Control questions (PUP 4402) 1 Explain the concept of “activation” in labour market policies and what is the historical context of activation 2 Explain what are the key features (aspects) of governance reforms in labour market and activation policies and how these reforms aim to improve the effects of the policies [DEL: 3 Characterise the Czech unemployment benefit scheme with respect to eligibility conditions/coverage and generosity, and compare to the other types of benefit schemes in Europe (unemployment regimes) :DEL] [DEL: 4 Characterise the effort and profile of Czech active labour market policy, in terms of the scope of policies (expenditure, participants) and the profile of policies (the weight of the different types of measures), compare Czech Republic to the other “employment regimes” in Europe :DEL] 4 Characterise the differences in the scope of policies (expenditure, participants) and the profile of policies (the weight of the different types of measures), within different “employment regimes” in Europe (inclusive, employment-centred, liberal, sub-protective, and transitional regime). 5 Explain the possible problems emerging during implementation of ALMP measures that are related to targeting failures (why is it difficult to distribute/target ALMP measures to the most disadvantaged like low-skilled, long-term unemployed, disabled and similar), see Nicaise et al. 6 Explain what are the various groups of factors/circumstances that affect the outcomes/effects of ALMP measures 7 Explain what different types of effects/outcomes of ALMP measures may be distinguished from different perspectives/angles 8 Explain what are the key positive effects and what negative effects of ALMP measures may appear, see Calmfors 9 Explain what is the difference between gross employment effect and net employment effect of ALMP measures 10 Explain what are the methods used to help to estimate net employment effects of ALMP measures.