Institutions of the EU
prof. PhDr. Petr Kaniok, Ph.D.
Institutions of the EU
Spring 2024


Petr Kaniok, Ph.D.


Department of International Relations and European Studies

Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno

Phone: 549 493 571


Office hours: Office hours (Spring 2024) Monday 10.00 - 11.00 (room 446), Tuesday 10.00 - 11.00 (room 446). 

 Course Objectives and Description

This course aims to provide students with detailed knowledge and understanding of the decision-making system within the European Union (EU). The most essential part of this course is devoted to the lecturers that introduce the most important EU institutions as the European Council, the Council of the EU, the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice. Apart from this, several lectures focus on cross-cutting topics related to the EU institutions, for example, the interplay between domestic and EU levels of decision-making process, or the functioning of the most used and most important EU decision-making procedures. Students are also encouraged to follow and monitor the real life of the most important EU institutions and analyze them in terms of EU democracy.

During this term, the course will be taught in a flipped format. For each week (weeks 2 – 10), students will have pre-recorded video .ppt presentations covering a particular topic available in the interactive outline ( It is recommended to watch the video before class for a particular topic.  The contact meetings will be used for students´ questions on a particular topic and to discuss EU institutions' weekly news (see below). Each meeting will start at 12.00 and will last approximately 60 minutes.

In the case of seminars (classes 11 and 12), the contact meetings will last a standard 100 minutes (as there will not be any pre-recorded lecture) starting at 12.00 and ending at 13.40. There will be no pre-recorded lectures for these two weeks. 

 Assignments and Grading

The grading is based on the following assignments:

Institutional monitor: Students will choose one of three major EU institutions (the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of the EU and the European Council) in order to monitor its real activities during the term. For each week (from week 2 until week 10 included), each student will be required to submit 400 words lasting report on:

a)       what particular institution did in the previous week,

b)      what can be considered as the most important event related to this institution during this week

Each submission will be graded on an F/P basis with 2 points. Each submission must be uploaded by Saturday 12.00 before the forthcoming class – delayed submissions will be graded as failed with 0 points. Students discussing their weekly reports will get 1 bonus point for each presentation during classes.  The overall value is up to 18 points + 9 bonus points for activity during class discussions.

Students are encouraged to use the official websites of the institutions as well as sources such as,, or news agencies such as

Seminar papers: Students must submit two seminar papers in classes 11 and 12. Each paper should be around 1000 words long (references excluded, footnotes included) and should cope with the assigned task. Each paper must be uploaded by Saturday 12.00 before the seminar – delayed submissions won´t be accepted. Each paper will be graded from 0-5 points, with an overall value of up to 10 points.

Final exam: The exam will consist of six questions per 5 points. The questions will focus on topics in the assigned readings/class sessions. Overall value up to 30 points

Students can achieve 58 points (+ 9 bonus points). The grading scale is as follows: F 0-30, E 31-36, D 37-41, C 42-46, B 47-52, A 53-58.

Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 19/2/2024 to 25/2/2024.
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 26/2/2024 to 3/3/2024.
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 4/3/2024 to 10/3/2024.
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 11/3/2024 to 18/3/2024.
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 25/3/2024 to 31/3/2024.
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 1/4/2024 to 7/4/2024.
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 8/4/2024 to 14/4/2024.
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 15/4/2024 to 21/4/2024.

Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 22/4/2024 to 28/4/2024.
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 29/4/2024 to 5/5/2024.

Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 5/5/2024 to 12/5/2024.
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 12/5/2024 to 19/5/2024.

Week 1: Introductory session (20. 2.)

Introduction of the course, course requirements, assignments and grading

Introduction to EU institutions, overview of historical development, overview of neo-institutional theories.

Assigned reading (26 pages):

Pollack, M. (2008): The New Institutionalisms and European Integration. Constitutionalism Web-Papers, ConWEB No. 1/2008.

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Week 2: Introduction in the EU institutions (27. 2.) - no contact meeting this week!

Introduction of the course, course requirements, assignments and grading

Introduction to EU institutions, an overview of historical development, an overview of neo-institutional theories.

Assigned reading (26 pages):

Pollack, M. (2008): The New Institutionalisms and European Integration. Constitutionalism Web-Papers, ConWEB No. 1/2008.

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Questions for contact meeting
Here you can upload your questions relevant to the week´s topic.

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Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Week 3: The European Council (5. 3.)

Roles, functions and composition of the European Council.

Assigned reading (37 pages):

Kajnč, S. (2011): The Council of the EU and the European Council. In: How the EU Institutions Work and..How to Work with the EU Institutions (ed. Hardacre, A.). London: John Harper Publishing, 47-84.

Questions for contact meeting
Here you can upload your questions relevant to the week´s topic.
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Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Week 4: The Council of the EU (12. 3.)

Roles, functions and composition of the EU Council. The Presidency of the EU Council.

Assigned readings (37 pages):

Kajnč, S. (2011): The Council of the EU and the European Council. In: How the EU Institutions Work and..How to Work with the EU Institutions (ed. Hardacre, A.). London: John Harper Publishing, 47-84.

Questions for contact meeting
Here you can upload your questions relevant to the week´s topic.
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Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Week 5: The European Commission (19. 3.)

Roles, functions and composition of the European Commission.

Assigned readings (35 pages):

Hardacre, A. (2011): The European Commission. In: How the EU Institutions Work and…How to Work with the EU Institutions (ed. Hardacre, A.). London: John Harper Publishing, 11-46.

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Questions for contact meeting
Here you can upload your questions relevant to the week´s topic.
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Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Week 6: The European Parliament (26. 3.)

Roles, functions and composition of the European Parliament. The European elections.

Assigned readings (40 pages):

Hardacre, A. (2011): The European Parliament. In: How the EU Institutions Work and…How to Work with the EU Institutions (ed. Hardacre, A.). London: John Harper Publishing, 85-124.

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Questions for contact meeting
Here you can upload your questions relevant to the week´s topic.

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Week 7: Advisory bodies (2. 4.)

Roles, functions and composition of the advisory bodies (Committee of the Regions, European Economic and Social Committee) and EU agencies.

Assigned readings (20 pages):

Hardacre, A. – Andrien, N. (2011): Other EU Institutions and Bodies. In: How the EU Institutions Work and…How to Work with the EU Institutions (ed. Hardacre, A.). London: John Harper Publishing, 125-144.

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Questions for contact meeting
Here you can upload your questions relevant to the week´s topic.
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Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Week 8: Supervisory power (9. 4.)

Roles, functions and composition of the advisory bodies (European Court of Justice, European Court of Auditors).

Assigned readings (13 pages):

Costa, O. – Brack, N. (2014): How the EU Really Works. Farnham: Ashgate, 131-144.

Questions for contact meeting
Here you can upload your questions relevant to the week´s topic.

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Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

The Faculty Day (16. 4. - no class)

Week 9: Domestic level of EU institutions (23. 4.)

Coordination of EU policy at national level. Roles and functions of national parliaments.

Assigned readings (38 pages):

Costa, O. – Brack, N. (2014): How the EU Really Works. Farnham: Ashgate, 156-166.

Kassim, H. (2003): Meeting the Demands of EU Membership: The Europeanization of National Administrative Systems. In: The Politics of Europeanization (ed. Featherstone, K. – Radaelli, C. M.), 83-111.

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Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Questions for contact meeting
Here you can upload your questions relevant to the week´s topic.
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Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Week 10: EU legislative and budgetary procedures (30. 4.)

Procedures for adoption of EU secondary law, budgetary procedure. Types of EU legislative acts.

Assigned readings (32 pages):

Hardacre, A. – Andrien, N. (2011): The Ordinary Legislative Procedure: New Codecision. In: How the EU Institutions Work and…How to Work with the EU Institutions (ed. Hardacre, A.). London: John Harper Publishing, 147-179.

Questions for contact meeting
Here you can upload your questions relevant to the week´s topic.
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Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Week 11: Seminar I: Problems of EU institutions (7. 5.)

The seminar focuses on the main problems of the EU political system. Students are expected to identify key problems of the current set-up of EU institutions and explain their choice by relevant arguments.

The student´s task is to - depart from the institution he/she has monitored during weeks 3-10 - identify one or two problems that he/she believes are worth worrying about. Name the problem(s) and explain its substance using around 1000 words. The assigned reading is just a source of inspiration. 

Assigned readings

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Costa, O. et all. (2023): Sailing on High Seas: Reforming and Enlarging the EU for the 21st Century. 

Week 12: Seminar II: EU institutional reform (14. 5.)

The seminar focuses on solutions to the EU political system´s problems. There is no assigned reading for this seminar.

The second seminar is a follow-up to the first one, dealing with the problems of EU institutions. The student´s task is to depart from the problem(s) he/she identified in the first paper and offer a realistic solution. Briefly name the problem(s) again, put the solution(s) on the table and explain it(them) using around 1000 words again.

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