GLCb2020 Environmental threats and security Agenda • How is environment linked to conflict? – Environment→ war – War → environment Environment→ conflict Argument: Poor environmental conditions cause conflict. Population growth becomes a problem Securitization of overpopulation • Hardin and the lifeboat ethics –How does scarcity shape our moral thinking? • Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb Resource wars • Oil crisis in the 70s, fears of overpopulation • Focus on states, interstate violence • Thomas Homer-Dixon – Resource capture and ecological marginalization Resource scarcity→ conflict Resource scarcity→ conflict • Homer-Dixon – Mauritania-Senegal border war (the 80s) • Robert Kaplan, “The Coming Anarchy” Environment→ war? • Indirect empirical evidence • Many other factors • Resource scarcity→ cooperation? • Disasters affect conflict in different ways