‭Apparatuses of the Anthropocene‬ ‭What is the ontology of automobility? Since individuals in positions of ontological‬ ‭authority define violence, we might draw the conclusion that violence is an essential‬ ‭component of a car. Automobiles, per the author's definition, are an autocratic order. The‬ ‭responsibility for overseeing automobiles falls on engineers, automakers, research institutes‬ ‭for traffic accidents, public relations firms, etc. Writers argue that violence is not an‬ ‭externality of automobility and connect it to the colonial system. In this context, it is also‬ ‭discussed what it means to live in an Anthropocene ontology, where automobility is the‬ ‭ontology of everything and everywhere.‬ ‭The authors introduce the concept of “ontology work” which refers to ongoing efforts‬ ‭by both human and non-human agents to create and preserve the ontology of automobility..‬ ‭There are similarities between this idea and “privacy engineering” and “ontopower,”‬ ‭emphasizing how some behaviors and systems shape our reality.‬ ‭The authors' proposal that automobility is neither a new nor a social science ontology‬ ‭of mobility is interesting as, in recent years, we have begun to direct the Anthropocene in a‬ ‭different direction, which may appear to be a drastic shift in our knowledge, perspective,‬ ‭ideas, obligations….‬