Faculty of social Studies Title of Thesis > Select type of document Notebook Supervisor: [Type the supervisor’s full name, incl. their academic titles] [Select department] [Select programme] > Brno [Type the academic year of the thesis submission] Bibliographic Record Author: Notebook Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University [Select department] Title of Thesis: Title of Thesis Degree Programme: [Select programme] Supervisor: [Type the supervisor’s full name, incl. their academic titles] Academic Year: [Type the academic year of the thesis submission] Number of Pages: 5 Keywords: [Type 5-10 keywords. The words must correspond with the list of keywords entered into the Thesis/Dissertation Archive in the MU Information System.] Abstract [Write an abstract (500-600 characters incl. spaces). The same abstract must be entered into the Thesis/Dissertation Archive in the MU Information System.] Statutory Declaration I hereby declare that I have written the submitted [select type of document] concerning the topic of Title of Thesis independently. All the sources used for the purpose of finishing this [select] have been adequately referenced and are listed in the Bibliography. In Brno [Type the date, DD MONTH YYYY (e.g. 1 January 2019)] ....................................... Notebook Acknowledgements [You can write an acknowledgement here (not obligatory).] Table of Contents List of Images 7 List of Tables 8 List of Terms and Acronyms 9 1 Introduction 11 2 [Title of the Chapter] 12 3 Conclusion 13 Bibliography 15 Appendix A [Title of the Appendix] 17 Index 19 List of Images List of Tables List of Terms and Acronyms [Word] – [Definition] 1 Introduction Click here to begin writing the introduction. There are two styles of basic text in the template: „Odstavec 1“ and „Další odstavce“. „Odstavec 1“ is to be used for the first paragraph after a headline, a picture or a quote. „Další odstavce“ is meant to be used for all paragraphs except for the first one. 2 [Title of the Chapter] 3 Conclusion Bibliography This document does not yet contain any sources. Appendix A [Title of the Appendix] Index No entries found.