit hy a "massive" cyber-attack, with the websites of several government departments including the ministry of foreign affairs am the education ministry knocked out. REUTERS: Cyberattack hits Ukraine as U.S. warns Russia could be prepping for war 12 ''FALSE FLAG" FOOTPRINTS The hackers defaced government websites with messages written in three languages. They referred to incidents in Ukrainian history, including the genocide in Volyn that led to the deportation of thousands of Poles to Siberian labor camps. Analysis of the Polish version of the hacker's message revealed that it was not written by a native Polish speaker. The false message appeared as an attempt to point the blame at Poland for this hacking operation and to weaken Polish-Ukrainian relations. 11 12 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION There were three main fundaments that were supposed to indicate Poland as an attacker - all debunked: 1. It was based on tragic history events and a very difficult issue in our mutual relations. 2. Messages appeared on these websites in three language versions: Ukrainian, Russian and Polish, while the content written in Polish contained errors indicating computer translation of the message. 3. Metadata of the picture indicated that the source of the attack was located in Warsaw, near the General Staff of the Polish Army (the Warsaw School of Economics). The geographical data was added manually13. RESULT In this case of the False Flag operation Poland was supposed to be accused of standing behind the attack. The aim of the cyberattack was to cause reputation damage to state institutions and international partner, as well as to undermine trust in them. It was primarily a psychological and informational operation. Despite the disinformative nature of the message, the media did not accuse Poland. ESET research @ESETresearch Breaking. #ESETResearch discovered a new data wiper malware used in Ukraine today. ESET telemetry shows that it was installed on hundreds of machines in the country. This follows the DDoS attacks against several Ukrainian websites earlier today 1/n ^J^25 PM ■ 23 lut 2022 ■ Twitter Web App~^^ F ENEMY DISCOVERS OUR VULNERABILIT WSSMMBEMh IILL|J 13 re-attack 14 embed%7Ctwterm%5E1496581903205511181%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Esl_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsecurit Fwiper-malware-hermeticwipe-ukrain.html, re-hermeticwipe-ukrain.html ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION We are experienced enough| ^Btohave a strong disbelief in Russian actions and Ito predict Kremlin's hostility! There was a reminder posted by many TT users. It is the speech given by Lech Kaczyriski the President of Poland (2005 -2010). President Lech Kaczynski came to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, on August 12, 2008, during the Russian-Georgian war. In this way he opposed the Russian aggression, and his speech turned out to be prophetic for the later fate of the eastern part of Europe. Among others the President stated, "1/1/e perfectly know that today Georgia, tomorrow Ukraine, the day after tomorrow the Baltic states, and then maybe it's time for my country, for Poland."15. <- Tweet MarcinCzapliriskiO @czaplinskiii Posluchajcie raz jeszcze, tych slow Prezydenta Lecha Kaczyriskiego wypowiedzianych w 2008 roku w Gruzji. #StandWithUkraine Translate Tweet From Marcin Czapliriski 0 6:57 AM ■ Feb 24,2022 • Twitter for iPhone For many years Russia stays aggressivel towards many countries using an array of assets to uphold tensions Russian aggression is multidimensional, uses different methods. But one is for sure - it has a long tradition. Here is just small part from the Kremlin's aggressive actions. Disinfo Digest ©DísÍnfo_DÍgest .@StZaryn: Rosyjska agresja ma róžne wymiary, korzysta z róžnorodnych metod. Ale jedno jest jasne -ma bardzo dluga^ historie. Tu jedynie mafy wycinek ostatních przejawów paňstwowej agresji Kremla: a infomuKyjM - e*ki 2MS- alak na Gruzja. dahumanilaqi narodil jkrjinikiego orai atomu)* klamlwa o utkomaj upadlou Kreml poza dlialamami .ladu w Klfowřc OskarZa roHniel propagand? do Mkarřan.a zolniarjy Qřuíinikich o ^^^B^BÉ^B^^aa.^ iazbrodni.wlym M1S-.«y|«k* ^^^^^^^ oparaqa d«tabiltzac|i kam pani i wyborciaj w »14- Roija zaatakoorala Ukraaif. fotpoctate okupaci* Krymu i Donbasu. Dziatama zbrojná byly uzupamlana rixivymi kampani* inlotmacyjm I hybtydowa przaciwko UA 114 - Roíja wimacnia swoje dzialanla Itlľ- fiosja pfowadii operacja Icrzona w NATO Prezentuje Sojuíř dtHabilaowania kampanii przad wrooa i lagrotania dl* interno* rafatandum w Hiupanh. 6:10 PM ■ Feb 25, 2022 ■ Twitter Web App 15 1/290685l,Prezydent-Lech-Kaczynski-w-2008-roku-sprzeciwil-sie-rosyjskiej-agresji-na-Gruzje 16 17 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION 2008 - atak na Gruzj?. Kreml poza dzialaniami Od 2014- Rosja stale prowadzi d z i a I a n i a informacyjne w celu dehumanizacjl národu ukraiňskiego oraz promuje klamstwa o rzekomej upadlosci rzadu w Kijowie. Oskaiza równlež zbrojnými wykorzystywal wladze ukraiiískie o neonazizm. propagande do oskaržania žotnierzy gruzinskich o popetnianie zbrodni, w tym 2016 _ rosyjska ludobojstwo. operacja destabi|izacji kampanii wyborczej w USA. Luty 2022 - rozpoczyna sie kolejná faza inwazjl Rosjl przeclwko Ukrainie. Kreml rozpoczaj duža. operacje militarna. atakujac Ukraine.. Kontynuowana jest agresja informacyjna. 2014 - Rosja zaatakowala Ukraine., rozpocz^la okupacje. Krymu i Donbasu. Dziatania zbrojné byty uzupelniane intensywna kampania informacyjna. i hybrydowa. przeciwko UA. Od 2014 - Rosja wzmacnia swoje dziatania wymierzone w NATO. Prezentuje Sojusz jako wroga i zagroženie dla interesow Kremla. W sposób szczególny atakowana jest obecnošč wojsk sojuszniczych na wschodniej flance NATO. 2017 - Rosja prowadzi operacje. destabilizowania kampanii przed referendum w Hiszpanii. 2008: Attack on Georgia: The Kremlin, together with military activities, used propaganda to accuse Georgian soldiers of crimes, including genocide. 2014: Russia attacked Ukraine and began the occupation of Crimea and Donbas. Military actions were enhanced by intensive informative and hybrid campaigns against Ukraine. Since 2014: Russia constantly provides informative operations in order to dehumanize Ukrainian nation and to promote lies about allegedly collapse of the Kiev Government. It accuses Ukrainian authorities of neo-Nazizm and reinforces its actions against NATO. It presents the Alliance as the enemy and the threat for the Kremlin. Russia attacks the presence of the Allied troops on the Eastern flank of NATO. 2016: Russia destabilized election campaigns in the USA. 2017: Russia run operation of destabilizing the campaign before the referendum in Spain. FEB 2022: Russia started consecutive phase of the invasion of Ukraine. The Kremlin launched a vast military campaign and attacked Ukraine. It also continues informative aggression. https://twitter.eom/Disinfo_Digest/status/1497257780218060817/photo/l ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION We recognize false narratives directed against Poland Dislnfo Radar Monitorouiany Okres: 10.02 - 16.02 2022 Obszar Informacyjny: Postrzeganie gwarancji bezpieczeňstwa NATO/USA FAtSZYWE Linie narracji f| 4 Možemy polegač na sojusznikach tylko U | w czasie pokojů ale w razie zaostrzenia sytuacji wyleca tak szybko jak przylecieli. To czy jestešmy czy nie jestešmy w NATO može sie okazač bez znaczenia. Glównym celém obecnoáci wojsk amerykaiiskich i brytyjskich w naszym regionie jest ewakuacja wiasnych obywateli. Amerykanie i Anglicy wycofuja wojska z Ukrainy bo przestraszyli sie rosyjskiej inwazji. To lekcja dla Polski Obecnošč wojsk USA na terytorium Polski nie wplywa na polepszenie naszego bezpieczeňstwa a wrecz odwrotnie. nO Amerykanie moga sie zapakowač U O do samolotów i ewakuowač jak z Afganistanu. @RCB_RP [Q'] (Srcbgovpl (j (o>rzadowecentrumbezpieczenstwa 01. We can rely on Allies only in the peace time but in case of emergency they will leave as soon as they came. 02. The fact we are in or out of NATO, may be meaningless. 03. The head goal for American and British troops stationing in our region is to evacuate own citizens. 04. Americans end English retreat troops from Ukraine as they fear of Russian invasion. This is a lesson for Poland. 05. The presence of US troops in Poland does not affect our security, it is rather the opposite. 06. Americans may pack to planes and evacuate like from Afghanistan. 19 https://twitter.eom/RCB_RP/status/1496510783844458505/photo/l, p. I 10 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION We debunk Russian disinformation on our daily basis Tweet Russia stays very active in the infosphere sharing #fakenews. We should be #fejkoodporni (fakeresillient), we should not allow to be manipulated, we should not share #fakenews. If you find it, shall you signal it. ■ @WeryfikacjaNASK service was established. It alerts about disinformation in the Net. ■ There is the Operational Group in the Government Information Center. ■ We monitor the content put in the Polish social media and we react to signs of disinformation. m AKademicKie Centrum Komunikacji Strategicznej W czasie ataku na Ukraine Rosja jest bardzo aktywna w przestrzeni informacyjnej rozpowszechniaja.c #fakenews. Badžmy #fejkoodporni, nie dajmy sie zmanipulowač. nie powielajmy #fakenews Jesli znajdziecie #fakenews zgloscie do, ©WeryfikacjaNASK #StopDezinformacja 0 Kancelária Premiéra O ^PremierRP - Fee- 26 I Pcvrsta' eervŕis o aez'mrormac.i w sieci Sv/en/TikacjaNASK a oo wczoraj ozia*a grupa operacyjna a Skprw_cir we wspórprecy z reaortami. Od pitfwtzycn gpazin konfliktu aziaia monitoring treeci umiaizczanycn w oo sKicn meoiacn apottcznoiciowycn. •wuczweryTiKacje WALKA Z PRZEJAWAMI DEZINFORM ACJl W SIECI \ PwHOi line NASK oaartufQcy o p»»jowocn donnf omoqi w moo ) Od wcWCidatOÉB qny optmoy)no m Cfwwtwi Infor rnocyyrtyrn teqdu m* *ip6tf*ocy i roMrton Odbyly **o )ul Am odprowy m lef wptawjf I two94> no prffowy diln*or motf «StopFok»Now* #W*9czWoryfikoc>t 1:04 PM - FeD 26. 2022 - Twitter WeD App'/status/1497543086473416707?s=ll ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION WE FIGTH RUSSIA AS THE INTERNATIONAL COALITION Together with our Allies we discuss solutions| ^Btodeliver support to Ukraine, block the aggression Iprotect the world from Russia in the futurel <- Tweet PLinNATO© S=- @PLinNATO President @AndrzejDuda at #Bucharest9 Summit in Warsaw: the West must do everything in its power to make Russia m suffer a costly defeat in Ukraine ™ #StandWithUkraine X Kancelária Prezydenta and 4 others 5:10 PM • Feb 25. 2022 ■ Twitter for iPhone 21 https://twitter.eom/GitanasNauseda/status/1497286952898465792/photo/l 22 p. I 12 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION , ^. Kancelária Prezydenta O Láh ;5)prezydentpl W tym wažnym momencie musimy pokazač jednoáč naszej wspólnoty w Europie Šrodkowej, która dzisiaj jest tak bardzo skupiona na tym, co dzieje sie w naszym sasiedztwie; na tym, co dzieje sie na bratniej nam wszystkim Ukrainie - Prezydent @AndrzejDuda. Translate Tweet Tweet Kancelária Prezydenta o @prezydentpl Prezydent @AndrzejDuda powital w Palácu Prezydenckim Przewodniczaca_ KE oraz Prezydentów Litwy, totwy, Slowacji, Bulgarii. Wegier i Estonii. 4:43 PM-Feb 25, 2022- 2:08 PM ■ Feb 25, 2022 • Twitter for iPhone President's Chancellery: In this important Andrzej Duda, the President of Poland moment we have to communicate the welcomed in the Presidential Palace unity of Middle-European community, the president of the European Commission and which today is so much focused on presidents of Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Ukrainian matters. Bulgaria, Hungary and Estonia. <- Tweet PLinNATO© ©PLinNATO President @andrzejduda participates in an extraordinary virtual summit of #NATO Heads of State and Government. After Russia's mi brutal attack on Ukraine ™, Poland _ calls for strengthening deterrence and defence posture on #NATO's Eastern flank. X Kancelária Prezydenta and 5 others 4:57 PM ■ Feb 25, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 25 <- Tweet Ministry of Foreign Affairs H © @PolandMFA Every day around the ^ , in 168 foreign missions, _ diplomats safeguard the interests of our country, issue passports and visas, remain on post in times of consular and humanitarian crises. Our diplomacy in Ukraine ^ continues to help on the spot, not just to _ citizens. £ Bartosz Cichocki and 7 others 10:01 AM - Feb 26, 2022 - Twitter Web App 26 23 24 25 26 p. I 13 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION «- Tweet Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej h 0 Vj§3 @MON_GOV_PL Rozpoczela sie kolejna narada prezydenta RP @AndrzejDuda z udzialem przedstawicieli rzadu, wojska oraz sluzb. W spotkaniu poswieconym sytuacji na Ukrainie uczestniczy minister @mblaszczak. It was another meeting of the President of Poland @AndrzejDuda with representatives of the Government, army and services. In the meeting dedicated to the situation on Ukraine attends also the Minister of National Defence @mblaszczak. 6:54 PM ■ 2 mar 2022 • Twitter Web App 28 "Together with Mr. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, we participated in an online meeting with the President Joe Biden and the Presidents of NATO countries. We highlighted that the North Atlantic Alliance - the whole community - must maintain united and we absolutely must stand together with Ukraine", stated the President of Poland. He also underlined that Poland and Ukraine are brotherly nations, the closest neighbours and friends. It can be seen in the way Poles help and support Ukrainians29. 27 5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet 28 29 p. | 14 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION ... however when some of our Allies loses their way, Iwe have to quicklyl Tweet Tweet Poiana in tne Eu O @PLPermRepEU Prime Minister ©MorawieckiM in #Berlin Today there is no time for the selfishness that we see also here in #Germany. This is why I came to ©OlafScholz to shake Germany's conscience so that they decide on firm and crushing sanctions that would influence Putin's decisions. A Chancellery oT trie Prime Minister of Poiana ana 9 otners 1:38 PM Ceo 26. 2022 Twiner for ipnone cnanceilery of tne Prime Minister or Poland O ' @PremierRP_en HiHVi PM ©MorawieckiM in #Berlin: We must cut off Russian financial institutions and Russian companies from financing on capital markets. Cross them out of the MSCI index, cut Russia off from SWIFT. All sanctions should be on the table now. ^9- ^ k X Ministry of Foreign Affaire M ana - otners 2:22 PM Ceo 26. 2022 ■ Twiner tor Android €- Tweet Chancellery of tne Prime Minister of Poland Q @PremierRP_en ™ts»™ PM ©MorawieckiM in #Berlin calls on Germany to introduce tougher sanctions against Russia. n i! I! 1! A * !.' t '. • 11 1. 1 >- 0=67/1 3:39 PM - CeD 26. 2022 - Twitter WeO App 30 31 p. | 15 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION WE SUPPORT UKRAINE In this hard time, we provide brotherly help to Ukrainians The relation of Matt Gutman - the Chief National Correspondent ABC News from the train station in Przemysl, where Ukrainian refugees received help and assistance form Poles. f- Tweet ABC News O @ABC Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine are being welcomed by Poland. @mattgutmanABC is in Przemysl with the current situation. LIVE UPDATES:© 9:57 PM • Feb 24, 2022 • SocialFlow 33 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION Partial script: "This is the train station in Przemysl. It's basically the first town in Poland after you cross from Ukraine. What you're seeing behind me are people who have come tonight on a train that was delayed for five hours and 45 minutes, but it finally made it from the city of Lviv in Ukraine. All these people behind just pulled in, they went through customs, now they're trying to buy tickets for other towns in Poland or the rest of Europe. You can see there's help from Police over there, there are information booths and I'll take you over there real guick. The Poles have been incredibly hospitable, offering coffee, some cookies, to the people who have just arrived. There are paramedics here as well in case anybody has any sort of medical issue. The biggest guest ion for lot of these people once they arrive, where do they go ? What do they do ? There's the other guestion - What are they ? You know, these people have left their home because of a conflict, because Russia invaded Ukraine..." Tweet MSWiA _ O -—■ @MSWiA_GOV_PL Tweet * Punkt recepcyjny w #Medyka zostat zorganizowany w hali sportowej. Uchodžcom z Ukrainy zapewniono tam wyžywienie, podstawowa opieke medyczna. oraz miejsce do odpoczynku. Translate Tweet X Pawel Szefernaker 11:58 AM ■ Feb 26, 2022 ■ Twitter Web App e @visegraa24 An officer of the Polish border guard helps to carry a young Ukrainian girl, exhausted by the long journey, across the border to the safety of Polish territory. The Polish government is ready to take in between 1-4 mln Ukrainian refugees fleeing Putin's war of aggression. B:*7 AM ■ FeD 26. 2022 ■ Twitttf for iPnor* The reception point for Ukrainian refugees was installed in a sport hall. There is food and basic medical support. 34 35 p. | 17 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION Tweet MSWiA — © SMSWiAGOVPL «™ Przejscie graniczne w #Medyka. Polska przyjmuje uchodzcow z Ukrainy. X Straz Graniczna ana 2 omerB 10:03 AM Fet) 26. 2022 - Twiner Wet) App 140 matek z dziecmi z Ukrainy przyjechato na Dworzec Wscl w Warszawie. Przy wiozt je z granicy specjalny pociag sanitai 140 mothers with children came from Ukraine to ' 3g the East Railway Station in Warsaw. They came by the special medical train. Tweet Poland MOD _0 @Poland_MOD The convoy with the ammunition that we provided to Ukraine has already reached our neighbors. We support Ukrainians, we stand in solidarity with Ukraine and we firmly oppose Russian aggression. ^ Mariusz Blaszczak© @mblaszczak • 23h Konwoj z amunicja., ktora. przekazujemy Ukrainie dotarl juz do naszych sasiadow. Wspieramy Ukrairicow, jestesmy solidarni i stanowczo sprzeciwiamy sie rosyjskiej agresji. 7:13 PM ■ Feb 25, 2022 • Twitter Web App 36 37,54420,28162153,specjalny-pociag-z-ukrainy-jest-juz-na-dworcu- p. | 18 wschodnim.html ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION IILL|J 38 39 Polskie Radio Koszalin,Kazdego-dnia-z-pomoca-uchodzcom.html 40 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION DISCLOSING PUTIN'S MADNESS RECALLS OLD DEMONS 41 https://twitter.eom/Disinfo_Digest/status/1497170086314053637/photo/l 42 https://twitter.eom/skarlos77/status/1497170828743491585/photo/l p. | 20 https://twitter.eom/hwag_ucmc/status/1497314935235354625/photo/l P- I 21 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION STRONGER TOGETHER Brussels, 24 FEB 2022: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg addresses a press conference after the meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) following Russia's aggression against Ukraine. NATO to beef up Eastern flank defence, hold summit after Russian attack on Ukraine By Alexandra Brzozowski I ! 24 lut 2022 (updated: _ 25 lut 2022) Tweet NATO Air Command @nato a rio'.' Six @usairforce = F-35s forward deployed to the Baltic and Black Sea regions yesterday to support the enduring ©NATO enhanced Air Policing mission. They will operate alongside Allies ZhI II la!5ZZI I =^ already #SecuringtheSkies #WeAreNATO Read more: • m smape_nATO An«o command operations and 9 otrwt 2:03 PM ■ «0 26. 2022 - Twitter WeD App Tweet NATO Air command i'.A-O AIRCOM Over 100 Allied fighters & enabling aircraft are already patrolling our skies and securing NATO's Eastern borders 24/7. Together with the rapidly deployable @NATO Response Force the Alliance has activated, we are ready to further protect Allies © #WeAreNATO X shape_nato AJiiefl commana operations ano 9 otners 11:16 AM ■ FeD 26. 2022 Twitter WeD App 45 46 47 p. | 22 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION <- Tweet •NATO Allied Land Command ©LANOCMD POLAND'S STRENGTH IS NATO'S STRENGTH _ For the past week, our commander @USArmy LGEN Roger Cloutier ■_ traveled to Poland and met with key military leaders to discuss vigilance activities and Poland's important role in deterring aggression #WeAreNATO @MON_GOV_PL iO:-3 AM Pee 26. 2022 - Twitter Weo App 48 WE SUPPORT INDEPENDENT UKRAINE "Wtasnie rozmawialem z prawdziwym przyjacielem Ukrainy -prezydentem Polski Andrzejem Duda." - napisat w mediach spotecznosciowych prezydent Ukrainy Wotodymyr Zetenski. Prezydent Zeienski o prezydencie Polski: to prawdziwy przyjaciel Ukrainy Foto: PAP "/ have just talked to real friend of Ukraine - the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda", wrote Wofodymyr Zeienski, the Ukrainian President. n dv 48 49 ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION "The war that Putin has unleashed on Ukraine is also a battle for the soul of the west. This is the moment for us in the west to show that we will not submit to tyranny. It is time for us to show that values such as freedom and the right of the self-determination of peoples are not merely things we talk about, but also things we are willing to fight for"50. Mateusz Morawiecki, the Prime Minister of Poland ACADEMIC CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION AT WAR STUDIES UNIVERSITY al. gen. Antoniego Chrusciela "Montéra" 103 00-910 Warsaw □ @ACKS_aszwoj - p. I 24