SPRn4485- Social Entrepreneurship and Poverty Alleviation Final Examination, Social Entrepreneurship Essay Writing Instructions a) Answer both questions b) Page limit- a maximum of 8 pages per answer (both 16) c) Font 12, Times New Roman, 1.5-line space, A4 d) Submission – on or before 15 June 2023 e) Mode of submission- both IS and email attachment are compulsory f) Folder name- name it is using your UCO number (example, uco511822) g) Group activity, Q1- one attachment is sufficient for the entire group Note: additional reading is essential for this task and yhey must be cited in order to avoid plagiarism. Q1. Focussing on the field study you carried out in the city of Brno, provide a writeup on social entrepreneurship model that you proposed to overcome poverty in the study group Structure of the essay (tentative) - Introduction (introductory note, objectives, methodology, sample, limitations etc) - Socio and demographic profiles of study population - Description on their poverty including characteristics, causes of poverty, theoretical analysis if applicable) - Proposed social entrepreneurship model. - Conclusion Q2. With practical examples, critically evaluate the importance of social entrepreneurship model as an innovative approach to poverty reduction. Structure of the essay (tentative) - Definition of the concept of social entrepreneurship - Problems of conventional approach to poverty alleviation - Social entrepreneurship as a value creation - Micro credits as a tool against poverty - Conclusion