EU foreign policy toward Russia and Eastern partnership countries

EU and human rights and democracy promotion. The case of Belarus + Policy paper 4 (5 April 2022)

This lecture and seminar discuss the EU's external policies in the eastern neighbourhood, with a special focus on the promotion of human rights and democracy. Specifically, the  seminar is devoted to the case of Belarus in relation to the EU and its efforts and limits in the area of democracy promotion. The context of events after presidential elections in 2020 will be taken into the account, as well as current close cooperation between Putin and Lukashenko in the context of Ukrainian war.

Questions for discussion:

Please, evaluate the EU´s long-term policy in relation to Belarus (sanctions, their suspension after 2016 and new imposition after the events in 2020; attempts for rapprochement and subsequent EU critique of Lukashenko´s régime etc.)

Try to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the EU policy towards Belarus.

Evaluate the current position of the EU towards Belarus (also in the context of recent events – migration crisis on EU-Belarus border; current cooperation of Lukashenko with Russia; current security situation in Eastern Europe). Do you see any future perspective for EU-Belarus relations?


Bosse, G. (2021): Authoritarian consolidation in Belarus: What role for the EU? European View. Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp: 201-210.

Korosteleva, E. and Petrova, I. (2021): Community Resilience in Belarus and the EU response. JCMS 2021 pp. 1–13. DOI: 10.1111/jcms.13248

Shraibman, A. (2022): Where Does Belarus Stand in the Russia-West Standoff? Carnegie Moscow Center. 14.02.2022. On-line:

Titarenko, L. (2018): Belarus and the European Union. From confrontation to the dialogue. CSE WORKING PAPERS 18/01. Centro Studi Europei. On-line: (  

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Börzel, T, A. - Lebanidze, B. (2017): “The transformative power of Europe” beyond enlargement: the EU’s performance in promoting democracy in its neighbourhood." East European Politics, 2017, VOL. 33, NO. 1, 17–35.  

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EEAS (2016): Belarus and the EU. On-line: (

Kłysiński, K. (2021): Belarus: further Western sanctions. Centre for Eastern Studies, OSW. 2021-12-03. On-line:

Korosteleva, E., A. (2016): “The European Union and Belarus: democracy promotion by technocratic means?” Democratization, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 678–698

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Leonard, M., Slunkin, P. and Zerka, P. (2021): How migration became a weapon: the Belarus-Polish border crisis. Podcast. 12 November 2021, On-line:

Podcast: The Story of Belarus. New Eastern Europe. November 25, 2020. On-line:

Nygren, B. (2010): The Rebuilding of Greater Russia. Putin´s foreign policy towards the CIS countries. London: Routledge, pp. 66 – 81. 

Vieira, A. & Vasilyan, S. (2018) Armenia and Belarus: caught between the EU's and Russia's conditionalities?, European Politics and Society, 19:4, pp. 471-489 

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Stephen White, Tania Biletskaya & Ian McAllister (2016) Belarusians between East and West, Post-Soviet Affairs, 32:1, 1-27, DOI: 10.1080/1060586X.2014.986872

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Position paper 4:

What have been, in your view, the pros and cons of the EU policy towards Belarus? What have been the main problems? Do you see any achievements? (Prepare around 3 supportive and/or 3 critical arguments.) Suggest possible future directions in the EU – Belarus relations and explain your recommendations (taking into the account current situation in eastern Europe). You may also take into consideration the specific historic and geopolitical position of Belarus between the West (the EU) and Russia and the specific (and often also problematic) nature of Russia-Belarus relations.

As literature you may use the required and recommended reading and/or any other relevant sources (journal articles, books, news articles, government reports, think tank papers, legal analysis, high-impact blog posts, etc.; databases such as Cambridge, Oxford, SAGE, Wiley Online available in the electronic resources of the FSS MU library are highly recommended).

DEADLINE: Position paper must be uploaded to the particular folders no later than 3 p.m. of the day before the seminar for which the position paper is written, i.e. April 4, 2022, 3 p.m.