HISTORY OF SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY (COURSE CODE: SANB 2032) FSS, Masaryk Univ. Brno When: Winter/Spring 2022, Thurs from 16:00 to 17:40 (CET). Where: U43 Course convenor: Dr Patirck LAVIOLETTE 246133@mail.muni.cz / patrick.laviolette@fss.muni.cz Office Hours: Tuesdays 14:00 16:00 (or Zoom appointment) Office: Room 3.48, Joštova 218/10. 602 00 Brno Phone: +420 549 49 49 04 Or by Zoom appointment: Bronislaw Malinowski [1884-1942] Trobriand Islands Some Readings History and Anthropology journal, Taylor & Francis Haddon, A.C.1934. History of Anthropology. London: Watts & Co. (free download) http://archive.org/details/historyofanthrop020141mbp History of anthro series UW Press Stocking, G.W.Jr. 2010. Glimpses into My Own Black Box: An Exercise in Self-Deconstruction. Madison: Univ of Winconsin Press. (Vol 12) Handler, R. (ed) 2006. Central Sites, Peripheral Visions Cultural and Institutional Crossings in the History of Anthropology. Madison: Univ of Winconsin Press. (Vol 11) Handler, R. 2003. Significant Others Interpersonal and Professional Commitments in Anthropology. Madison: Univ of Winconsin Press. (Vol.10) Handler, R. (ed) 1999. Excluded Ancestors, Inventible Traditions: Essays Toward a More Inclusive History of Anthropology. Madison: Univ of Winconsin Press. (Vol 9) Stocking, G.W. Jr. 1996. Volksgeist as Method and Ethic: Essays on Boasian Ethnography and the German Anthropological Tradition. Madison: Univ of Winconsin Press. (Vol. 8) British social anthropology, genealogy Edward B. Tylor [1832-1917] (Oxon) Augustus Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers [1827-1900] (Oxon) James George Frazer Alfred Cort Haddon WHR Rivers Charles Seligman Edvard Westermarck [1854-1941](Cantab) [1855-1940](Cantab) [1864-1922](Cantab) [1873-1940] (LSE) [1862-1939] (LSE) Robert R. Marett Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown Bronislaw Malinowski] [1866-943] (Oxon) [1881-1955] (Cantab, misc. Oxon) [1884-1942] (LSE) C. Daryll Forde E.E. Evans-Pritchard Meyer Fortes Raymond Firth Camilla Wedgwood Audrey Richards [1902-73] (UCL) [1902-73] (Oxon) [1906-83](Cantab) [1901-2002](LSE) [1901-55](Cantab,LSE) [1899-1984](LSE) Lieutenant General Augustus Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers [1827-1900] Edward B. Tylor [1832-1917] James George Frazer [1854-1951] •1898 Torres Straits Expedition. Standing (from left to right): W.H.R. Rivers, Charles Gabriel Seligman, Sidney Herbert Ray, Anthony Wilkin. Seated: Alfred Cort Haddon •Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown •(1881 - 1955) •Malinowski (1884 - 1942) Fourth of Firth: B aphical Festschrift of Sir Raymond Raymond Firth, (1901 - 2002)