THE SOCIAL STRUCTURE AN ITALIAN SLUM FOURTH EDITION William FooteWhyte Street Corner Society THE SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF AN ITALIAN SLUM FOURTH EDITION William FooteWhyte THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS Chicago and London William Foote Whyte is professor emeritus of Cornell University's School of Industrial and Labor Relations and research director of Programs for Employment and Workplace Systems in the extension division of the School of Industrial and Labor Relations. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637 The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London © 1943, 1955, 1981, 1993 by The University of Chicago All rights reserved. Published 1943 Second edition 1955. Third edition 1981. Fourth edition 1993. Printed in the United States of America 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 1234s isbn: 0-226-89544-0 (cloth) 0-226-89545-9 (paper) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Whyte, William Foote, 1914-Street corner society : the social structure of an Italian slum / William Foote Whyte. — 4th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. 1. Gangs—United States. 2. Italian-Americans. I. Title. HV6446.W49 1993 302.3'4—dc20 92-42262 CIP ©The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984. To THE CORNER BOYS OF CORNERVILLE I TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations.............. x Preface to the Fourth Edition.......... xi Introduction: Cornerville and Its People...... xv PART I: CORNER BOYS AND COLLEGE BOYS I. Doc and His Boys.............. 3 1. The Members of the Gang.......... 3 2. Bowling and Social Ranking.......... 14 3. The Nortons and the Aphrodite Club....... 25 4. Doc's Political Campaign........... 35 5. Disintegration............... 42 II. Chick and His Club............. 52 1. The Story of Chick Morelli.......... 52 2. Organizing the Club............ 56 3. Social Activities.............. 60 4. Opposition to Chick............. 66 5. The Second Season............. 70 6. Disintegration............... 78 7. Republican Politics............. 86 8. Chick Morelli's Career............ 89 III. Social Structure and Social Mobility...... 94 1. The Nature of the Groups........... 94 2. The Social Role of the Settlement House...... 98 3. Loyalty and Social Mobility.......... 104 PART II. RACKETEERS AND POLITICIANS IV. The Social Structure of Racketeering...... 111 1. History of the Rackets............ 111 2. Organization of the Policy Racket........ 115 vii viii TABLE OF CONTENTS 3. Relations with the Police........... 123 4. The Racketeer in His Social Setting....... 140 V. The Racketeer in the Cornerville S. and A. Club . . 147 1. Tony Cataldo and the Shelby Street Boys...... 147 2. Organizing the Club............ 150 3. Reorganizing the Club............ 153 4. The Political Issue............. 159 5. The Crisis and Tony Cataldo.......... 170 6. Tony's Beano Party............. 180 7. The New Administration........... 182 8. Carlo and Tony.............. 189 VI. Politics and the Social Structure........ 194 1. The Changing Nature of Political Organization .... 194 2. The Political Career............. 205 3. Organizing the Campaign........... 214 4. Political Rallies.............. 225 5. Election Day......... ..... 235 6. The Nature of Political Obligations........ 240 PART IB. CONCLUSION Conclusion.................. 255 1. The Gang and the Individual ......... 255 2. The Social Structure............ 269 3. The Problem of Cornerville.......... 272 APPENDIXES Appenddc A: On the Evolution of "Street Corner Society" 279 1. Personal Background............ 280 2. Finding Cornerville............. 283 3. Planning the Study............. 284 4. First Efforts............... 288 5. Beginning with Doc............. 298 6. Training in Participant Observation....... 299 7. Venture into Politics............. 309 8. Back on Norton Street............ 317 TABLE OF CONTENTS ix 9. Replanning the Research........... 320 10. Again the Corner Gang........... 325 11. Studying Racketeering............ 328 12. Marching on City Hall ............ 337 13. Farewell to Cornerville............ 341 14. Cornerville Revisited............ 342 15. Getting Street Corner Society Accepted as a Doctoral Thesis................. 354 16. Revisiting Street Corner Society Fifty Years Later . . . 357 Appendix B: The Whyte Impact on an Underdog by Angelo Ralph Orlandella 374 Appendix C: Selected References......... 390 Index.................... 393 f LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The Nortons, Spring and Summer, 1937........ 13 Angelo's Boys................. 49 Street Corner Conversation........... 95 Informal Organization of the Cornerville S. and A. Club, Early September, 1939............. 156 Informal Organization of the Cornerville S. and A. Club, February, 1940................ J84 Informal Organization of the Cornerville S. and A. Club, Summer, 1940................ J88 Ravello Campaign Organization.......... 222 Making and Fixing a Pinch............ 250 Obtaining the Park Fence............ 251 PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION THE field work for this study was done on a Junior Fellowship from Harvard University (1936 to 1940). From February 1937 until May 1938,1 lived with an Italian-American family which operated a restaurant at 7 Parmenter Street. When I married Kathleen King, we moved to our own flat at 477 Hanover Street in the same district, the North End of Boston, which I called Cornerville. Before leaving Boston in July 1940,1 had written the first draft of Street Corner Society. While in graduate work at the University of Chicago, 1940 to 1942, I rewrote and condensed the Boston draft but made no changes in my analysis and theoretical orientations. The first edition of Street Corner Society was published in 1943. Without the support and the complete freedom afforded me by the Society of Fellows, I should have never been able to undertake the study of Cornerville. I owe a great personal debt ■};{■ to social anthropologist Conrad M. Arensberg, whose period as a Junior Fellow overlapped mine. I discussed my plans with him before I began my study and had the benefit of his advice and criticism every step of the way. Eliot D. Chappie, in collaboration with Arensberg, worked out the conceptual scheme for the study of interactions which I used throughout this book. Regarding my first research plans, I received painful but \ critically important advice from Lawrence J. Henderson, ,h Chairman of the Society of Fellows. Elton Mayo of the Har-lnAt vard Business School guided me in learning the techniques of ÉÉ interviewing used in my research. WE While a Junior Fellow with me, John Howard did field work mk over two years in Cornerville. He was the first one to suggest S that an analysis of leadership could provide a means of inte-grating the study. S Kathleen King Whyte shared my last two years in Corner- It ville. She did the charts and criticized the manuscript in every xii PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION stage of its preparation. Having designed book jackets for New York publishers, she volunteered to do the jacket for the first edition. At the University of Chicago, I received helpful suggestions for revising my manuscript from social anthropologist W. Lloyd Warner and sociologist Everett C. Hughes. Beyond Street Corner Society, they helped to make graduate work at the University of Chicago an exciting learning experience. For the second (1955) edition, I wrote Appendix A describing the methods I used and my personal experiences while living and working in the North End. For the third (1981) edition, I expanded a section on "Corner-ville Revisited," following the careers of some of the chief characters up through 1980 and briefly noting changes in the district itself. For the first time, in this edition, I identified the site of the study as Boston's North End and identified some of the leading characters by their real names. Appendix B, "The Whyte Impact on an Underdog," was presented by my first research assistant, Angelo Ralph Orlandella (Sam Franco), at a Cornell conference marking my retirement. Here Orlandella describes eloquently how we worked together and how the methods we developed served him in leadership roles in military and civilian life. In somewhat revised form, all of these materials are included in this fiftieth anniversary edition. I have added to Appendix A "Revisiting Street Corner Society after Fifty Years." The impetus for this edition was provided by the sudden revival of scholarly interest in the book. In 1991 a book edited by Peter Frost and colleagues, Reframing Organizational Culture, devoted a major section to Street Corner Society. This included reprinting part of my methodological and experiential appendix as "an exemplar" of research on organizational cultures. This was followed by essays on Street Corner Society by four behavioral scientists and my responses to the critics. The April 1992 issue of Journal of Contemporary Ethnography is entirely devoted to "Street Corner Society Revisited." Following an introduction by the editors, the issue leads off with an essay by W. A. Mar- PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION xiii ianne Boelen, who made several visits to the North End thirty to forty-five years after I left it in 1940 and interviewed some of the people I had studied and some others. On the basis of these data, she argues that I presented a distorted portrait of the North end and committed violations of professional ethics. That is followed by my own rebuttal and an essay by Angelo Ralph Orlandella, the former corner boy, who worked with me on the study. The issue concludes with essays on the controversy by three behavioral scientists. In those two publications, all seven of the behavioral scientists recognized Street Corner Society as a landmark study. Nevertheless, they raised issues worth further discussion regarding changes in critical standards of judging sociological research over the last fifty years. Furthermore, those issues involve the basic questions as to whether sociology is a science or whether sociologists should strive to make it a science. I discuss those issues in "Revisiting Street Corner Society after Fifty Years," the final section of Appendix A. $.1-; 1, INTRODUCTION: CORNERVILLE AND ITS PEOPLE IN THE heart of "Eastern City" there is a slum district known as Cornerville, which is inhabited almost exclusively by Italian immigrants and their children. To the rest of the city it is a mysterious, dangerous, and depressing area. Cornerville is only a few minutes' walk from fashionable High Street, but the High Street inhabitant who takes that walk passes from the familiar to the unknown. For years Cornerville has been known as a problem area, and, while we were at war with Italy, outsiders became increasingly concerned with that problem. They feared that the Italian slum dweller might be more devoted to fascism and Italy than to democracy and the United States. They have long felt that Cornerville was at odds with the rest of the community. They think of it as the home of racketeers and corrupt politicians, of poverty and crime, of subversive beliefs and activities. Respectable people have access to a limited body of information upon Cornerville. They may learn that it is one of the most congested areas in the United States. It is one of the chief points of interest in any tour organized to show upper-class people the bad housing conditions in which lower-class people live. Through sight-seeing or statistics one may discover that bathtubs are rare, that children overrun the narrow and neglected streets, that the juvenile delinquency rate is high, that crime is prevalent among adults, and that a large proportion of the population was on home relief or W.P.A. during the depression. In this view, Cornerville people appear as social work clients, as defendants in criminal cases, or as undifferentiated members of "the masses." There is one thing wrong with such a picture: no human beings are in it. Those who are concerned with Cornerville seek through a general survey to answer questions that require the most intimate knowledge of local life. The only way to gain such knowledge is to live in Cornerville and participate in XV XVI INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION the activities of its people. One who does that finds that the district reveals itself to him in an entirely different light. The buildings, streets, and alleys that formerly represented dilapidation and physical congestion recede to form a familiar background for the actors upon the Cornerville scene. One may enter Cornerville already equipped with newspaper information upon some of its racketeers and politicians, but the newspaper presents a very specialized picture. If a racketeer commits murder, that is news. If he proceeds quietly with the daily routines of his business, that is not news. If the politician is indicted for accepting graft, that is news. If he goes about doing the usual personal favors for his constituents, that is not news. The newspaper concentrates upon the crisis—the spectacular event. In a crisis the "big shot" becomes public property. He is removed from the society in which he functions and is judged by standards different from those of his own group. This may be the most effective way to prosecute the lawbreaker. It is not a good way to understand him. For that purpose, the individual must be put back into his social setting and observed in his daily activities. In order to understand the spectacular event, it is necessary to see it in relation to the everyday pattern of life—for there is a pattern to Cornerville life. The middle-class person looks upon the slum district as a formidable mass of confusion, a social chaos. The insider finds in Cornerville a highly organized and integrated social system. It follows, therefore, that no immediate and direct solution to the problems posed for Cornerville can be given. It is only when the structure of the society and its patterns of action have been worked out that particular questions can be answered. This requires an exploration of new territory. In order to see how the present organization grew up, we may review the history of the local Italian settlement. When this is done, it will be time to go in and meet the people in order to discover from them the nature of the society in which they live. For the Cornerville of today, history began in the 1860's, when a small group of Genoese settled together on an alley in one corner of what was then an Irish district. The stream of Italian immi- r gration expanded slowly in the seventies and eighties and grew to a great flood in the nineties and in the first decade of the new century. The North Italians were the first to arrive, but the great wave of immigration came from the south, particularly from the vicinity of Naples and from Sicily. By the time that the southern immigration was at its height, most of the early Genoese settlers had moved to other sections of Eastern City or to suburban towns. As early as 1915 the racial composition of Cornerville was practically the same as it is today. All but a few Irish families had moved out. The Jews, who came in at the same time as the Italians, had also been superseded, though many of them retained Cornerville business interests, particularly in the retail dry-goods line. The Italian settlers brought over with them not only their language and customs but also a large proportion of their fellow-townsmen. The immigrants attracted relatives and friends. People from the same town, paesani, settled together, formed mutual aid societies, and each year celebrated the Festa of their patron saint as they had in Italy. The paesani made up little communities within a community, and even today one can mark out sections of Cornerville according to the town of origin of the immigrants, although these lines are fading with the growth of the younger generation. First-generation immigrant society was organized primarily around the family and secondarily along the lines of paesani. Ties between families were cemented by the establishment of godparent-godchild relationships. Relatives by blood and ceremonial ties, as well as friends of the family, were linked together in an intricate network of reciprocal obligations. The individual who suffered misfortune was aided by his relatives and friends, and, when he had re-established himself, he shared his good fortune with those who had helped him. The general region from which the immigrant came was also important in the organization of Cornerville life. The North Italians, who had had greater economic and educational opportunities, always looked down upon the southerners, and the Sicilians occupied the lowest position of all. Since many North and Cen- XVUl INTRODUCTION tral Italians were able to establish themselves before the southerners arrived, these distinctions were accentuated in the period of settlement, and they have not yet completely died out. As the American-born generation has grown to maturity, the pattern of Cornerville life has undergone far-reaching changes. The ties of loyalty to paesani do not bind the son as they do the father. Even the Italian family has been broken into two separate generations. The Italian-born are known to the younger generation as "greasers." The children are often strongly attached to their parents, and yet they look down upon them. A few of the older people hold respected positions, but on the whole they do not have the authority that is characteristic of the older generation in most societies. The younger generation has built up its own society relatively independent of the influence of its elders. Within the ranks of the younger men there are two main divisions: corner boys and college boys. Corner boys are groups of men who center their social activities upon particular street corners, with their adjoining barbershops, lunchrooms, poolrooms, or clubrooms. They constitute the bottom level of society within their age group, and at the same time they make up the great majority of the young men of Cornerville. During the depression most of them were unemployed or had only irregular employment. Few had completed high school, and many of them had left school before finishing the eighth grade. The college boys are a small group of young men who have risen above the corner-boy level through higher education. As they try to make places for themselves as professional men, they are still moving socially upward. In a society such as ours, in which it is possible for men to begin life at the bottom and move up, it is important to discover who the people are who are advancing and how they are doing it. This gives perspective upon Cornerville society, and, at the same time, it shows what the world outside Cornerville has to offer to local people. The stories of Doc and his corner-boy gang and of Chick and his college-boy club present the contrast between the two groups and explain the different careers of the individual members. INTRODUCTION While Doc and his boys and Chick and his club members are representative of a large part of local society, they are all "little guys" in Cornerville. In order to understand them, it is necessary to discover who the "big shots" are and see how they function. In Cornerville the big shots are racketeers and politicians. With the South Side and Welport, Cornerville makes up Eastern City's Fourth Ward. Until recently the ward was dominated by the Cleveland Club, an Irish Democratic political organization located on the South Side. When the Italians first settled in Cornerville and began displacing the Irish population, there were sharp clashes between the races. As the Irish moved out, the hostilities were transferred to the political arena. Italian politicians organized Cornerville to overthrow the Irish domination of the ward. Illegal activities during the prohibition era centered around the liquor traffic. With repeal the racketeer built his career upon the control of gambling activities. Cornerville men have played prominent roles in this field, although their Irish and Jewish colleagues share in the direction of the Eastern City rackets. The racket and political organizations extend from the bottom to the top of Cornerville society, mesh with one another, and integrate a large part of the life of the district. They provide a general framework for the understanding of the actions of both "little guys" and "big shots." In this exploration of Cornerville we shall be little concerned with people in general. We shall encounter particular people and observe the particular things that they do. The general pattern of life is important, but it can be constructed only through observing the individuals whose actions make up that pattern. The "little guys" will be first on the scene (Part I). We shall see how they organize the activities of their own groups, and then, to place those groups in the social structure, we shall move up and observe the "big shots." The description of the racket and political organizations (in Part II) will give a general picture, but we are still concerned with particular people. The question is: What makes a man a big shot and by what means is he able to dominate the little guys? To answer that question, let us watch Tony Ca- xx INTRODUCTION taldo. He is a prominent racketeer, and he is concerned, among other things, with controlling the corner boys. How does he go about it? And let us watch George Ravello, Cornerville's state senator, as he organizes his political campaign. He needs the support of the corner boys. How does he get it? We know in general that the heads of political and racket organizations in Cornerville co-operate with one another. But what is the nature of that cooperation, upon what is it based, and how is it established? In order to answer that question, let us look at the particular people again and see how they act in relation to one another in the various situations that confront them in their careers. If we can get to know these people intimately and understand the relations between little guy and little guy, big shot and little guy, and big shot and big shot, then we know how Cornerville society is organized. On the basis of that knowledge it becomes possible to explain people's loyalties and the significance of political and racket activities. PART I CORNER BOYS AND COLLEGE BOYS CHAPTER I DOC AND HIS BOYS 1. THE MEMBERS OF THE GANG THE Nortons were Doc's gang. The group was brought together primarily by Doc, and it was built around Doc. When Doc was growing up, there was a kids' gang on Norton Street for every significant difference in age. There was a gang that averaged about three years older than Doc; there was Doc's gang, which included Nutsy, Danny, and a number of others; there was a group about three years younger, which included Joe Dodge and Frank Bonelli; and there was a still younger group, to which Carl and Tommy belonged. Since the Nortons, as I knew them, grew out of these earlier groupings, some historical background is necessary. The story of the evolution of the Nortons can best be told as Doc's story. Doc was born on Norton Street in 1908. His mother and father, who came from the province of Abruzzi, were the first non-Genoese Italians to settle on the street. In a large family, Doc was the youngest child and his mother's favorite. His father died when he was a small boy. When he was three years old, infantile paralysis shriveled his left arm so that it could never again be normal, but by constant exercise he managed to develop it until he was able to use it for all but heavy work. Doc spoke of his early years in this way: When I was a little boy, I used to dress very neatly. I always used to have a clean suit on, and when I sat down on the doorstep my mother told me always to sit on a newspaper.....Other mothers would tell their sons, "Look at the way Dicky dresses. Why can't you be like Dicky?" It's only natural that they didn't like me—until I showed them they'd have to respect me..... I was about twelve when I had my first fight. I had a brother two years older than me. He got in an argument with a kid my size. He said to me, "He's too small for me, you fight him." At first I didn't want to, but finally I fought him. And I beat him up.....After that I began to think maybe I was pretty good. 3 4 STREET CORNER SOCIETY Nutsy was the head of our gang once. I was his lieutenant. He was bigger than me, and he had walloped me different times before I finally walloped him. When he walloped me, there weren't many people around, so I didn't mind, but the one time he broke his promise that he wouldn't hit me, there was a big crowd around. I was a proud kid. I couldn't let him get away with that.....You see, I was wrestling him, and I had him down. I said, "If I let you up, will you promise not to hit me?" He promised, but when I let him up and turned away, he cracked me on the nose, and I got a bloody nose. I went after him, and I was beating him up when the big fellows stopped us.....Next day I saw him leaning up against the wall. I went up to him and said, "I'll kill you," and I let him have one. He didn't fight back. He knew I was his master. And that got around. So after that I was the leader, and he was my lieutenant.....That was when I was thirteen or fourteen.....Nutsy was a cocky kid before I beat him up.....After that, he seemed to lose his pride. I would talk to him and try to get him to buck up. After I walloped him, I told the boys what to do. They listened to me. If they didn't, I walloped them. I walloped every kid in my gang at some time. We had one Sicilian kid on my street. When I walloped him, he told his father and the father came out looking for me. I hid up on a roof, and Nutsy told me when the father had gone. When I saw the kid next, I walloped him again—for telling his father on me.....But I wasn't such a tough kid, Bill. I was always sorry after I walloped them. They had faith in me, Bill. That's why I had to do some of these things. If one of our kids had gotten beaten up on some other street, I would go down there with him. Two or three of our boys would follow, not to help fight— just to watch. I would ask the kid, "Which one hit you?" He would point out the fellow, and I would wallop him. Then I would tell him, "Don't hit this kid any more, see!" I was a tiger when I was a kid. I wasn't afraid of anybody. Most kids when they fight just push each other around, but I had a knockout punch in my right. I had the power. I could only use that one hand except for blocking but that commanded even more respect. They said, "What couldn't he do if he had two good hands?" And they thought the right was stronger because of it—maybe it was.....It wasn't just the punch. I was the one who always thought of the things to do. I was the one with half a brain. Doc was always sensitive about his arm, and he would not permit anyone to make allowances for his disability. He spent many hours at home shadow-boxing to develop speed and co-ordination. Doc's most serious challenge came from Tony Fontana. As he told me: Tony was in my gang when we were kids together. He was a good fighter. When he entered the ring as an amateur, he started off winning three fights by knockouts. When he turned pro, he was still knocking them out.....At that time I was the leader of the gang. I was the tough guy. But he began to get fresh with me. One night he began pushing me around and talking $r, DOC AND HIS BOYS 5 big. I listened to him. I thought, "He must be tough. All those knockouts have got to mean something." So after a while I said, "I'm going up to bed." >'y I got undressed and went to bed, but I couldn't sleep. I put on my clothes vj . and came down again. I said, "Say that to me again!" He did and I let him have it—pow! .... But he wouldn't fight me. Why? Prestige, I suppose. Later we had it out with gloves on the playground. He was too good for me, Bill. I stayed with him, but he was too tough.....Could he hit! Doc told me these things only when I questioned him, and always, when he had finished telling about an incident in which he had "flattened" some rival, he would half-apologize and say that he really wasn't so much, that he could hardly understand how such things had happened. Every now and then there was a clash with some other gang, and a "rally" resulted: Once a couple of fellows in our gang tried to make a couple of girls on Main Street. The boy friends of these girls chased our fellows back to Norton Street. Then we got together and chased the boy friends back to where they came from. They turned around and got all Garden Street, Swift Street, and Main Street to go after us.....It usually started this way. Some kid would get beaten up by one of our boys. Then he would go back to his street and get his gang. They would come over to our street, and we would rally them. This time they carried banana stalks and milk bottles. We were armed. We used to hide our weapons in cellars so that we would have them ready in case of an emergency. But there were fifty of these fellows and only sixteen of us so we retreated into doorways and cellars to wait for them to cool off. .... They hung around there for a while, doing nothing, until I gave the signal to come out. Then we charged on them. I swung a banana stalk around me. I swung it through all the way to Main Street, and then I was behind the enemy lines, so I had to swing it back again.....They used to have cement flowerpots standing up around the playground. We knocked them down. They would have killed anybody they hit, but we didn't want to hit anybody. We only wanted to scare them.....After a while, things quieted down, and they went away. I don't remember that we ever really lost a rally. Don't get the idea that we never ran away. We ran sometimes. We ran like hell. They would come over to our street and charge us. We might scatter, up roofs, down cellars, anywhere. We'd get our ammunition there. Then they would go back to the other end of the street and give us a chance to get together again. We ;! would come out one after another—they would never charge us until we v were all out there and ready. Then we would charge them—we had a good . |: charge. They might break up, and then we would go back to our end of the "$i street and wait for them to get together again.....It always ended up by us 'i'ff chasing them back to their street. We didn't rally them there. We never went loolprtg for trouble. We only rallied on our own street, but we always M won there. 6 STREET CORNER SOCIETY You know, the Nortons were a finer bunch. We were the best street in Cornerville. We didn't lush [steal from a drunk] or get in crap games. Sometimes we stole into shows free, but what do you expect? .... The Tylers were a tougher bunch. They'd steal, and they organized crap games. We used to rally the Tylers. After a while it died down, and later the Tylers and the Nortons merged. Their champion fighter was Johnny DiCausa, and their champion runner was Mike Torre. I was champion everything for our gang. When we got together, I had to race Mike around the block. They timed us. He made it in 26 seconds. Then I ran it. When I came down the street, I could hear them yelling, "Come on, Doc, come on, Doc!" I made it in 26 seconds too. So nothing was settled. They used to argue, "Johnny can lick him." "No, Doc can lick him." And we would look each other over, but we didn't fight. I guess we respected each other.....Johnny went into the ring later, and he did pretty well. Mike was a champion runner on St. Patrick's College track team. We didn't have many rallies between gangs. There was a lot of mutual respect..... We didn't go out to kill them. We didn't want to hurt anybody. It was just fun.....I don't remember that anybody ever got hit on the head with a bottle. Maybe on the leg or in the back, but not on the head. The only time anybody ever got hurt was when Charlie got that tin can in his eye. We were rallying the King Streets on the playground. We charged, and Charlie got ahead of us. When he got into King Street, somebody threw this can, and the open end caught him right in the eye. The rally stopped. They were scared when they saw blood coming from his eye.....We took Charlie home. I remember him screaming while the doctor worked on his eye. That made an impression on us. It never occurred to us before that somebody might be permanently injured in a rally.....After that, there weren't any more rallies. I don't remember ever seeing one after that.....And, then, we were getting older, around seventeen or eighteen. And I got going with the bigger fellows and didn't see my boys so much. They accepted me as one of them. That was a great honor. But when I didn't see my boys so much any more, our gang broke up. At two stages in his career Doc participated in the activities of the Norton Street Settlement House. According to his story: I used to go into the settlement when I was a small boy, but then I broke away. I went back in on account of the Sunset Dramatic Club. They were the pet club in there. They had been giving plays for a long time, and they had a lot of prestige. Lou Danaro used to tell me how hard it was to act and how much training you needed. Danny tried to steam me up to go in there and show them up. He had a lot of faith in me. He'll back me up in anything that requires brains. Danny and I got together, and we figured how I would get into that club. You had to have a unanimous vote. Some of the members knew me, and some of them didn't, but I managed to get around, and I was voted in. After a while I had the lead in a couple of their big plays, and all the boys from the corner came in to see them. At that time we had two members of each club on the house council. I jB|!: DOC AND HIS BOYS 7 (f|t represented the Sunsets, and I was president of the council one year. I was very active then, and we raised money for a new amplifier for the house. About that time, Tom Marino's crowd came in. They called themselves !', "the Corner Bums." There were a hundred of them, and I think they came :in because they didn't have any place to meet at that time. They had it in for the Sunsets because the Sunsets were the pet club of the social workers. We could do anything we wanted to in that place.....One time Joe Cardio went into Tom Marino's store to get some cream for the club's 1.; coffee. When they told him they didn't have any, he snapped his fingers and stamped his foot and said, "Aw, shucks 1" All the boys were around, and, y1 when they heard that, they couldn't get over it. They called the Sunsets the Cream Puffs from then on. I used to argue with them about it. At that time , I used to hang around that corner as much as anywhere, and I fitted with the Corner Bums, so they would call us "the Cream Puffs—with one exception." V I told them there were plenty of exceptions, but I couldn't make them change..... When the Bums got in there, they wanted to run the place. They started buying up votes so they could elect the president to the house council. They took girls out and bought them sodas. They really had a big campaign. Miss Baldwin wanted me to run for president again, because she thought I had done a good job, but I refused to run. The Sunsets put up Ted Riccio, and the Bums put up Fred Mantia. Ted was snowed under, but after the election they told me that if I had run again, they wouldn't have put up : anybody to oppose me..... The Bums were really out to tip the joint. They had no respect for the social workers. I heard Guy Polletti talking to Mr. Ramsay in the hall one day. He was really obscene. Ramsay had to take it. What could he do? .... Then they were always calling up the police station and telling them, > i' "There's a riot in the Norton Street Settlement. Send the riot squad down right away." A couple of cops would come down and joke with the boys, because they were good friends, but it looked bad for the settlement..... One night the Bums put on a cabaret party, and they spiked the punch. '• They had two bowls of punch, one for the social workers and one for the 1 * party. But a couple of the girls got drunk, and Miss Baldwin found out >'• about that other punch bowl. She started an argument, and Guy Polletti !\ told her to get out. He called her a-. I saw her going down the stairs crying..... That was pretty bad. At that time I was Kid Galahad, and I took it upon !',; myself to defend the settlement. They were all in Marino's store one night j$V when I went in to argue with them. There was Guy Polletti—he was a , heavyweight fighter. There was Fred Mantia—he was a light-heavyweight, ';yy and he had done pretty well in the ring. They were all talking, but I inter-rupted them. I said, "Wait a minute, listen to me!" And then I gave it to ";|, them. They argued backhand they had a good argument. They had plenty |p. to say about the socfcuworkers. "They're a bunch of snobs." "They're iMj high-toned." "Who do they think they are in there that they're better iX: than us?" They had a good argument there, and I couldn't answer that. II'1 But I said, "After all, the place does some good. In a crowded district like 8 STREET CORNER SOCIETY DOC AND HIS BOYS this, we need rooms to meet in." .... And they had chased plenty of people out of the settlement by acting so tough. I told them that the mothers had faith in the place, they thought it was a safe place for their daughters, and now the Bums were ruining that reputation. I told Fred, "You're only tough because nobody else in there is tough." "Oh, no," he says, "I'm tough wherever I am." I said, "If Terry Giovanni was in there you wouldn't be so tough." He didn't like that because Terry had knocked him out plenty of times. Well, the windup was that he agreed to apologize to Miss Baldwin..... About that time they got into another argument. In those days there was a mixed week end at the settlement camp at the beginning and end of each camp season. It was the biggest social event of the season, and the fellows and girls looked forward to those week ends from one year to the next. They were well chaperoned, and if there were ever any sexual affairs out there, I never heard of them. It was just good clean fun. But this time some of the Bums had had something to drink. Jesse Alluni was a real nice boy and not tough at all, but he couldn't hold his liquor. He came into the kitchen that night when Baldwin was in there and asked for a cup of coffee. She told him he was drunk and she made him go to bed.....After that one incident, the camp was closed to men. Ever since that, it has been only a girls' camp except for the small boys. The fellows were steamed up about losing the camp, and they protested to Mr. Bacon [the headworker]. They sent around a petition, and they wanted to appeal to the board, but Mr. Bacon wouldn't let them. After a while, the excitement died down, and nothing was done..... About this time, the Sunsets broke up. They had been in the settlement ten or twelve years, and some of the fellows were getting married, so that had something to do with it, but I'm sure it was partly pressure from the Bums that drove them out of the settlement. When the Bums went after them, they wilted. I called them quitters and tried to make them keep the club going, but it broke up anyway. After the Sunsets quit, the Bums got a clubroom outside and didn't come into the setdement any more. I don't think they were officially kicked out. They quit before they were thrown out. When Tom Marino entered politics, the name of the club didn't sound so nice, so they changed it to the Taylor A.C. after Ellen Taylor. She was a social worker that was loved and revered by all the other social workers. That name is funny when you think about the times the Bums used to have in the setdement. Since the Bums dropped out, there has never been another crowd like them in the settlement. And that year they had their own man president of the house council was the last year that there was a house council..... When the Sunsets and the Corner Bums dropped out, I wasn't in the settlement any more myself. Doc found school work easy. He read widely both at school and in the branch library. After the third year of high school, he left to take a job with a stained-glass firm. Art work had always been a major interest, and he did so well with the firm that he was promised rapid advancement. But then the depression came, the business failed, and Doc was unemployed. At first he went about aggressively looking for a job and continued his art work at home, but, when all his efforts brought no results, he stopped looking for work and even lost interest in art. Doc lived with his sister and brother-in-law, so that he had food and shelter, but he hated to impose upon them. With the start of the federal relief program, he was able to go to work on the W.P.A., but, as a single man without dependents, he could not count upon steady employment. Between working days and in the long layoff periods, he spent nearly all his time on the street corner. Danny was his closest friend. As Doc told me: Danny lived on Stone Street near Norton. I remember now the day when he came over to our street, when he was a small kid. He was a greaser— spoke broken English. The fellows made fun of him, but I liked the kid from the start. I told him to come along with our gang and do the things we did. He stuck with us. When the kids' gang broke up, Doc and Danny remained together, though they were not often seen on Norton Street. Danny left school after the eighth grade to take a factory job. He supplemented his earnings there by organizing a crap game in the washroom, and, in between jobs, he worked wherever there was labor trouble, for either side—"whoever pays me." Danny was powerfully built and well equipped by experience to fight in labor wars, but he did not relish this work. He fought for the money that was in it. In all my time in Cornerville, I never heard of Danny picking a fight with anyone. With the passage of new labor legislation and government action against strike-breaking agencies, one of Danny's sources of income dried up. He had to fall back upon a crap game that he conducted in partnership with Mike Giovanni and Mike's brother, Terry. f Mike had been the leader of his kids' gang on King Street. He also had left school early for a factory job and was active wherever labor battles were being fought. Unlike Danny, he worked io STREET CORNER SOCIETY for only one side—the union. As he explained: "Unionism is like a religion. You have those beliefs, and you have to stick to them." In the last years of prohibition, factory work in his line became scarce, and Mike supported himself by running a crap game and a small speakeasy. He did not like the crap game, nor was it very profitable, for he refused the business of those who especially could not afford to lose. He thought he had "the right connections" to provide protection for the speakeasy, but police raids forced him out of business. He opened a lunchroom, but that also proved unprofitable, since too much of the business was on a credit basis. While the lunchroom operated, it provided a social center for Mike and his friends. Danny was a frequent visitor, and Doc spent some of his time there. Long John, a young man from another part of Cornerville, took to hanging with Mike's crowd. He had been hanging with a particularly tough gang up to the time that his older brother was sentenced to life-imprisonment for murder. Prodded by his mother, Long John began to worry about his own future. Danny and Mike advised him to break away from his former associates and hang with them. For some time they took care of his spending money and let him earn small sums by serving as watchman (looking out for the police) in their crap game. Then he got himself a factory job which provided sporadic employment throughout the year. When Doc's kids' gang broke up, Nutsy was the only member who continued to spend all his spare time on Norton Street. Since he took up with the younger boys, Doc and Danny called him "the King of the Kids." Frank Bonelli became particularly attached to Nutsy. Joe Marco, known as Joe Dodge, was a good friend of both men. Carl and Tommy, who had belonged to a still younger group, now accepted Nutsy's leadership. Alec had gone to school with a younger brother of Joe Dodge, and he first took to hanging on Norton Street in order to be with Joe. At this time Nutsy was a part-time postal employee, Frank was trying to get started in professional baseball, and Joe had a highly paid but seasonal job in a quarry. Carl and Tommy both had steady factory jobs, and Alec had seasonal employment in the market district. m DOC AND HIS BOYS Besides Mike's crowd and Nutsy's boys, there were three other men who went to make up the Nortons as I knew them. Angelo Cucci, Fred Mackey (Macaluso), and Lou Danaro were all closely attached to Doc. Some years earlier, Fred's uncle had opened a grocery store on Norton Street and had placed Fred in charge part of the time. One day Danny got the boys to play a practical joke on him. They lined up in front of the counter and demanded protection money. Fred was panic-stricken until Doc took pity on him and explained the situation. Fred was so relieved that he looked upon Doc as his benefactor and frequently sought his company, even after the store had been sold. For several years Lou Danaro had worked for Mr. Bacon, the headworker of the Norton Street Settlement, and had even lived in the house. The corner boys thought that he considered himself above them, and they would have nothing to do with him. Doc knew Lou's cousin very well. The cousins did not get along; Doc thought that was too bad, so, when he went out with Lou's '% cousin, he insisted that they get Lou to join them. In that way if, he struck up a friendship with Lou. When Lou finally broke with Mr. Bacon and moved out of the settlement, his friendship with Doc made it possible for him to be accepted on the street corner. Fred and Lou both lived in the suburbs, but they drove into Eastern City for their part-time jobs and into Cornerville to join $Doc and his friends. sf| When Doc first met him, Angelo was exceedingly shy and had no friends. He spent most of his time at home practicing the violin, which he hoped some day to play in a concert orchestra. When Doc accepted him as a friend, it was possible for Angelo to join the corner boys. Close friendship ties already existed between certain of the men, but the Nortons, as an organization, didnot begin to function until the early spring of 1937. It was aťthat time that Doc |||'- returned to the corner. Nutsy, Frank, Joe, Alec, Carl, and Tom-my had a great respect for Doc and gathered around him. Angelo, Fred, and Lou followed Doc in making the corner their head-|| quarters. Danny and Mike were drawn to Norton Street by their || friendship for Doc and by the location of their crap game, right m next to "the corner." Long John followed Danny and Mike. 12 STREET CORNER SOCIETY The men became accustomed to acting together. They were also tied to one another by mutual obligations. In their experiences together there were innumerable occasions when one man would feel called upon to help another, and the man who was aided would want to return the favor. Strong group loyalties were supported by these reciprocal activities. There were distinctions in rank among the Nortons. Doc, Danny, and Mike held the top positions. They were older than any others except Nutsy. They possessed a greater capacity for social movement. While the followers were restricted to the narrow sphere of one corner, Doc, Danny, and Mike had friends in many other groups and were well known and respected throughout a large part of Cornerville. It was one of their functions to accompany the follower when he had to move outside of his customary social sphere and needed such support. The leadership three were also respected for their intelligence and powers of self-expression. Doc in particular was noted for his skill in argument. On the infrequent occasions when he did become involved, he was usually able to outmaneuver his opponent without humiliating him. I never saw the leadership three exert their authority through physical force, but their past fighting reputations tended to support their positions. Doc was the leader of the gang. The Nortons had been Doc's gang when they had been boys, and, although the membership had changed, they were still thought to be Doc's gang. The crap game and its social obligations prevented Danny and Mike from spending as much time with the Nortons as did Doc. They were not so intimate with the followers, and they expected him to lead. Long John was in an anomalous position. Though he was five years younger than Doc, his friendship with the three top men gave him a superior standing. As Doc explained: It's because we've always catered to Long John. When we go somewhere, we ask Long John to go with us. We come up to him and slap him on the back. We give him so much attention that the rest of the fellows have to respect him. Nevertheless, he had little authority over the followers. At this time he was accustomed to gamble away his week's earnings in the crap game, and this was thrown up against him. DOC AND HIS BOYS 13 There is an important social distinction between those who hold crap games and those who play in them. The game-holders enjoy something of the standing of businessmen; the "shooters" are thought to be suckers. The Nortons as a group considered themselves above the crap-shooters' level, and at this time Long John was trying unsuccessfully to break away from the game. In the spring of 1937 Nutsy was recognized informally as the superior of Frank, Joe, and Alec, but his relations with a girl had THE NORTONS ^ / > *\ MIKf 1- ^\ A NUTSY | | I CARL I J 30f I I LOU I I TOMMY I I ALEC | I I Ccrner Lxy 'VasitUms of boxes utdlcaU nCative status already begun to damage his standing. A corner boy is not expected to be chaste, but it is beneath him to marry a girl who is "no good." Nutsy was going so steadily with this girl that marriage seemed a distinct possibility, and, reacting to the criticism of his friends, he gradually withdrew from the gang. He did not again play a prominent role in the Nortons until toward the end of my stay in Cornerville, but in the spring and summer of 1937 he was still a man of moderate importance. As the story gets under way, Doc was twenty-nine; Mike, twenty-nine; Danny, twenty-seven; Long John, twenty-four; Nutsy, twenty-nine; Frank, twenty-three; Joe, twenty-four; Alec, twenty-one; Angelo, twenty-five; Fred, twenty-five; Lou, twenty-four; 14 STREET CORNER SOCIETY DOC AND HIS BOYS 15 Carl, twenty-one; and Tommy, twenty. The accompanying chart presents a picture of the relations between the men as they appeared at this time. For purposes of shorthand designation, I shall refer to the top four men as the "leaders" and to the others as the "followers." If the special characteristics of Long John are borne in mind, this should not be confusing. 2. BOWLING AND SOCIAL RANKING One evening in October, 1937, Doc scheduled a bowling match against the Italian Community Club, which was composed largely of college men who held their meetings every two weeks in the Norton Street Settlement House. The club was designed to be an organization of well-educated and superior men, although Doc was a member, and Angelo, Lou, and Fred of the Nortons had been voted in upon his recommendation. The other Nortons felt that the club was "high-toned," and around the corner it was known as the "Boys' Junior League." They were a little flattered that members of their group could mix with such a club, but their opinion was formed largely from the personalities of Chick Morel-li, the president, and Tony Cardio, another prominent member, both of whom they considered snobbish and conceited. Consequently, the Nortons took this match very seriously. Doc was captain of the Nortons. He selected Long John, Frank, Joe, and Tommy for his team. Danny and Mike were not bowling in this period. Chick and Tony led the Community Club team. Feeling ran high. The Nortons shouted at the club bowlers and made all sorts of noises to upset their concentration. The club members were in high spirits when they gained an early lead but had little to say as the Nortons pulled ahead to win by a wide margin. After the match I asked Frank and Joe if there was any team that they would have been more eager to beat. They said that if they could pick out their favorite victims, they would choose Chick Morelli, Tony Cardio, Joe Cardio (Tony's brother), Mario Testa, and Hector Marto. These last three had all belonged to the Sunset Dramatic Club. Frank and Joe said that they had nothing against the other three men on the Community Club team but that the boys had ft: been anxious to beat that team in order to put Chick and Tony "in their places." Significantly, Frank and Joe did not select their favorite victims on the basis of bowling ability. The five were good bowlers, but that was not the deciding factor in the choice. It was their social positions and ambitions that were the objects of attack, and it was that which made victory over the Community Club so satisfying. Lou Danaro and Fred Mackey had cheered for the club. Although they were club members, the boys felt that this did not excuse them. Danny said: "You're a couple of traitors—Benedict Arnolds.....You're with the boys—and then you go against them.....Go on, I don't want your support." Fred and Lou fell between the two groups and therefore had to face this problem of divided allegiance. Doc's position on the corner was so definitely established that no one even considered the possibility of his choosing to bowl for the Community Club against the Nortons. This was the only match between the two teams that ever took place. The corner boys were satisfied with their victory, and the club did not seek a return match. Tony Cardio objected to the way in which the Nortons had tried to upset the concentration of his team and said it was no fun to bowl against such poor sports. There were, however, clashes with individual members of the club. One night in November, Doc, Frank Bonelli, Joe Dodge, and I were bowling when Chick Morelli and Lou Danaro came in together. We agreed to have two three-man teams, and Chick and Doc chose sides. Chick chose Lou and me. The match was fairly even at first, but Doc put his team far ahead with a brilliant third string. Toward the end of this string, Chick was sitting next to Joe Dodge and mumbling at him, "You're a lousy bum. .... You're a no-good bowler." Joe said nothing until Chick had repeated his remarks several times. Then Joe got up and fired back at Chick, "You're a conceited-! I feel like taking a wallop at you. I never knew anybody was as conceited as you.....You're a conceited -!" Doc stood between them to prevent a fight. Chick said nothing, and Doc managed to get the six of us quietly into the elevator. i6 STREET CORNER SOCIETY Joe was not satisfied, and he said to me in a loud voice: "Somebody is going to straighten him out some day. Somebody will have to wallop him to knock some of that conceit out of him." When we were outside the building, Lou walked away with Chick, and the rest of us went into Jennings' Cafeteria for "coffee-ands." We discussed Chick: Doc: It's lucky you didn't hit him. They'd be after you for manslaughter. You're too strong for the kid. Joe: All right. But when somebody's too tough for me, I don't fool around.....He shouldn't fool around me.....If he's gonna say them things, he should smile when he says them. But I think he really meant it. Doc: The poor guy, so many fellows want to wallop him—and he knows it. Frank: I liked him all right until the other night. We went to the Metropolitan Ballroom.....He didn't mingle in at all. He just lay down on a couch like he wanted to be petted. He wasn't sociable at all. After driving Chick home, Lou joined us in Jennings'. He said that Chick felt very bad about the incident and didn't know what it was that made people want to hit him. Lou added: "I know he didn't mean it that way. He's really a swell kid when you get to know him. There's only one thing I don't like about him." Then he told about a time when Chick had started an argument with a dance-hall attendant on some technicality involved in the regulations of the hall. Lou commented: "He was just trying to show how intelligent he was." A few days later, when Joe's anger had subsided, Doc persuaded him to apologize. Doc did not defend Chick for friendship's sake. Nor was it because they worked together in the Community Club. In the club Doc led a faction generally hostile to Chick, and he himself was often critical of the manner in which Chick sought to run the organization. But Doc had friends in both groups. He did not like to see the groups at odds with each other. Though friendship between the Nortons and Chick was impossible, it was Doc's function to see that diplomatic relations were maintained. The Community Club match served to arouse enthusiasm for bowling among the Nortons. Previously the boys had bowled sporadically and often in other groups, but now for the first time bowling became a regular part of their social routine. Long John, DOC AND HIS BOYS 17 Alec, Joe Dodge, and Frank Bonelli bowled several nights a week throughout the winter. Others bowled on frequent occasions, and all the bowlers appeared at the alleys at least one night a week. A high score at candlepins requires several spares or strikes. Since a strike rarely occurs except when the first ball hits the kingpin properly within a fraction of an inch, and none of the boys had such precise aim, strikes were considered matters of luck, although a good bowler was expected to score them more often than a poor one. A bowler was judged according to his ability to get spares, to "pick" the pins that remained on the alley after his first ball. There are many mental hazards connected with bowling. In any sport there are critical moments when a player needs the steadiest nerves if he is to "come through"; but, in those that involve team play and fairly continuous action, the player can sometimes lose himself in the heat of the contest and get by the critical points before he has a chance to "tighten up." If he is competing on a five-man team, the bowler must wait a long time for his turn at the alleys, and he has plenty of time to brood over his mistakes. When a man is facing ten pins, he can throw the ball quite casually. But when only one pin remains standing, and his opponents are shouting, "He can't pick it," the pressure is on, and there is a tendency to "tighten up" and lose control. When a bowler is confident that he can make a difficult shot, the chances are that he will make it or come exceedingly close. When he is not confident, he will miss. A bowler is confident because he has made similar shots in the past and is accustomed to making good scores. But that is not all. He is also confident because his fellows, whether for him or against him, believe that he can make the shot. If they do not believe in him, the bowler has their adverse opinion as well as his own uncertainty to fight against. When that is said, it becomes necessary to consider a man's relation to his fellows in examining his bowling record. In the winter and spring of 1937-38 bowling was the most significant social activity for the Nortons. Saturday night's intra-clique and individual matches became the climax of the week's events. During the week the boys discussed what had happened the previous Saturday night and what would happen on the com- i8 STREET CORNER SOCIETY ing Saturday night. A man's performance was subject to continual evaluation and criticism. There was, therefore, a close connection between a man's bowling and his position in the group. The team used against the Community Club had consisted of two men (Doc and Long John) who ranked high and three men (Joe Dodge, Frank Bonelli, and Tommy) who had a low standing. When bowling became a fixed group activity, the Nortons' team evolved along different lines. Danny joined the Saturday-night crowd and rapidly made a place for himself. He performed very well and picked Doc as his favorite opponent. There was a good-natured rivalry between them. In individual competition Danny usually won, although his average in the group matches was no better than that of Doc's. After the Community Club match, when Doc selected a team to represent the Nortons against other corner gangs and clubs, he chose Danny, Long John, and himself, leaving two vacancies on the five-man team. At this time, Mike, who had never been a good bowler, was just beginning to bowl regularly and had not established his reputation. Significantly enough, the vacancies were not filled from the ranks of the clique. On Saturday nights the boys had been bowling with Chris Teludo, Nutsy's older cousin, and Mark Ciampa, a man who associated with them only at the bowling alleys. Both men were popular and were first-class bowlers. They were chosen by Doc, with the agreement of Danny and Long John, to bowl for the Nortons. It was only when a member of the regular team was absent that one of the followers in the clique was called in, and on such occasions he never distinguished himself. The followers were not content with being substitutes. They claimed that they had not been given an opportunity to prove their ability. One Saturday night in February, 1938, Mike organized an intraclique match. His team was made up of Chris Teludo, Doc, Long John, himself, and me. Danny was sick at the time, and I was put in to substitute for him. Frank, Alec, Joe, Lou, and Tommy made up the other team. Interest in this match was more intense than in the ordinary "choose-up" matches, but the followers bowled poorly and never had a chance. After this one encounter the followers were recognized as the DOC AND HIS BOYS 19 second team and never again challenged the team of Doc, Danny, Long John, Mark, and Chris. Instead, they took to individual efforts to better their positions. On his athletic ability alone, Frank should have been an excellent bowler. His ball-playing had won him positions on semipro-fessional teams and a promise—though unfulfilled—of a job on a minor-league team. And it was not lack of practice that held him back, for, along with Alec and Joe Dodge, he bowled more frequently than Doc, Danny, or Mike. During the winter of 1937-38 Frank occupied a particularly subordinate position in the group. He spent his time with Alec in the pastry shop owned by Alec's uncl,e, and, since he had little employment throughout the winter, he became dependent upon Alec for a large part of the expenses of his participation in group activities. Frank fell to the bottom of the group. His financial dependence preyed upon his mind. While he sometimes bowled well, he was never a serious threat to break into the first team. Some events of June, 1937, cast additional light upon Frank's position. Mike organized a baseball team of some of the Nortons to play against a younger group of Norton Street corner boys. On the basis of his record, Frank was considered the best player on either team, yet he made a miserable showing. He said to me: "I can't seem to play ball when I'm playing with fellows I know, like that bunch. I do much better when I'm playing for the Stanley A.C. against some team in Dexter, Westland, or out of town." Accustomed to filling an inferior position, Frank was unable to star even in his favorite sport when he was competing against members of his own group. One evening I heard Alec boasting to Long John that the way he was bowling he could take on every man on the first team and lick them all. Long John dismissed the challenge with these words: "You think you could beat us, but, under pressure, you die!" Alec objected vehemently, yet he recognized the prevailing group opinion of his bowling. He made the highest single score of the season, and he frequently excelled during the week when he bowled with Frank, Long John, Joe Dodge, and me, but on Satur- 20 STREET CORNER SOCIETY day nights, when the group was all assembled, his performance was quite different. Shortly after this conversation Alec had several chances to prove himself, but each time it was "an off night," and he failed. Carl, Joe, Lou, and Fred were never good enough to gain any recognition. Tommy was recognized as a first-class bowler, but he did most of his bowling with a younger group. One of the best guides to the bowling standing of the members was furnished by a match held toward the end of April, 1938. Doc had an idea that we should climax the season with an individual competition among the members of the clique. He persuaded the owner of the alleys to contribute ten dollars in prize money to be divided among the three highest scorers. It was decided that only those who had bowled regularly should be eligible, and on this basis Lou, Fred, and Tommy were eliminated. Interest in this contest ran high. The probable performances of the various bowlers were widely discussed. Doc, Danny, and Long John each listed his predictions. They were unanimous in conceding the first five places to themselves, Mark Ciampa, and Chris Teludo, although they differed in predicting the order among the first five. The next two positions were generally conceded to Mike and to me. All the ratings gave Joe Dodge last position, and Alec, Frank, and Carl were ranked close to the bottom. The followers made no such lists, but Alec let it be known that he intended to show the boys something. Joe Dodge was annoyed to discover that he was the unanimous choice to finish last and argued that he was going to win. When Chris Teludo did not appear for the match, the field was narrowed to ten. After the first four boxes, Alec was leading by several pins. He turned to Doc and said, "I'm out to get you boys tonight." But then he began to miss, and, as mistake followed mistake, he stopped trying. Between turns, he went out for drinks, so that he became flushed and unsteady on his feet. He threw the ball carelessly, pretending that he was not interested in the competition. His collapse was sudden and complete; in the space of a few boxes he dropped from first to last place. The bowlers finished in the following order 6 1. Whyte 2. Danny 3. Doc 4. Long John 5. Mike Joe 7. Mark 8. Carl 0. Frank 10. Alec There were only two upsets in the contest, according to the predictions made by Doc, Danny, and Long John: Mark bowled very poorly and I won. However, it is important to note that neither Mark nor I fitted neatly into either part of the clique. Mark associated with the boys only at the bowling alleys and had no recognized status in the group. Although I was on good terms with all the boys, I was closer to the leaders than to the followers, since Doc was my particular friend. If Mark and I are left out of consideration, the performances were almost exactly what the leaders expected and the followers feared they would be. Danny, Doc, Long John, and Mike were bunched together at the top. Joe Dodge did better than was expected of him, but even he could not break through the solid ranks of the leadership. Several days later Doc and Long John discussed the match with me. Long John : I only wanted to be sure that Alec or Joe Dodge didn't win. That wouldn't have been right. Doc: That's right. We didn't want to make it tough for you, because we all liked you, and the other fellows did too. If somebody had tried to make it tough for you, we would have protected you.....If Joe Dodge or Alec had been out in front, it would have been different. We would have talked them out of it. We would have made plenty of noise. We would have been really vicious..... I asked Doc what would have happened if Alec or Joe had won. They wouldn't have known how to take it. That's why we were out to beat them. If they had won, there would have been a lot of noise. Plenty of arguments. We would have called it lucky—things like that. We would have tried to get them in another match and then ruin them. We would have to put them in their places. Every corner boy expects to be heckled as he bowls, but the heckling can take various forms. While I had moved ahead as early as the end of the second string, I was subjected only to good- 22 STREET CORNER SOCIETY H natured kidding. The leaders watched me with mingled surprise and amusement; in a very real sense, I was permitted to win. ;» Even so, my victory required certain adjustments. I was hailed -m jocularly as "the Champ" or even as "the Cheese Champ" Rather than accept this designation, I pressed my claim for recognition. Doc arranged to have me bowl a match against Long John. If I won, I should have the right to challenge Doc or Danny. The four of us went to the alleys together. Urged on by Doc and Danny, Long John won a decisive victory. I made no further challenges. Alec was only temporarily crushed by his defeat. For a few days he was not seen on the corner, but then he returned and sought to re-establish himself. When the boys went bowling, he challenged Long John to an individual match and defeated him. Alec began to talk once more. Again he challenged Long John to a match, and again he defeated him. When bowling was resumed in the fall, Long John became Alec's favorite opponent, and for some time Alec nearly always came out ahead. He gloated. Long John explained: "He seems to have the Indian sign on me." And that is the way these incidents were interpreted by others—simply as a queer quirk of the game. It is significant that, in making his challenge, Alec selected Long John instead of Doc, Danny, or Mike. It was not that Long John's bowling ability was uncertain. His average was about the same as that of Doc or Danny and better than that of Mike. As a member of the top group but not a leader in his own right, it was his social position that was vulnerable. When Long John and Alec acted outside the group situation, it became possible for Alec to win. Long John was still considered the dependable man in a team match, and that was more important in relation to a man's standing in the group. Nevertheless, the leaders felt that Alec should not be defeating Long John and tried to reverse the situation. As Doc told me: Alec isn't so aggressive these days. I steamed up at the way he was going after Long John, and I blasted him.....Then I talked to Long John. John is an introvert. He broods over things, and sometimes he feels inferior. He can't be aggressive like Alec, and when Alec tells him how he can always beat him, Long John gets to think that Alec is the better bowler.....I talked to DOC AND HIS BOYS 23 him. I made him see that he should bowl better than Alec. I persuaded him that he was really the better bowler.....Now you watch them the next time out. I'll bet Long John will ruin him. The next time Long John did defeat Alec. He was not able to do it every time, but they became so evenly matched that Alec lost interest in such competition. The records of the season 1937-38 show a very close correspondence between social position and bowling performance. This developed because bowling became the primary social activity of the group. It became the main vehicle whereby the individual could maintain, gain, or lose prestige. Bowling scores did not fall automatically into this pattern. There were certain customary ways of behaving which exerted pressure upon the individuals. Chief among these were the manner of choosing sides and the verbal attacks the members directed against one another. Generally, two men chose sides in order to divide the group into two five-man teams. The choosers were often, but not always, among the best bowlers. If they were evenly matched, two poor bowlers frequently did the choosing, but in all cases the process was essentially the same. Each one tried to select the best bowler among those who were still unchosen. When more than ten men were present, choice was limited to the first ten to arrive, so that even a poor bowler would be chosen if he came early. It was the order of choice which was important. Sides were chosen several times each Saturday night, and in this way a man was constantly reminded of the value placed upon his ability by his fellows and of the sort of performance expected of him. Of course, personal preferences entered into the selection of bowlers, but if a man chose a team of poor bowlers just because they were his closest friends, he pleased no one, least of all his team mates. It was the custom among the Nortons to have the losing team pay for the string bowled by the winners. As a rule, this small stake did not play an important role in the bowling, but no one liked to pay without the compensating enjoyment of a closely contested string. For this reason the selections by good bowlers or by poor bowlers coincided very closely. It became gen- 24 STREET CORNER SOCIETY erally understood which men should be among the first chosen in order to make for an interesting match. When Doc, Danny, Long John, or Mike bowled on opposing sides, they kidded one another good-naturedly. Good scores were expected of them, and bad scores were accounted for by bad luck or temporary lapses of form. When a follower threatened to better his position, the remarks took quite a different form. The boys shouted at him that he was lucky, that he was "bowling over his head." The effort was made to persuade him that he should not be bowling as well as he was, that a good performance was abnormal for him. This type of verbal attack was very important in keeping the members "in their places." It was used particularly by the followers so that, in effect, they were trying to keep one another down. While Long John, one of the most frequent targets for such attacks, responded in kind, Doc, Danny, and Mike seldom used this weapon. However, the leaders would have met a real threat on the part of Alec or Joe by such psychological pressures. The origination of group action is another factor in the situation. The Community Club match really inaugurated bowling as a group activity, and that match was arranged by Doc. Group activities are originated by the men with highest standing in the group, and it is natural for a man to encourage an activity in which he excels and discourage one in which he does not excel. However, this cannot explain Mike's performance, for he had never bowled well before Saturday night at the alleys became a fixture for the Nortons. The standing of the men in the eyes of other groups also contributed toward maintaining social differentiation within the group. In the season of 1938-39 Doc began keeping the scores of each man every Saturday night so that the Nortons' team could be selected strictly according to the averages of the bowlers, and there could be no accusation of favoritism. One afternoon when we were talking about bowling performances, I asked Doc and Danny what would happen if five members of the second team should make better averages than the first team bowlers. Would they then become the first team? Danny said: DOC AND HIS BOYS 25 Suppose they did beat us, and the San Marcos would come up and want a match with us. We'd tell them, those fellows are really the first team, but the San Marcos would way, "We don't want to bowl them, we want to bowl you." We would say, "All right, you want to bowl Doc's team?" and we would bowl them. Doc added: I want you to understand, Bill, we're conducting this according to democratic principles. It's the others who won't let us be democratic. 3. THE NORTONS AND THE APHRODITE CLUB In March, 1938, the Nortons made the acquaintance of the Aphrodite Club girls. The club had a dozen members, most of them attractive, all of them well dressed, who met once a week in the Norton Street Settlement House with one of the social workers. The girls went to plays, held socials, and each year saved up their dues for a trip to some point of interest. In the winter of 1937-38 the Italian Community Club and the Aphrodite Club had become very friendly. They met in the settlement house on the same evening and sometimes gave their social activities together. The girls had a great respect for education and were anxious to make a good impression on the Community Club boys, although they thought some of them conceited. The men found the girls attractive, but some of the leading figures in the Community Club were anxious to make contacts with girls from the Italian Junior League and thus leave the Aphrodite girls and Cornerville behind them in their social contacts. While individual members were still mildly interested in some of the girls, by March the two clubs were slowly drifting apart. Doc, Angelo, Lou, and Fred knew the girls through being members of the Community Club, but up to this time the Nortons as a whole had no social contacts with the Aphrodite Club. To all outward appearances their attitude was hostile. In June, 1937,1 heard them discussing Carrie, one of the most attractive of the Aphrodite girls: Nutsy: She's a good-looking girl, but I don't like her. Frank: If you took three hours to make up your face, you'd be good-looking too. Long John: She has tough pins [legs]. Did you ever notice the pins on her? That's why she always wears such low dresses. 26 STREET CORNER SOCIETY Joe Dodge: She goes for anybody with a little money. She likes you if you have a car. I like to drive by her in my car and stick my nose in the air.....She's just an alley cat. Except for the four men who belonged to the Community Club, the Nortons almost never set foot inside the settlement house. The girls moved in a different social orbit, and the Nortons considered them "high-toned" and conceited. Still, they could not help finding them attractive. As Doc told me: They had admired the girls for a long time, and they were always after me to fix it up with them.....Friday night the Community Club was going bowling after the meeting. They wanted me to go with them, but I stalled them off. I said I would be down in a little while.....Then I rounded up these boys [the Nortons] and told them we were going to bowl the girls.....I think the Aphrodite Club expected they were going to bowl with the Community Club. If I had asked them to bowl with this bunch, they would probably have refused because it's a tougher bunch..... But I just brought them down here and we bowled. The evening was a great success. The two groups bowled together again on Saturday night, and on both occasions the bowling was followed by "coffee-ands" at Jennings'. Alec discussed this beginning with me: "Before, we thought they were high-hat, and I guess they thought we were a bunch of rowdies.....Now I think they like our clique. We're cutting out the Community Club." Members of the two groups saw one another almost every night for a period of several weeks. This brought about important changes in the social life of the Nortons. One night, only four days after the first bowling match, I was surprised to find Alec, Joe Dodge, Tommy, and Long John playing cards at a table in the game room of the Norton Street Settlement House. Doc was at a table by himself, reading a magazine. I sat down with him to demand an explanation. He told me that the boys had wanted to go bowling but that he had not, so he told them to come into the settlement house and promised to get some of the girls to play cards with them. The girls were not in the house at the time, but, once inside, the boys played among themselves. DOC AND HIS BOYS 27 Except for Danny and Mike, the Nortons began coming into the settlement house almost every night to play cards by themselves or with the girls. Sometimes, when they were standing on the corner, the girls invited them to come in. The social workers made no effort to keep the Nortons in the settlement. Miss Halloran, who was in charge of the game room, tried to treat them like the younger boys and girls in her charge. Corner boys are quick to notice the slightest sign of condescension, and Miss Halloran's attitude was painfully apparent. For several days the boys seemed to be obsessed with the task of denouncing Miss Halloran to one another in the strongest language they could command. Long John, who had traveled the greatest social distance to go into the house, was the first one to drop out. After one particularly unpleasant encounter with Miss Halloran, he told the boys that he would never go in again. Two days later I was standing on the corner with him when it began to rain. Not knowing of his resolution, I suggested that we go into the settlement. He agreed, but, as he opened the door, we met Joe Dodge, who laughed at him and said, "I thought you weren't going to come in here any more." Long John was embarrassed. We went out into the rain again, and he remarked thoughtfully, "I think that everybody that goes in there thinks they're a little better than the next fellow." Two weeks after their first evening in the game room, all the Nortons had deserted the settlement. From the beginning the boys took their activities with the girls very seriously. When they went bowling for the second time, Alec brought along a box of candy from his uncle's shop. The following Saturday he brought a large supply of pastry. Doc told the boys that the Alluni sisters and their cousins had a summer camp on a lake some miles from the city. If the boys became friendly with the girls, they might be invited to spend the day in the country sometime during the summer. The possibility of taking the girls away from the Community Club was another inducement. In a short time the Nortons did supersede the Community 28 STREET CORNER SOCIETY DOC AND HIS BOYS 29 Club, but victory was achieved only by default. Tony Cardio was infatuated with Helen, the most attractive of the girls, but the other club members lost interest in the Aphrodite Club. However, since Tony was considered one of the two most conceited members, the Nortons could get almost a full measure of satisfaction from defeating him. A week after the first meeting of the two groups, I asked Alec what he thought the association with the girls had done to the Nortons. He said: "The boys get along better. There aren't so many squabbles any more." At this time the Aphrodite girls and the Nortons met en masse. Alec commented: If I went out with them a few times, I could tell which one I liked..... But you start going with one girl, and you find you're going with a deadhead. It's tough. What are you gonna do? When they're all in a crowd, it's hard to shift around. The boys had to proceed carefully. They could pay attention to Helen as much as they liked, because she was the prize of them all, but pairing-off with any of the others required a cautious preliminary survey of the situation. A week later the first step in this direction was taken. Joe Dodge, Long John, Frank Bonelli, and I were standing on the corner. Angelo Cucci encountered Alec farther down the street and told him that he had just seen three of the Aphrodite girls on their way to Jennings'. They had remarked that it would be a nice evening for a ride but that they did not believe that Joe Dodge owned the big car the boys all talked about. Alec walked up to us and took Joe aside. Joe then left us and walked across the playground to King Street. Frank, who had been watching attentively, turned to me and asked if I wanted to walk down to Jennings' with him. I said that I thought it was too early. Frank started off alone. Alec asked me if I wanted to walk to Jennings' with him. Long John said, "You ain't bulling us. Why don't you tell the truth and say you're goin' for a ride?" I asked Long John if he wanted to walk down with us. He refused but said that I should go. As Alec and I walked down Main Street, he said that we were to meet Joe Dodge in his car, drive to Jennings', and take out the girls. "But now Frank has started down to Jennings'.....He shouldn't do that." There were two reasons for excluding Frank: he was shy with girls and he had no money to entertain them. We went into Jennings' to talk to the three girls. One of them had to be home early, but she urged that the other two go. I persuaded Joe and Alec to leave me behind. By this time Frank had come in and sat down at a table by himself. As Joe and Alec went out with the girls, I joined Frank. A few minutes later Long John and Nutsy came in and joined us. Long John asked, "What's the matter, Bill? Did they double-cross you?" I explained what had happened, but he said he did not like the way they had acted. Frank and Alec had been the best of friends and had spent long hours together in the pastry shop. Now Alec became more friendly with Joe Dodge, and they began taking the girls out in Joe's father's car. Frank said to me: Let them go out with the girls. They've pulled a few fast ones. They say they're going to do a certain thing, and then you find them with the girls. They've done things that I would never do.....It's hard enough to make a friend. A girl you can meet any time.....It takes years to make a real friend. The rift between Alec and Frank widened rapidly. Easter was the rush time at Alec's uncle's pastry shop, and Alec had promised to give Frank some of the extra work at this time. Frank said that Alec simply decided not to give it to him. Alec said that he went to get Frank, but Frank was very gruff and unpleasant so he refused to bother with him. In any case, Frank did not get this much-needed work, and he was bitter about it. Frank and Alec told their stories to Doc at different times. Alec complained that Frank was being ungrateful after he had done so much for him. Frank complained that Alec had been double-crossing him over the girls. Doc listened sympathetically but was unable to smooth things over. Joe Dodge's car and the Aphrodite girls had created too wide a gulf between them. The activities of Alec and Joe made them unpopular with all the other Nortons—except Carl and Tommy, who had cars. They 30 STREET CORNER SOCIETY DOC AND HIS BOYS 31 continued to hang on the corner, but for some time they were simply tolerated. One Saturday night the Nortons were bowling with the girls. Ten men who had been members of the Sunset Dramatic Club were bowling on two adjoining alleys. Danny and Mike came in late, sat by themselves, refused all invitations to bowl, and watched the proceedings with evident disgust. Danny told me: "I don't like to bowl with the girls. There's no competition.....Then, when you get a touch hit, you can't say nothing. You got to watch what you say." Toward the end of the evening, Mike called Doc aside. He pointed to the Sunsets and said, "We used to call them the Cream Puffs, but now, compared to you, they're the Lumberjacks." Doc laughed. Mike gave Danny a penny and Danny gave it to Doc, saying, "Toss this up. See if you're a man. Heads, you're a man. Tails, you ain't." Doc took this good-naturedly. But then Danny called over Mario Testa of the Sunsets and told him to tell Doc that the Cream Puffs had now become the Lumberjacks. Mario laughed. Doc became angry. Danny said to him, "I'll spot you 20 pins and I'll beat you. I spot all the girls 20 pins." Doc accepted the challenge. Danny bowled 104 against Doc's 84 and enjoyed himself thoroughly. Doc said he did not mind being beaten by 20 pins; the next time he might beat Danny by 20 pins. Nor did he mind being kidded about bowling with the girls. He said he became angry only when Danny brought the Sunsets into the argument. While he had once belonged to their club, he took pride in his position with the Nortons, and he was sensitive about anything that would make them appear in an unfavorable light compared with the Sunsets. At Jennings', after the bowling, Doc left the girls and sat with Danny. Danny agreed that it had been a mistake to bring the Sunsets into the argument, and he apologized. Doc said that he did not want Mike and Danny to be left out of the bowling any more than they did. On the following afternoon Danny and Mike stood on the corner telling Frank, Long John, and me what they thought about '1Ü1 our association with the Aphrodite girls. Danny wanted to know what we were getting out of it. If you want to go places with them, you got to have money, and none of yuz have got a dime, so forget about it. Alec says to me, "I'll lay them all." I tells him, "You won't lay a one of them, and I'll bet money on it. If you lay one of them girls, you'll marry her. That's the only way you'll ever lay one of them." Long John said that he never had cared much for bowling with the girls in the first place. Frank said that he had enjoyed it at first but that now all the fun was gone out of it. Mike said that he and Danny would form a "grievance committee" and would readmit some of us to membership in the Cornerville Bears (this being the name of a championship baseball team on which he had once played) if we would swear not to bowl with the girls any more. Frank made his promise. Long John jokingly said that he would never apply for membership, and Danny said that Long John would get back only over his dead body. Mark Ciampa came along and took Frank for a ride in his car with Joe Dodge and Carl. Lou Danaro drove up, and Danny, Mike, Long John, and I climbed into his car, picked up Doc at his house, and drove out to Crighton, where we stopped at the bowling alleys. Danny and Doc chose sides. Doc chose Lou and Mike; Danny chose Long John and me. But then Mike objected. He wanted to be on Danny's side to defend the honor of the Cornerville Bears. I changed sides with Mike, and then Doc, Lou, and I took two out of three strings from Danny, Mike, and Long John, largely due to the fine bowling of Doc, who finished well ahead of Danny and thus felt that he had gained his revenge for the humiliation of the previous evening. When the match was over, Doc asked if we were all readmitted to the Bears. Mike said that we were. In a spirit of good fellowship, we drove back to Cornerville. Later, Doc discussed these developments with me: I enjoyed bowling with the girls at first. I hoped that Mike and Danny would fall in. When they didn't, I didn't enjoy it so much any more.....I knew they didn't like it. They said to me, "It isn't right. The girls are taking all the alleys." .... You might say that there was a little clash between us 32 STREET CORNER SOCIETY about bowling with the girls, but you saw how it worked out. It wasn't really serious. We got together again right away. Saturday night became men's night once more as the bowling season drew to a close. Social relations with the Aphrodite girls continued for some months but on a curtailed scale. The girls' summer camp was the main attraction which maintained interest after the peak of the group activities had passed. The boys drove out to the camp several times during July and August. Alec was always boasting about his prowess with the women. Doc paid little attention to him, but the other boys felt that something should be done to put him in his place. One night in April they were kidding Alec, when, as Doc says, Alec challenged him: "If you're such a great lover, I challenge you to show your stuff!" I said, "Alec, I might not be as handsome as you are, and I don't have all the hair that you have, but I can outbull you any day." Alec says, "No! No!" "Well," I said, "I'm older now and I don't want to take a girl away from a man just to show I can do it." But then Danny says, "Doc, I think you're slipping." Maronl When Danny says that, I must do something. He only said it to steam me up, but I said, "All right, Danny, I pick Helen. Saturday night. You watch." .... Alec wasn't there to see it Saturday night. That was too bad. We were bowling one floor below the girls. I went up to see Helen, and I asked her to come down. I had something to tell her. In a few minutes she came down—by herself. She sat next to me all the evening, the only girl among all those fellows. Danny was impressed. Later he told me, "Doc, you're still the great lover." Since Alec was not present, he remained unimpressed and continued to boast. A month later Danny was again urging Doc to put Alec in his place. First, Doc lectured him upon the objectionable character of his boasting. When this had no effect, he asked: "Which one of those girls do you really fit with?" Alec said he fitted best with Mildred. "All right, you take her out twice more, so you can fit with her real good, and then I'll take her away from you." Alec protested that it could not be done. Later Doc commented to me: I didn't think I could do it, but I said it anyway. I was all steamed up. ____After, Alec called me aside, and he told me he loved Mildred and wanted to marry her, so I should lay off.....I said, "All right, Alec, I just wanted DOC AND HIS BOYS 33 to hear you say that."----I don't think he really loves her, but that's the screwy code around here. If he says he loves her, I have to leave her alone. Since Alec was more active with the girls than anyone except Joe Dodge, it required the intervention of the leader to put him in his place. Several months later he proposed to Mildred, and, when she refused him, he lost interest in the Aphrodite girls. A year later he married another girl. When Doc took up Alec's first challenge and began to "bull" Helen, he realized that he was running some risks. It would have been easy to fall in love with her, and Doc had no money or job on which to get married. When the girls saw Doc with Helen, the combination seemed natural. Dorothy, one of Helen's closest friends, often remarked that they were such an attractive couple. In April, Helen was sick. As Danny told the story: Dorothy is always hinting about flowers. She says a couple of times to Doc, "Helen is sick. Why don't you send her flowers?" .... That steamed me up. She's stupid. Don't she know that Doc can't afford to send flowers? .... Last night me and Long John decided we should send her some flowers in Doc's name. He tried to tell us not to do it, but this morning we went down to Vandcrwater, the florist on Silverton Street.....He had orchids, three for $15—that was too expensive. We got roses; we told him it was not for a sweetheart, it was for a sick friend. So he suggests tear roses. We paid $5 for a dozen tear roses.....We could get six dozen roses around here for that price, but if we sent the flowers from one of these florists they would have some greaser knock on the door to deliver them. Vanderwater has a nice truck, and they send a delivery boy around with a green uniform..... But what things we couldn't do with that $5. Doc greeted this gesture with mixed emotions. He realized that it had helped his standing, but it would make Helen think that he was serious. Finally, he told Dorothy and Helen that the boys had done it in his behalf. Shortly after that, when the fellows were in Jennings', one of the girls was kidding Doc about his reputation as the great lover and claiming that he was afraid to go out with her. As he told the story: Those kids get my goat. They're innocent, and they want to act as if they knew it all.....All right, I said I would go out with her. But she said, "First you must come to my party." 34 STREET CORNER SOCIETY I asked her, "Who's going to be there?" "Tony Cardio, Chick Morelli, and Angelo Cucci," she says. "Who else?" "Nobody else." That steamed me up. Danny, Long John, and Frank were at the same table with me, and she didn't invite them.----I told her, "No, I'm going some place that night." She says, "That's not true. You just don't want to come." "All right," I said, "I don't want to come." And she steamed up. When she went back to her table, I turned to the boys. They were very depressed. I told them, "Pay no attention to it, she's stupid. She's tactless." Though he was unable to protect his boys from such a social slight, Doc at least showed that his interests were with them. Association with the Aphrodite girls, combined with the bowling activity, brought about important changes in the life of Long John. In the spring of 1937 he was gambling away all his money in crap games. In the fall of 1937 he began to cut down on his gambling, and by winter he had given it up entirely. In the spring I said to him that it must have taken a lot of will-power to stay away from the crap game for so long. He shrugged his shoulders. "You know what really kept me away this winter? Bowling!" Long John's attitude toward women began to change as he drifted away from the crap game and began associating with the Aphrodite girls. Whenever he stopped to think of it, he resented their attitude of social superiority, but at other times he found it very pleasant to be with them. Although he never thought seriously of marrying one of them, he said to me: "If I could just find some girl that I could really fall in love with, I would get married tomorrow.....I really mean that." In a short space of time Long John had moved from a tough corner to the more respectable corner of Norton Street, from the crap game to the bowling alleys, from the alleys into the company of a select group of girls, and, with them, even into the settlement house for a brief period. As Doc commented, "it was a metamorphosis." The Nortons and the Aphrodite girls were brought together by Doc. When Danny and Mike wanted to break them apart, they concentrated particularly upon Doc. Two of the followers could DOC AND HIS BOYS 35 have been left out without changing the group very much, but Danny and Mike held such important positions that the Nortons could not have continued to be the Nortons without them. Furthermore, they were Doc's closest friends, and, whenever he had to choose between them and the others, he chose them. Bowling with the girls had threatened to split the Nortons, and Danny and Mike acted upon Doc to re-establish the unity of the group. By fall the two groups had drifted apart so that one could hear the Nortons expressing the same attitudes toward the girls that they had held before becoming acquainted. Only Alec, Joe Dodge, and Fred Mackey chose, in effect, to remain with the girls, and their relationship to the Nortons became rather tenuous. Joe and Fred eventually married into the group. Association with the girls was, like bowling, a means of gaining, maintaining, or losing prestige in the group. As in bowling, Alec had to be kept in his place. It was essential to the smooth functioning of the group that the prestige gradations be informally recognized and maintained. 4. DOC'S POLITICAL CAMPAIGN To the casual observer the corner gang seems to go on for years without change, but actually changes are always taking place; and, as the men grow out of their twenties, the gang itself tends to disintegrate. Some of the members marry and have children. Even if they continue to hang on the corner, their interests are no longer confined to that social area. With marriage, some move out of Cornerville; and, even when they return to spend time with the boys, they are not the active members they once were. In this period of life the corner boy is expected to "settle down" and find the job that will support him and his family in future years. He becomes a different fellow, and his gang either falls apart or is included in some larger club organization. Doc was now thirty and had to make some decision about his future. He had had no steady job since the stained-glass plant had failed. He had no other specialized training. His intelligence, popularity, and skill in handling the corner boys seemed naturally adapted to a political career, and many of his friends had urged 36 STREET CORNER SOCIETY him to run for office. Mike Giovanni was particularly insistent. He once said to me: You know, there is some people that can't do things themselves, but they can get other people to do it for them. Maybe I am like that. There is something lacking in me, but I can see it in others. In the spring of 1937 Doc discussed his position with me: I told Mike to forget about the politics.....He said, "You can't do that. I've been going around getting all these names. I been buzzing everybody." I told him to forget it.....I can't do it without a job. Do you know how it feels not to have any money in your kick? Not to know where the next dollar is coming from? I hope you never experience that. I went through it once; I can't go through it again.....But what can I do, Bill? I'm a so-so artist. If I was in the art racket, I wouldn't hire me. What else could I do? Maybe I should try for a civil service job, but I would get bored there in an office all day.....But if I run, I've got to have a job—any job----.1 shouldn't be staying here. My sister takes care of me, and my brother-in-law is a good egg, but that is no good for them. Sometimes they want to love up, and they can't because I'm around.....I should be off by myself. I should be thinking of getting married. If I had a job, it's likely that I would. I don't go for this stuff—the girls expect me to give them that line, so I do. And I'm egotist enough so I like to know when they fall for me..... But then I drop them.....What can I offer to a girl? I'll never get married unless I've got a good job. I'm not that dumb.....I shouldn't be around here at all. When the boys urged him to run for office, Doc would say to me, "Pay no attention to that, Bill. They just want to have somebody to cheer for." A year later Doc's personal situation was not improved, yet he yielded to the insistence of his friends and agreed to run for representative in the state legislature. The political campaign only increased Doc's problems. Now, more than ever, he felt that he must get a job. He was sensitive about his lack of formal education, and unemployment was an added burden. He needed money for the campaign, and he did not want people to say that he was running for office just to get himself a job. From time to time in the spring of 1938 he heard from the sister who lived in Dedfield that W.P.A. project supervisors had intimated that they could find him a place on the rolls if he still needed a job. If Doc got on the W.P.A. in Dedfield, he could not DOC AND HIS BOYS 37 make Cornerville his official residence, and he would be ruled out of the campaign. He once told me that he could not hold out any longer, that he had decided to make every effort to get on the Dedfield W.P.A. Later he said that he had not gone to see anyone in Dedfield because he could not disappoint the people who wanted him to run. His Cornerville sister was thinking of moving to Dedfield. Her two youngest boys were learning the tough language of the streets and were becoming hard to manage; she wanted to get them out of Cornerville. If she moved, Doc would have to move with her, and she asked what this would do to his political ambitions. He lied to her that he was no longer interested in politics. Since she could not find what she wanted in Dedfield, the move was postponed, and Doc remained in Cornerville. Doc believed that he would be able to get on the Eastern City W.P.A. if he asked certain local politicians to intercede for him, but the price for such an appointment would have been his withdrawal from the contest. Therefore, he made application by himself. As a single man without dependents, he knew that his chances were small, and he was not surprised when nothing came of this effort. Mrs. Mallory, a vocational guidance worker at the Norton Street Settlement, became interested in Doc and arranged a month's work in a well-known stained-glass concern, his wages of $10 a week to be paid by the settlement house. Doc went to work with enthusiasm and hoped to win himself a permanent job. At the end of the month the head of the concern complimented him on his work and said that if he could continue for another month and get additional experience, at the expense of the settlement, they might perhaps be able to hire him. Mrs. Mallory suggested that this be done, but Mr. Bacon said, "We've done enough for Doc." While other needy cases demanded attention, he felt that Doc should not be supported unless there was a definite promise that a job would result. No promise was made, and the project was dropped. The month's work resulted only in bitter disappointment for Doc. Mr. Bacon offered him a chance to teach stained-glass work in 38 STREET CORNER SOCIETY the settlement house one night a week during the spring and summer for $2.00 a class. Mrs. Mallory hoped to get him private school classes in the fall. Mr. Bacon thought that the evening class would give Doc a chance to show his initiative. Doc told Mrs. Mallory that he would not have the peace of mind to work on such a class until he had a real job and some security. She asked him to thank Mr. Bacon for the offer, and he said that he would. He never did. He knew that Mr. Bacon considered him shiftless and lazy. Sometimes he was tempted to go in and argue with Mr. Bacon. He did not, but at least he tried to avoid any move that might subordinate him to the social worker. Mr. Smith, headworker of the Cornerville Settlement House, was interested in developing a recreation project outlined by Mr. Kendall, his boys' worker. He hoped to get funds to open recreation centers in vacant stores so as to reach the corner boys who would not come into the settlement house. I proposed that Doc should have the job of directing one of the centers and brought the two men together. I had hoped that Doc would make a favorable impression, but he had very little to say. When, in response to my persuasion, Doc went to see Mr. Smith again, he only stayed to say that he liked the recreation-center idea but could do nothing unless he found some means of immediate support. Mr. Smith was puzzled by Doc's attitude. I questioned Doc, and he explained that in the midst of the first meeting he had had a sudden attack of dizziness and that it was all that he could do to conceal it from us. At an earlier period, when faced by severe financial worries, he had the same trouble. He could not be in a room full of people without having a dizzy spell. When he had to go to a party, he would tell Angelo to come in ten minutes later and say that he was wanted on the corner. Then he would excuse himself and escape. Even if he made a good impression on Mr. Smith, the project could not be launched until the fall, so it offered him no immediate prospect of support. Doc said to me: Bill, that's all a good idea. It should be done.....And if I had some money to live on, I would do that work for nothing. But now I can't even DOC AND HIS BOYS 39 think about it. I have to have some security first. I need a job, any job—a definite job, right now!----After that I can think about other things. Meanwhile Doc's campaign got under way. Mike appointed himself campaign manager and went about his job with infectious enthusiasm. The main activity of the late spring and summer months of a campaign year is "talking it up" for the candidate. His closest friends go from corner to corner to let the boys know that their champion is "in the fight." Mike was known as a first-class "vote hustler," and his preliminary work was effective. He interested the members of his union. The leaders of a Welport club of Doc's paesani pledged their support. The leader of one Cornerville political club promised his support. A number of corner boys who were influential in their own Cornerville groups came to Doc and pledged themselves to his cause. Doc did nothing. Mike was continually pressing him to get into action, to "form a committee, draw up a platform, organize a dance to raise some money, get things rolling." Finally, Mike became disgusted with Doc and said to him, "You got a beautiful chance to win this fight, but I'll tell you to your kisser—you're lazy." Since the voters could make two choices in the contest and Representative Mike Kelly was sure to be re-elected, Doc needed to be the strongest Italian candidate in order to have a chance of winning. This would have been too much to expect in his first campaign. Still, he was considered a powerful candidate. Friends of one of the leading Italian candidates, in urging Doc to withdraw, predicted that he would not get more than fifteen hundred votes. In such a contest a thousand votes are enough to make a man an important political figure. One day late in July, without consulting anybody, Doc withdrew from the contest. When I asked why he had done so, he said, "Too many in it, Bill. There were thirty-two candidates." But then he admitted that this was not the real reason. The more there were in the fight, the better it was for me.....It was the social demands that were too much for me. When I'm down at Jennings' with the boys, somebody comes up to me and wants me to buy a ticket for something. I'm batted out, so I have to refuse. That happens all the time, 40 STREET CORNER SOCIETY Bill.....As a politician, I'm supposed to go to dances and meetings, and I can't go because I haven't got the money. Fellows come up to me and ask for cards with my name on them and stickers and signs. I can't give them any.....You can't be that way in politics. They hold it against you. If you don't buy their ticket, they call you a cheap bastard. They cut you up behind your back.....I worried about it. Many nights I walked the floor until three or four in the morning. That was too much, Bill.....It was tough getting out. The paesani in Welport were all steamed up. So many people had pledged their support to me. And I never asked anybody for his support. Not once! They all came to me. Now that it's all over, I think I could have won. I really think so.....Next time I won't get in the fight unless I have $200 in my pocket. But this was really the time for me. In two years—who knows what will happen? .... Well, it was fun while I was in there. In his earlier years Doc had moved freely through Cornerville and outlying districts, gathering a following wherever he went. Popularity and influence had come to him without effort on his part. The years of unemployment had sapped his confidence and steadily narrowed his sphere of social activity. As he told me: It wasn't until a little while before you came down here that I began hanging on Norton Street again. Now I don't go anywhere else. I'm always on that corner. I'm too disgusted with myself to go any place else. To become successful in politics, the corner boy must be able to go out from his own gang and continually widen his sphere of social influence. He must be able to meet new groups and participate in their activities. Doc was moving in precisely the opposite direction, and he knew it. His self-confidence was not completely gone. He was sure that if he had a steady job he could reverse the trend of his life. Then he would have money to spend, and he could do the things that were expected of him when he participated in group activities. When he gave up hope of getting a job, he saw that his own path split off from the path of the successful politician in an ever widening gap. Since he could not travel both roads at once, he took the only way out. The news of Doc's withdrawal hit the Nortons with devastating effect. Mike was terribly upset. When he made Doc his champion, he was carried away by his own enthusiasm. Now his faith was shaken. Doc was still his close friend, but he began to talk about his shortcomings as he never had before. Doc was a fine DOC AND HIS BOYS 41 fellow—that was understood—but he just did not have the push to be successful, and allowances had to be made for his lack of spirit. Mike was a "hustler." He had what Doc lacked. Doc was no longer Mike's leader. The impact of Doc's action upon other corners was no less disturbing. When a corner-boy leader mobilizes his friends and arouses their enthusiasm in the support of a candidate and then the candidate suddenly withdraws, the group suffers a serious letdown. The leader has committed his group to the wrong man, and his prestige suffers. The candidate is suspected of having sold out his friends, of having made a bargain with another politician whereby he capitalizes upon their support in order to gain some material advantage. Doc's position was strong enough so that he could have demanded something from rival politicians who were interested in his withdrawal, but, when he withdrew, he did so unconditionally and independently. There were the inevitable rumors, but, since no one could prove anything against Doc, his reputation was not destroyed. At the height of his campaign Doc was the leader of a growing army of supporters. When he withdrew, there was a general realignment. The corners where he had been strong turned to other candidates. Even the boys of his own clique took an active part in the campaign of another candidate, Tom Marino, the boss of the Taylor Club. When both Tom and Doc had been in the contest, it was informally recognized that members of the two groups would vote for both men. When Doc dropped out, Tom became the biggest man on the street, and Doc became just "one of the boys." In other years Doc had taken a leading role in political discussions among the Nortons. As this election approached, he was conspicuously silent. He was not leading anybody. He was just hanging around. Much of the time he was not even with his own group. For hours on end he sat by himself in the back of Stefani's dimly lighted barbershop. 42 STREET CORNER SOCIETY 5. DISINTEGRATION If this were a work of fiction, the story would now be finished. Doc, who was once so active, had withdrawn from his boys, and, without his leadership, the Nortons began to disintegrate. However, life went on for Doc and for his friends, and certain things happened to them which illustrate the nature of their personal relations. Danny and Mike withdrew from active participation in the group. A growing interest in horse-race betting made the crap game unprofitable. In the fall of 1938 Danny found a job with Spongi, a Cornerville racketeer who ran a horse room and held a crap game that catered to much bigger customers than had participated in the playground game. Danny's job kept him busy at Spongi's all afternoon and evening. He was no longer able to hang on the corner. The end of the crap game dissolved one of Mike's main ties with Norton Street. For a while he worked on W.P.A., but then he was laid off, and he spent his time canvassing the city for odd jobs. Since he had little spending money, he was seldom able to bowl with the boys. When some of the boys are broke, group activities can continue as long as there are some who can cover expenses for the others. When there is no money among the members, many activities must come to a standstill. That was the situation facing the Nortons in the fall of 1938. There was little that they could do except hang on the corner, and few were left to do that. Carl and Tommy spent most of their time with a younger group. Lou and Fred did not come into Cornerville as often as before. Alec was concentrating his attention upon his future wife. Nutsy again began to spend his time on Norton Street, and his cousin, Chris Teludo, who had always bowled with the gang, was occasionally with him. Of the original thirteen members, only Nutsy, Long John, Frank, Joe Dodge, and Angelo remained. The Cornerville Settlement House received a grant to finance its recreation center project for six months. Mr. Smith had been planning to hire trained social workers, but he agreed to experiment by placing Doc in charge of one of the three centers. One DOC AND HIS BOYS 43 of the workers at the Norton Street Settlement had spoken well of Doc in response to Mr. Smith's inquiries. When Mr. Bacon heard of Doc's appointment, he commented: "He's not the sort of man that I would choose for that job." Starting early in January, 1939, Doc was busy at his center every afternoon and evening until ten o'clock, except on Sundays. This made it impossible for him to hang on the corner. The remaining Nortons responded by spending some of their time in the center, but this changed the nature of their activities. Doc's new job helped to restore his self-confidence. Mr. Smith said that Doc had been so lackadaisical in the preliminary work of opening the centers that he had been afraid he would not do a good job. When the center opened, Doc put his heart into the work. He became completely dependable, and in a short time he had everything running smoothly. The first two days he had some trouble with stealing, but before the first week was over the stolen articles had been returned, and after that the stealing problem took quite a different turn. The young boys contributed to the center things which they claimed they had found or which had been given to them, but which Doc suspected they had stolen. Whatever the origin, these contributions indicated that the boys accepted the center as their own. Doc's background gave him important advantages over the social workers. While he did not know the young boys in the area of his center, he knew some of their older brothers, cousins, or parents. He could also call upon his friends to help him. For a time, Mike Giovanni held a weekly boxing class in the center. Doc's experience also enabled him to size up each corner-boy group after brief observation. On the night after the opening of the center he could already point out to me the membership of each corner gang, name its hangout, and tell who led the group. He gave the leaders recognition by making them responsible for acting in matters involving their groups. He had no serious disciplinary problems. In a short time his center was organized to run itself and Doc simply was present to adjudicate disputes, to answer questions, and to give advice. One of the two social workers had such difficulties with broken 44 STREET CORNER SOCIETY windows, stealing, and general unruliness that he was forced to close his center within a few weeks of its opening. The second managed with great difficulty to keep going for the six months, but it is doubtful whether he would have been able to do so without the assistance of Doc. Doc knew some of the older corner boys who hung near that center. The young boys respected them as "tough guys." Doc persuaded them to go inside and play cards in a quiet way so as to set a good example. The social worker admitted that this had been very helpful. At other times, Frank, Joe, and Long John went to the center to break up fights and help maintain order. Everyone concerned with the project recognized that Doc's center was the only real success of the three. However, the job provided no permanent solution to his problems. When the six months' period was past, the project could not be refinanced, and Doc was again unemployed. Although Mr. Smith said he would like to help him to get a job, he did not think of him in connection with his regular program. That summer, as in summers past, the settlement camp for Cornerville boys hired exclusively college men from outside the district for its counselors. While Doc was working in the recreation center, he continued to see Danny when both of them were through work for the evening. When Doc's job was over, he began hanging in Spongi's with Danny. When his business declined, Spongi no longer had a steady job for Danny, but he liked his company and took care of many of his personal expenses. Within a short time Spongi and Doc became close friends, and Spongi always wanted Doc with him wherever he went. Some of the Nortons spent time in Spongi's, but they did not recognize it as their hangout. A new group grew up upon the Norton Street corner. Angelo, Nutsy, Frank, Joe, Phil Principio, and Paul DiMatia were hanging together. Phil and Paul were both college graduates who had been members of the Italian Community Club but had shifted their allegiance to the corner boys. They were particularly close to Angelo, and he was the leader of the gang, with Nutsy second in command. The breakup of the Nortons involved considerable shifting of |; DOC AND HIS BOYS 4S II individual social positions. Doc told me about his relations with Spongi: M Spongi decides what's to be done. Naturally. It's his place, and he has a M lot of the boys around to do his bidding. But he can't order me around..... || Sometimes, just to steam me up, Danny tells Spongi to send me on an errand. If Spongi comes up to me, and he laughs before he even says anything, it seems jbj so funny to him. He tries to give me a quarter, and he says, "Ho-ho-ho, ft Doc, go out and buy me something." |, I tell him, "Go out yourself." He laughs. He thinks it's a hell of a joke. IV: .... I tell him he can't buy me. if He savs> haven't offered you a Buick yet." Of course, a Buick is a |'■• ■ big thing. He says the only trouble is that I haven't been offered enough. I j|N tell him he couldn't buy me for a million dollars.....He knows there are |r: things I won't do. I don't have anything to do with his business. k While Doc prided himself on maintaining his independence, he I was no longer a leader. I' Long John divided his time between Spongi's and the Norton I Street corner. The realignment left him in a vulnerable position, fe There were two groups that hung around Spongi's "joint": the P inner circle and the hangers-on. Spongi included his brother, Dan- |', ny, Doc, and two others in the inner circle. When he went for "coffee-ands," for a drive, or to the movies, he would invite them ||' to accompany him. He did not include Long John in his invita- I tions, so Long John was excluded from the inner circle. Without i the support of Doc, Danny, and Mike, he had no standing among p the boys who remained on Norton Street, and he did not know it where to go. M, The course of bowling activity showed clearly what was hap- |, pening to the Nortons. In the season of 1937-38 the boys went to IP the alleys every Saturday shortly after eight o'clock and bowled ife: one string after another until midnight closing time. In the season M of 1938-39 the bowling did not get under way until nine or later, p there were long pauses between strings, and the evening came to 1 an end around eleven. Instead of ten men bowling and others m waiting their turn, only six or eight appeared at the alleys. Doc's p recreation center kept him busy until ten o'clock, and Danny and If Mike seldom came. Several of the boys commented to me that all I, the fun seemed to have gone out of bowling. m. The following year the alleys were again crowded, but there 46 STREET CORNER SOCIETY were so many new men bowling that the group did not seem to be the Nortons any more. Doc once commented: Rico and Chick Morelli are never with us except at the alleys.....I had an argument with Chick up at the alleys one night. He had the right all on his side, but I talked very unctuously and finally I made him apologize for what he said. Of course, the boys were all with me.....He said that we were a clique, that we played favorites. Of course, that's right; we are a clique. But, still, I got him to say that we weren't. Danny was up at the alleys that night we bowled the San Marcos. I asked them if they wanted to bowl the first team or my team. They said, "Your team," so I told Danny, "If you want to bowl, you're in." He said he didn't want to. He had been sick, and he didn't feel well enough. So we didn't have to put Rico or Chick out on account of him. But now Danny and Mike both want to bowl, and I want to bowl with them. With me, bowling isn't just a sport. It makes a lot of difference who I bowl with. I want to bowl with my friends. So I told Danny and Mike to come up this Saturday and look over the situation. If there's no room for them, they'll go on the next alleys or upstairs. And I told them, "If you do that, you've got me." I'll go with them, and whoever wants to follow us can come. In that way it will really be our team again. Since Danny and Mike did not appear on the following Saturday or regularly thereafter, the decisive break did not take place. The boys continued to bowl in a miscellaneous group. In October, 1939, Doc said to me: "Nutsy is staging a comeback. Danny and I haven't been around much recently, and he's been trying to take over. He's steaming up the boys to challenge us bowling." Nutsy got Frank, Carl, and Tommy to bowl against Doc, Danny, Chris, and Long John. Doc's team won the first match by a very narrow margin, Nutsy repeated his challenge, and his team evened the score. Nutsy's boys were satisfied; no play-off was scheduled. In these two matches Nutsy gave a remarkable performance. Before this he had bowled very infrequently and was considered a poor bowler. In the first match he bowled well; in the second match he left all competitors far behind. He also led the cheering. He was constantly yelling encouragement to his team and badgering his opponents. From time to time, he shouted, "Who is the best bowler you ever seen?" His team mates shouted back at him, "Nutsy!" Several times Danny jokingly joined in the refrain. When the Ar DOC AND HIS BOYS 47 second match was over, Nutsy said to me, "Wasn't I an inspiring leader, Bill?" The following Saturday, Nutsy delivered an individual chal-lange to his cousin, Chris Teludo, who was then considered the best bowler among the Nortons. Chris won, but Nutsy repeated his challenge and beat him the next two strings. When Doc, Long John, Chris, Chick, and Rico bowled a match against the San Marcos, which they lost by a single pin, Nutsy and Frank deserted them to bowl on adjoining alleys. The team members felt that Nutsy's yelling would have caused the San Marcos to lose enough pins to change defeat into victory, and Long John said to Frank: "You fellows are poor sports. Yuz run away when we need yuz to cheer." Frank answered: "Why should we cheer for you when we want to bowl? Who are you—the boss?" While the Nortons were one group, the second team never had a chance against the first team. When the group split into two, Doc, Danny, and Mike could no longer keep the followers in their places. Nutsy had a chance to seize the leadership among his group of bowlers, and, in spite of lack of practice, he came through with a performance that corresponded with his new position. While Nutsy rose, Long John fell. As early as the spring of 1939 it was evident that Long John was slipping. His bowling declined, and in the individual prize competition closing that season he finished next to last. The first part of the 1939-40 season brought no improvement. In the matches against Nutsy's team, Long John bowled very poorly. Doc and Danny would say to him, "Well, it looks like you're not the man you used to be. This year maybe you won't be good enough to make the first team." These remarks were made in a joking manner, but they were symptomatic of the changes in personal relations that had taken place. As if they sensed Long John's defenseless position, Nutsy's team members redoubled their verbal attacks upon him. They had always attacked him more than they attacked Doc, Danny, or Mike, but now, under Nutsy's leadership, they subjected him to an unrelenting barrage that was calculated to destroy his self- 48 STREET CORNER SOCIETY confidence. When he was bowling so poorly, there was little that Long John could say to defend himself. One afternoon Doc came to consult me about Long John. He had confided to Doc that he had not slept well for several weeks. As Doc said: I talked it over with him.....Whenever he gets half-asleep and the sheet comes up over his face, he wakes up thinking he's dead.....I told him, "John, it must be something that happened to you when you were a kid. Maybe sometime when you were playing, somebody threw a coat over you, and you thought you were smothering." But he couldn't think of any case like that. I had him think some more about when he was a kid, and finally he got it. It was when he was about eight years old. He was very sick with pneumonia, and the doctor told his mother that he was dead. They pulled the sheet up over his face. When he came to, he heard his mother screaming and his relatives crying because he was dead. Then he moved a little, and they saw him move and pulled the sheet back, and everybody rejoiced, but that must have made a deep impression on John's mind. When he told me that story, I explained to him how foolish it was for him to let a thing like that bother him..... I told Doc I thought more than that was needed in order to effect a cure. I suggested that he might be able to dispel Long John's anxieties if he took him into Spongi's inner circle and if he and Danny began to defend Long John's bowling and encourage him when the others attacked him. Doc was doubtful but agreed to see what could be done. Within a short time he had fitted Long John into Spongi's inner circle. As he explained: I didn't say anything to Spongi, but I already fitted with him. I just made a lot of noise about Long John. If he wasn't around, I would ask the boys where he was. When he came in, I would say to him, "Here's Long John, the dirty bum," and I would ask him where he had been. I gave him so much attention that he moved in there right away. Spongi began asking him to go places with us. Now even when I'm not around John is right in there. At the same time Doc and Danny began to support him at the bowling alleys. Long John's bowling began to improve. In a short time he was bowling as well as he had in the season of 1937-38. In the individual competition that climaxed the 1939-40 season, he won the first prize. He never again consulted Doc about his nightmares. The structure of the new group that grew up on Norton Street can be represented in the manner shown in the accompanying chart. DOC AND HIS BOYS 49 Since Angelo did not bowl, Nutsy could assume the leadership at the bowling alleys. When the boys were on the corner, he could not compete with Angelo. Carl and Tommy followed him at the alleys, but they spent little time on the corner. Frank was the only one who was personally attached to Nutsy. Phil and Paul had become close friends of Angelo through their membership in the Italian Community Club, and Joe also attached himself to Angelo. ANGELO'5 BOYS ANGELO NUTSY 1 PHIL J 1 PAUL 1 I I Corner 6otf ifox'utfrH&entüf present - line of 'influence Positions of Boxes indicate relative-status The strength of Angelo's position on the corner depended in part upon his activities in the Cornerville Dramatic Club, to which Nutsy did not belong. In the late winter of 1939 the boys had been urging Doc to find a clubroom for his boys in order to keep the Nortons together. While he was conferring with Mr. Smith upon the recreation center project he asked if his boys might have a clubroom in the Cornerville House. Mr. Smith offered the best room in the house for one night each week. Doc got Angelo, Joe, Frank, and Long John, some of the Aphrodite girls, and some other men and girls and founded the Cornerville Dramatic Club. After that he was too busy with his recreation job to be able to attend meetings, but he placed his confidence in Angelo, who came to him for advice on matters of club policy and took the STREET CORNER SOCIETY lead in meetings whenever Doc was not present. This strengthened Angelo's position on the street corner. Doc explained to me how things were done when Angelo was with the boys: One night last week I stopped in at Stefani's on the way to a party. That whole clique was in the barbershop. I asked Angelo, "What are you doing tonight?" He said, "I don't know, just hanging around, I guess." I asked him to come to the party with me. He said he couldn't, somebody had already asked him and he had said he was busy.....Then I turned to Phil and asked him what he was doing, and he said, "I don't know. Whatever the boys do." And then he looked at Angelo. I asked Paul, and he gave me the same answer. One by one I asked Joe, Nutsy, and Frank, and they all said exactly the same thing: "I don't know. Whatever the boys do." ____And "the boys" meant Angelo.....I said, "All right, I'll see you later."____Later we went down to Jennings', and that clique was already there at a table in the back. I sat with the fellows I came with. That's only right. But after a while Angelo came over and sat next to me. He had something he wanted to tell me. I guess he planned to come over for just a few minutes, but he stayed too long. Paul pulled over a chair, and then Phil came over. One by one, they all came over until the six of them were with us. They had to pull up another table to sit next to us.....Now suppose Paul had had something to say to me. He could have come over and stayed as long as he wanted to, and, as long as Angelo did not come over, none of those other fellows would have moved. Suppose the five of them are in Stefani's one night, and Angelo hasn't showed up. Phil might say, "Let's go up [to] a show." Nutsy will say, "All right, but let's wait for Angelo." So they wait. If he doesn't show up after a while, they go looking for him. They go up to his house and try to find him. It's only after waiting for him that they feel free to go without him. Waiting for Angelo is like a duty..... Suppose they find him and ask him to go to a show. If he says, "All right," they go; but if he says, "No," they don't go. Sometimes Frank and Nutsy talk against Angelo. Frank says to me, "He's a bull-slinger. He tells me to wait for him, and I have to wait an hour before he shows up. Me, if I'm five minutes late, they go without me."---- Nutsy says, "Last night Angelo told me to meet him at Jennings' at 10:30. I waited till twelve and he didn't show up!"----The night Nutsy was talking about, Angelo was with me.....They cut up Angelo to me, and they just hope that I'll agree with them. If I said they were right, I don't know what would happen. But I said, "No, Angelo is a good kid." No, Angelo doesn't know he's their leader. If you told him that, he'd be ruined. He wouldn't know what to do. I asked what would happen if Doc came upon the five of them without Angelo and asked them to go somewhere. DOC AND HIS BOYS 51 They would have to find Angelo first. It's like a duty. You see, I'm not really a part of that clique now. I haven't been with them enough. They won't do anything unless it's all right with Angelo.....Angelo and I are good friends. He always asks me what I'm doing, and I know that if I told him to come with me, he would. The other night I saw Nutsy, Frank, Phil, and Joe Dodge on the corner. They were waiting for Angelo, and then they were going for a walk. I went up the street, and I met Angelo coming down. I said to him—not because I wanted to show I was a leader but because I wanted him to do it—I said, "Angelo, wait for me on the corner and then we'll go up to the Metropolitan Hotel together....." When I got back, they were all waiting for me. We started out together, and after we had gone a few blocks, Phil asked where we were going. I said that Angelo and I were going up to the Metropolitan. Phil said to Angelo that they had been waiting all night for him, and now he was going to leave them. I told Angelo I didn't want to take him away from the boys. He could stay with them if he wanted to. But he came with me. They left us at the corner of-Street. I looked back to see which way they went. They split up. Frank and Nutsy started one way. Phil and Joe went the other way. It's Angelo that's holding that clique together now. If he went away for a month, they would break up. In the early spring of 1941 Angelo was still leading the boys. While they often expressed dissatisfaction with his decisions, they always followed him. Doc had not been around the corner much, and Angelo felt so secure that he did not take the trouble to seek him out to consult him about plans for the group or the club. Then one night Doc appeared at a meeting of the Dramatic Club. Angelo proposed a certain line of action. Doc thought Angelo's idea was foolish, and he said so. When Doc led the opposition, Angelo's followers deserted him, and he was overridden. Angelo found it difficult to adjust to the new situation. He dropped out of the Dramatic Club. For a time he would not speak to Doc. He hoped that the boys would take his side, but they supported Doc and talked freely against Angelo. Doc defended Angelo. After a while Angelo returned to the club and made up with Doc, so that their relationship became much as it had been before Angelo became the leader of the boys on the corner. When Angelo's power in the club was destroyed, he also lost his hold upon the corner. There was no longer a leader to hold the boys together, and the last remnants of Doc's gang disappeared from Norton Street. CHAPTER II CHICK AND HIS CLUB 1. THE STORY OF CHICK MORELLI SINCE Chick Morelli and some of his Italian Community Club members have appeared in the story of the Nortons, they require no special introduction. However, so far they have been seen only as they affected a group of corner boys. In order to understand who the men were and where they were going, it is necessary to step inside the club, observe their actions, and listen to the accounts they give of themselves. Chick Morelli told his story in this way: I was born in Italy. I didn't come over here until I was eight years old. .... I was born in Avellino, near Naples. My father was quite a powerful man over there. He started a political party, and he ran for mayor and was almost elected. I guess politics runs in the family.....I think I get my intellectualism from my father. I realize now that the things I have done are the sort of things that he wanted to do. My father came to Eastern City nine or ten years before my mother and I came here. He set up a fruit and vegetable store, and he also had a small bakery. We hadn't been here long before my father died and left my mother, my older sister, and me to take care of ourselves. We got a little money selling his property, but that didn't last long. I started to work selling papers. From the beginning I used to make $5 a week on my paper business. I worked hard. I was anxious to get ahead. After a while, I was making $2 on Saturday with the papers and about $10 a week altogether. I always brought home every nickel to my mother, because I didn't know how to spend it. And she didn't know how to spend money in this country, so she saved it too.....I used to go out for wood. I provided all the fuel for the stove, except in the coldest weather, when we would buy a little coal.....Then I got a job after school behind an ice-cream counter. I was making $10 a week at that for a while.....When I was in high school, I had a job with my uncle. He was in the bootlegging business. I had to take the job; I had no choice, because I needed the money. I worked there for a while, mixing the alky, selling over the counter. Once I nearly got arrested. It was just lucky that I didn't..... When I was working in the bootlegging business, I had plenty of money. And I was a free spender at that time. I went to plenty of dances, and whenever a couple of fellows were with me, I would invite them to have coffee or a CHICK AND HIS CLUB S3 drink. I wasted a lot of money that way, but now that I look back on it, it seems to me that it was better for me to have learned my lesson early when money didn't count for so much as it does now.....One summer I was going different places with one particular friend. All summer we went out to dances and parties three times a week, and I always paid for him. At other times I would hand him a couple of bucks so that in case he met a girl, he wouldn't be embarrassed. I never thought the time would come when I would ask him for a dime and he wouldn't give it to me, but that time did come. It was just before I was going back to school. On this particular night I knew he had just gotten his pay check. He came up to me and asked me to go to a dance with him. I said I would gladly go, but I didn't have enough to buy the ticket. I needed ten cents more. He said, "Well, I've got $30, but I need it all myself." I said, "Don't trouble yourself, I'll get it from somebody else." That taught me a lesson. After that I would never go so far out of my way for anybody. I would always hold back just a little.....I don't know if you have found it so, but it has been my experience that I make more friends and better friendships when I act a little reserved and don't go running after the person.....Probably I was influenced somewhat by my mother. She always believed that you shouldn't trust a person too far, you should keep something in reserve, and she often said that to me. I asked him if he had found it hard to adjust when he came from Italy. I did. I was ridiculed by my classmates because of the way I spoke. But they didn't mean anything by it. After all, we were all Italians down here. But, still, I was always sensitive about my way of speaking. I don't think I had an accent for very long, but it wasn't until recently that someone pointed out to me that I never pronounced my th sounds..... I did a lot of things with the boys. I played the rubber-ball game that you play with your fist. I was a champ at that. I wasn't so good at baseball or football, perhaps because I spent so much time at the other game. I asked him if there had been a gang of fellows with whom he associated. He said there had been. Was he the leader of it? I don't know. I wouldn't say just that. I know that they always used to call for me instead of me calling for them. I used to wait up at my house for them. It wasn't that I wanted them to come for me. It just got to be a habit. When we played cards, it was always up at my house. We would play there evenings, and sometimes I would say, "Sorry, fellows, I have to go out," and the games would break up. I took an academic course in high school. I don't know why I did, except that I always liked those studies. At that time I didn't think I would be able to go to college, but I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't have gone. I wanted to get out in the world. I wasn't satisfied to stay just where I was.....When I was working in my uncle's store, I was associating 54 STREET CORNER SOCIETY with the lowest of the low, the bums and the drunks. Sometimes I would wonder if I was going to wind up like them.....We did have some good customers. One was a judge. There was another man who was very well educated. Once this man came in and wanted to buy some liquor on credit. I couldn't give it to him, not because I didn't want to, but because I had orders from my uncle. We got in an argument, and he said some things tnat hurted me. He said, "Chick, I like to see you in college, you'd make a jackass of yourself the way you talk and act." .... I was very sensitive about those things, and that hurted me. Right after that I went uptown and bought two books. One was a book on English, and the other was a book of etiquette. I don't know why I bought that book of etiquette, but when I got home, I read it through. I wanted to know everything I should do and not do. The summer of my Junior year in high school, when I was at a dance down at the beach, I met a girl by the name of Edith Clark. We got along all right, and she took down my telephone number. She said she would look me up when we got back to Eastern City. A few months passed, and I didn't hear anything from her. I decided to forget about it. But then one day in my Senior year a fellow came up to me in the library and told me that a girl by the name of Edith had called in my uncle's shop. I had even forgotten who she was, but I called her, and after that we got together. I was seeing her about every other night for almost two years. She lived with a woman named Mrs. Burroughs. Mrs. Burroughs took a liking to me from the beginning. She would introduce me to people before her own sons. I learned a lot of things from her and from Edith. I began mingling in with different people. Wherever I went with Edith, I would watch what she did, and I would act the same way. Sometimes I noticed that she didn't do things just right according to the book of etiquette, but, of course, I didn't say anything. I learned a lot from her.....Once I asked her if there was anything wrong with the way I talked, and she said that she had never noticed anything. I know now that I didn't pronounce my th sounds at that time, but probably she didn't want to hurt my feelings.....After a while, I began to notice that there were other people that didn't know as much as I did. I would be in an elevator with some fellows and girls in a hotel, and I would notice that the other fellows didn't have their hats off. Or I would be sitting at a table with another fellow when a girl came up. I would get up, and he wouldn't. I began to think I wasn't so bad off..... Bill, if there is one thing I have a talent for, if I have a talent for anything, it is a talent for imitation. When a person says something in a certain way, I can usually imitate him, not 100 per cent but pretty well. When I was in college, I used to pay attention to everything the professor said so that I could learn from the way he said things. And when I was home at night, besides my regular studies, I used to set a book of biographies of great men before me and a dictionary beside it. I would read in the biography, and any word I didn't understand I would look up in the dictionary and write down on a piece of paper. I would review them before I went to CHICK AND HIS CLUB 55 v bed. Then every night I would read aloud for ten or fifteen minutes. It didn't matter what I was reading, I wanted to make my voice come out better.....I always had that desire for refinement. I was always seeking refinement..... When my mother told me that I was going to college, I was surprised. But she had some money saved, and I always worked summers. A couple of summers I couldn't find a job, so I set up a pushcart with Lou Danaro. Once a friend of mine asked me if I wasn't ashamed to be working on a pushcart. I told him, "Why should I be? This is my bread and butter." In grammar school we were all Italians. In high school [in Welport] the races were mixed. At St. Patrick's College there were only about a hundred Italians out of 1,400 students. About 1,200 were Irish, and the other hundred were different races. I noticed the difference when I got in college. We felt discriminated against. In the beginning I was very timid. Sometimes even when I knew the right answer I wouldn't raise my hand because I was afraid people would laugh at the way I expressed myself. But in my Sophomore year, I began coming out. I talked more in class. I remember one English class when we were discussing Macbeth. I said something about the play, and the professor disagreed with me; but I stuck to my point, and he gave me a lot of credit for that. He referred to "Mr. Morelli's theory." That gave me a lot of confidence. In my Junior year some Italian students came over from Italy to visit different colleges. I was appointed head of a committee of thirty at St. Patrick's to show them around.....At that time there was no Italian taught there. It wasn't right. To think that they should teach Spanish instead of Italian. What have the Spaniards contributed to literature to compare with the Italian contributions? .... I organized an Italian Academy at St. Patrick's, and I was its first president. At my own expense I got up petitions for the Italian language. I talked with Father Donnelly, the dean of the college. He wasn't so sympathetic. I argued with him. I asked him if he could name a greater poet than Dante. He said he couldn't. I said that, for every Irishman in any field that he could name, I could name an Italian who was a greater man. He argued that there might not be enough students to take the course. I told him that there would be at least twenty students, and if there weren't, he could drop it.....That fall there was an Italian course, and Professor Salerno came to the college.....There were thirty students taking the course. I couldn't take it myself because I was a Senior, but the Italian Academy expanded and put on plays and many other activities. Concerning his personal contacts, Chick told me that he valued especially his friendship with Thomas L. Brown, a prominent Eastern City lawyer. He said that Brown had a strong influence on him, often correcting his mistakes and giving him advice. Once he asked Brown if he thought the Italian people were discriminated against. The lawyer answered: "Don't be an ass, STREET CORNER SOCIETY CHICK AND HIS CLUB 57 Chick; it's only the jackasses that discriminate against the Italian people. No intelligent people would do that." Chick said that this impressed him. He began to think that the Italians themselves were at fault. The Italian boys down here have that feeling of inferiority. I have it myself. I really mean that. When I hear that some people think I'm pretty good, I wonder what it is that I have. I can't see it. I'm not just pretending when I say that I feel inferior. That's the truth.....I think the only way to overcome that inferiority is to go out and mingle with other people. Until you can mingle in, you will never overcome that feeling. I asked Chick how he happened to go to Ivy University Law School. I took a law course with Professor Martini at St. Patrick's. I was proud that an Italian was teaching the law course. I asked him where I should go for my law studies. He suggested St. Patrick's Law School. So I made my applications, and I was going there when I met a lawyer named Marino. He asked me why I didn't go to Ivy Law School, instead. I said: "I know my own limitations. I couldn't get into a place like that. I'll be content to stay in my own station." He told me: "Chick, don't be a jackass. If you've got the marks, you can get into Ivy, and a degree from Ivy will mean much more to you than one from St. Patrick's." I thought it over. I went home and talked with my mother. It would cost me $420 to go to Ivy, not counting books, or carfare. It would cost only $250 at St. Patrick's. I made a bargain with my mother. If she would pay my tuition, I would pay for everything else. She asked me how she could be sure that I would keep to my bargain. I told her that if I didn't, I would just drop out. So she agreed. And that's the bargain we've been keeping to ever since.....I was anxious to be the first Italian boy from Cornerville to go to Ivy Law School. I made my application and sent in my marks along with a letter from Mr. Brown. He boosted me to the skies. A few days later I heard that I was accepted. Chick's entrance into Ivy University Law School constituted an important step forward in his social and professional career. There was still a hard struggle ahead of him. The next few years would be decisive in determining his position in society. Against that background we can understand what the Italian Community Club meant to Chick Morelli. 2. ORGANIZING THE CLUB The roots of Chick's Italian Community Club can be traced as far back as junior high school. The ninth-grade home-room teacher had a system of seating her pupils according to her estimate of their scholastic performance. The special recognition they received led to the development of a clique among the boys of the first row and the front of the second row. They even formed a short-lived club. The ninth-grade clique included Chick Morelli, Pat Russo, Tony Cardio, Joe Gennusi, Paul DiMatia, Leo Marto, and Jerry Merluzzo, with Phil Principio upon its periphery. Eight and a half years later Chick called upon these men to form the nucleus of the Community Club. He invited five other Cornerville men, Tom Scala, Mike Ferrara, Frank and Al Perino, and Jim Filippo, to be charter members. Pat Russo, Chick's closest friend, had begun a social work course at St. Patrick's. Tony Cardio had an office job and was going to law school at night. Joe Gennusi was selling insurance and also studying law at night school. Paul DiMatia was completing a business course at Eastern College. Leo Marto and Jerry Merluzzo were studying medicine at the recently organized Meridian Medical School. Tom Scala was a Junior at Ivy College, where he was majoring in English literature. Mike Ferrara was in his last year at St. Patrick's. Frank Perino, a graduate of St. Patrick's, was taking a medical course at Sheldon University, which ranked next to Ivy University in this field in the Eastern City region. His younger brother, Al, was in his Junior year at St. Patrick's. Jim Filippo was a Senior at Eastern College, where he was majoring in accounting. The club's organization meeting was held at the Norton Street Settlement House early in January, 1937. Chick Morelli was elected president; Leo Marto, vice-president; Tom Scala, secretary; and Frank Perino, treasurer. Tom Scala gave this description of the meeting in his minutes: Mr. Morelli roughly outlined to the assembled group the purpose of the assembly. He stated that Italians have made a brilliant reputation in the civilization of the world; hence we should consider ourselves a vital element of the American race. We must create social bonds, principally with our intellectual equals, for chiefly among these can the influence of the Italian mind in the fields of Arts and Sciences be fully realized. 58 STREET CORNER SOCIETY CHICK AND HIS CLUB 59 Our next aim is to instruct our community as to their duty concerning amelioration of their own educational and sectional interests. The president [in the second meeting] presented his outline of the year's activities. The outline proposed points that were social as well as intellectual in nature. I. Weekly talks by the members in their respective fields preferably. II. Monthly articles for the-— [local newspaper], one article a month by every individual member. III. A monthly forum for Italian parents. IV. Production of a play. V. A debate. VI. Oratorical contests for nonmembers. Social Program I. Monthly socials for the members. II. Smokers for intellectuals of Italian extraction. III. Dance for benefit of Italian Orphan's Home. IV. Bi-monthly stag parties. V. Fraternity pin. The second meeting also approved a constitution that had been drawn up by Chick Morelli and Tony Cardio. Provision was made or an annual election of officers, initiation fees, dues, penalties, and the appointment of committees, but no clear statement was made upon the necessary qualifications of an applicant for membership. It was understood that the club was to be made up of a superior class of young men, but exactly what should constitute this superiority remained to be decided. The club had a dual purpose: the social betterment of the members and the improvement of Cornerville. There seemed to be no necessary conflict between these aims when the club was organized, but it proved impossible to pursue both at the same time. Consequently, almost every issue implied a decision as to which aim was to be emphasized. When new men were admitted and when new activities were planned, the members were deciding in effect what kind of club they were to have; and, while they did not express it in these terms, they knew what was involved. The first issue arose over the question of whether the club should admit men who had had no college or professional education. While some of the members were afraid of lowering the standing of the club, they nevertheless had friends among the noncollege men. Joe Gennusi argued that it was undemocratic to exclude them, and, after the issue had been discussed at several meetings, it was finally agreed that the membership committee should have discretion in such cases. When the way was opened to noncollege men, Doc and Angelo Cucci were admitted to membership, and in the course of the next several months Lou Danaro, Fred Mackey, Art Testa, and Patsy Donato were voted in. Art and Patsy had both been members of the Sunset Dramatic Club. Art had an office job, and Patsy had a small contracting business. In this same period a number of college men were added. Mike Ferrara introduced a friend, who was also a Senior at St. Patrick's. Chick brought in Vincent Pelosi, a Westland man who, like himself, was going to Ivy University Law School. Tony Cardio brought in Ernest Daddio, who had spent two years at St. Pat-trick's and had left to take a white-collar job. In April, Doc invited me to a meeting of the club and asked me to join. He told me that it would be necessary to change the constitution in order to get me in, since membership was limited to Italian-Americans. Actually there was no such provision, but the written constitution was rarely referred to, and everyone believed that an amendment was necessary. Doc submitted my name to the membership committee of Tony Cardio, Tom Scala, and Phil Principio. He told me that when he entered the club most of the members were new to him, but now he looked forward with confidence to the political maneuvers necessary in my behalf. I said that I did not want to make an issue out of my application, but Doc said that he did. At a much later time Doc reviewed for me the progress of my case. Tony Cardio had been against me, but Tom Scala and Phil Principio gave me a majority on the membership committee. However, since several others were also against me, Tony's vote was necessary to pass the amendment. He was finally persuaded to pledge his vote to me. As Doc told me: I had it all arranged, Bill. The vice-president of the club [Leo Marto] was against you, so if we needed the vote, I was going to have Chick stay away so he would have to take the chair. But there were only three at the 6o STREET CORNER SOCIETY meeting that told me they were against you, so I told Chick to come up. Then when we voted—by the Australian ballot—there were five votes against you. They double-crossed me, Bill. I was sore. I accused two of them of voting against you, but they swore they didn't.....It didn't make any difference, Bill. I was only sore because they double-crossed me..... Doc and Chick thought that Tony Cardio had broken his word by voting against me, and, although Tony denied it, Chick said after the meeting that he would never trust Tony again. In the same meeting I was elected to the newly created status of guest membership. In the next meeting Tom Scala said that it was stupid to have a special status for me and moved that I be made a regular member. This time the motion carried. My application for membership brought about the first sharp division of opinion in the club, but it did not give rise to the college and noncollege division. The corner boys wanted to get me in, but so did some of the college boys. 3. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES The program outlined by President Morelli was ambitious enough to occupy the attention of a dozen clubs. It soon became evident that only a small part of his plan could be put into effect. No action was taken upon the monthly articles, the forum for parents, the debate, the smokers for intellectuals, the benefit dance, the stage parties, or the fraternity pin. An oratorical contest for nonmembers was planned and announced, but interest in this project was insufficient to carry it through. The college men took turns in giving talks, which were held with some degree of regularity upon meeting nights. In the first season the production of a play became the center of interest. Chick Morelli took it upon himself to select the play to be given. His choice was Night of Horror, which, he explained, was amusing and exciting and had the additional advantage that it could be had for a ten-dollar royalty. Doc was voted into the club after the choice had been made, but he confided to me his opinion that Night of Horror was a bad play which Chick liked simply because he saw a good part for himself in it. One of the members suggested that Doc be asked to direct the play, but Chick said, "No, Doc would play favorites." Chick CHICK AND HIS CLUB 61 recommended a man by the name of Felix DiCarlo, who lived next door to him. None of the other members knew DiCarlo, but they accepted Chick's suggestion. When the tryouts were held, Frank Perino, who had starred in amateur theatricals at St. Patrick's, sat in the back of the hall and refused to participate. He said to Doc, "What's the use of trying out? Chick will get the lead anyway." A short time later Frank resigned from the club, and his brother followed him. Doc and Chick both tried for the leading role, and DiCarlo selected Chick. Some of the members were so outspoken in their opinion that Doc deserved the part that Chick finally suggested that Doc take his place. However, neither Doc nor DiCarlo would stand for a change. There were four feminine roles to be filled. Doc told me that there was a great interest in dramatics in Cornerville, and he felt that giving Cornerville girls the opportunity of learning how to express themselves on the stage was in accord with the local improvement aim of the club. Chick felt that this was an opportunity for the club to make beneficial social contacts. He proposed that he get in touch with the president of the Italian Junior League, an exclusive organization of girls outside Cornerville, to see if they could provide the necessary actresses. This was agreed upon. The results of Chick Morelli's approach to the Italian Junior League were given in the club minutes. President outlined events which occurred during the session with President -and her governing board. Final results being very favorable. They agreed to grant us their assistance in our social endeavors. We in turn are to give them our aid. This is considered by both parties as a mutual verbal agreement. Felix DiCarlo's direction was a spectacle. As Doc commented, "He's more dramatic than any of the actors." The girls were so impressed that they asked him to direct the play to be given by the Italian Junior League. Most of the men were impressed at first, but as time went on they became tired of DiCarlo's temperament. Doc felt from the start that the director was a "phoney." 62 STREET CORNER SOCIETY Doc and Angelo wanted to give the play in the Norton Street Settlement out of loyalty to Cornerville. Chick and Tony Cardio wanted to get a larger and more professional hall outside Cornerville. Their views prevailed. Chick arranged to have some of the Junior League girls act as ushers. Too late it occurred to him that he should have invited girls from the Clarion Club, another exclusive Italian organization, so that his club could make contacts with both groups of girls. The play was considered a great success by the club members. Chick, who played the hero, and Tony Cardio, who played the villain, were particularly enthusiastic. Doc and Angelo were the only ones who expressed to me privately their adverse opinions. Whatever the merits of Night of Horror as drama, it opened the channels of social advancement to the Community Club. The actresses who took part in the play were working girls, but, unlike most Cornerville girls, they worked in offices instead of factories. They were attractive and well dressed, and they had social standing. There was much social activity in connection with the rehearsals. Chick and Tony set the pace in entertaining the girls, but all the members felt obligated to give them a good time. Association with the Junior League girls brought on one minor and one major crisis in the club's affairs. As the first meeting after the production of the play was drawing to a close, Ernest Daddio rose to his feet. Ernest: Wait a minute. I've got something to say.....That night of the play I was broke, but, when I was coming out, I saw five girls from the cast standing around, and they wanted to go somewhere, so I thought it was my duty for the club to spend some money on them. I said, "I haven't anything with me now, but if you'll come with me up to the house, I'll get some money." So I taxied home and got some money, and I went out and spent $4.35 on them. Chick: Well, so what? What do you want from us? Ernest: I want my money back.....I wasn't acting as myself, Ernest Daddio, I was acting as a group.....I was acting for the club. (Laughter.) Chick: Who told you you should act for the club? Tony: He's right, Chick. He really had the interests of the club at heart. Joe: Do you think you're the only one that spent money on the girls that night? CHICK AND HIS CLUB 63 Chick: That's right. We all spent money on the girls, but we're not asking the club to give it back to us. Tony: But Mr. Daddio's case is different. The club has more responsibility there because he was spending money on members of the cast. Joe: How many were there? Ernest: There were five members of the cast. Chick: Two of them weren't members of the cast. Ernest: Well, who the hell were they? Paul: Parasites. The discussion was carried on amid laughter, Daddio being the only one who remained completely serious. Finally Doc said, "I think the kid is sincere. Let him have his money." He moved that Daddio be given three dollars (for which he agreed to settle) from the treasury. The motion was carried by eight votes to seven. Then Chick delivered an angry reprimand to the members and to Daddio in particular. Tom Scala announced that the procedure had been unconstitutional. In order to give out money, the club had to have the authorization of the president and the executive committee. Chick said that he would not give his authorization. Daddio was asked to give the three dollars back. He said, "All right, but I need it for tomorrow. I've got to pay a bill." It was agreed that he could owe it to the club until the following meeting. As the meeting broke up, Daddio remarked to Doc, "I had to have the money." "That's a hell of a way to get it," Doc replied. Daddio never again attended a meeting. When he had missed three consecutive meetings, he was automatically expelled. But he still had the three dollars, and all efforts to get it back proved futile. The Daddio case cost the club one member and three dollars. Association with the girls created a much more serious disturbance. After the play, Chick was eager to continue the social contacts with the Italian Junior League. When the Community Club planned a social, he called the president of the Junior League and asked her to invite some of her members. It was the Cornerville custom for men and girls to go to dances separately. The Junior League girls were not used to this system, and the college men 64 STREET CORNER SOCIETY tended to break away from it, especially when going with girls from outside Cornerville. Chick's arrangements were a compromise. He asked that the girls come down by themselves, but if five girls were invited, he asked five of the members to see to it that they were entertained. Cornerville girls, especially members of clubs meeting in the settlement house, were also invited, but Chick was particularly anxious that the Junior League girls should have a good time. He and Tony Cardio made a point of dancing with each one. The other college men were shy and hung back, except when they were goaded by Chick and Tony. Paul DiMatia and Phil Principio were particularly backward. Doc divided his attentions between the two groups of girls and was popular with both of them, but he never danced. The other non-college men confined their attentions largely to the local girls. The division between college and noncollege men showed itself most clearly in the final social of the first season. We were invited to Patsy Donato's home in Dedfield. Chick Morelli, Tony Cardio, Leo Marto, Phil Principio, Joe Gennusi, and Jim Filippo were with Junior League girls. Doc, Angelo Cucci, Lou Danaro, and Fred Mackey were with Cornerville girls. Chick had offered to get all the boys dates with Junior League girls for this social, but the noncollege men declined. Fred Mackey told me that it was all right for Chick to get girls for those that wanted them, but he would feel disloyal to the local girls if he deserted them for the Junior League. There was a similar division between the two groups of girls. I took a girl named Mary, who had grown up in Cornerville and had moved out to Dedfield, but was not a member of the Junior League. We drove to the Donato home with Joe Gennusi, Tony Cardio and a friend of his, and three Junior League girls. During the drive to the suburbs the two girls with Tony and his friend confined their talk of prospective vacations and social events to one another and the two men. Mary tried to be sociable, but they paid no attention to her. Later she took pleasure in pointing out to me that the Junior League girls had bad manners and that they had mispronounced certain words. She said that all the local girls in the party shared her dislike for the Junior Leaguers. CHICK AND HIS CLUB 65 Those who associated with the Junior League were moving away from Cornerville society. Some felt that the club should move faster in this direction, while others felt that the movement should be brought to a stop. Felix DiCarlo was one of those who was most socially aggressive. Shortly after the production of Night of Horror, he applied for membership. After rushing through a by-law stipulating that no club member should ever be allowed to direct a play, the men voted him in. When the club social program was being discussed, DiCarlo suggested a dinner dance. This was the most expensive proposal of a social nature ever to come before the club. Even Chick Morelli opposed it, saying that the boys could not afford it. The proposal was dropped, and DiCarlo never came to another meeting. While Chick did not think it possible to go so far so fast, he agreed with DiCarlo's aims for the club. Doc discussed Chick's attitude when I asked him to comment upon the club's aim to better the local community: -! The purpose is to better themselves. Don't you hear Chick always talking about getting in with a better class of girls from outside of Cornerville? Sure, they may be smarter and all that, but why not help instruct the stupid ones around here? .... One time we had an executive committee meeting with Chick, Tony Cardio, Pat Russo, Joe Gennusi, and me. Chick proposed having a big dance and charging $2.00 to get in so that we could keep the corner boys away. I argued against that for an hour.....Finally it was tabled. While this proposal was not acted upon, there were others which had the same effect. If the members were to make an impression upon the Junior League girls, they could not allow corner boys who were not club members to drop in, partake of refreshments, and mingle with the girls. Chick insisted that only club members and their guests be allowed to attend socials. This policy was accepted by the club. Chick did not wish to antagonize the corner boys, but, since his chief interest was in the Junior League girls, he pursued a policy which could have no other effect. Thus, in the first few months of its existence, the club had drawn a line of social distinction through its own membership and had cut the college men off from the main body of Cornerville society. 66 STREET CORNER SOCIETY 4. OPPOSITION TO CHICK Though they had become active immediately after being voted into the club, Chick Morelli planned an initiation for all non-charter members. Doc's case raised special difficulties. He said to me, "Don't you think that is a lot of foolishness, Bill? Why do they have to have that stuff?" He had a date with a girl on the night of the initiation, but he dropped in at the settlement at 7:30 to tell Chick that he had a half-hour free so that the boys could take him if they wanted to hurry. Chick said he would be damned if he would make any concessions to Doc. The initiation proceeded in Doc's absence. Chick tried to give us his conception of a college fraternity initiation, but he could not put his heart into it, and, when the ritual was over, he was very gloomy. At the next meeting Doc was sent out of the room while the members discussed what should be done to penalize him. A motion to levy a dollar fine was finally carried by a one-vote margin. Lou Danaro and Fred Mackey sought to vote against the fine, but Chick ruled that, since they had not been members of the club at the time of the initiation, they were not eligible to vote. Doc accepted the decision without comment until he heard that Lou and Fred had not been allowed to vote. He then told Chick that this was just a private feud between them and that Chick would not get away with the imposition of the penalty. Chick replied that he was only acting in the best interests of the club. The penalty question was reopened by Doc at the following meeting. The discussion revealed that there was no one still in favor of the fine. Someone moved that there be no penalty, and this was defeated only after Chick had broken the tie vote. He then suggested that there be a severer initiation at some future date. This was voted unanimously. Chick explained to Doc that a penalty was necessary in order to uphold the prestige of the club. Chick was satisfied and so was Doc. There never was another initiation. Shortly after the initiation question was settled, Chick faced the most serious challenge to his leadership. Not even his best CHICK AND HIS CLUB 67 friends could claim that Chick was tactful. As a matter of fact, he did not approve of tact. He once told me that it was all right in dealing with children but that when he was with mature men he told them just what he thought of them and expected them to take it in the spirit of constructive criticism. Several times toward the end of the first season he told the members that he was doing all the work for the club and accused them of laziness and lack of spirit. In meetings he laid down the law. Once he tried to end an argument by saying, "After all, I'm president, and what I say goes." Doc and his noncollege men had never cared for Chick's leadership, but his position would have been secure if he had had the united support of the college men. In various ways he alienated that support. In a match against another club Chick bowled well and Joe Gennusi bowled poorly. Chick said that in future matches someone else should take Joe's place. Doc protested. He said to me that he thought Joe was just as good a bowler as Chick and, furthermore, that Chick had no authority to decide who should bowl. Chick never raised the issue again, so there was no open break, although Joe felt very bad about the incident. Several meetings after the production of Night of Horror, Chick asked Tony Cardio if he had paid the club what he owed for the sale of tickets. Tony said that he was submitting a report to Joe Gennusi, the chairman of the play committee. Chick said, "I submitted my report long ago. Why can't you be forthright about this?" The remark created a furor in the meeting. Tony objected angrily and then added, in a judicial tone, "I think the president has been indulging in too many personalities. If this goes on, it will be the downfall of the club." "Oh, forget it," Chick said. Joe Gennusi also reprimanded Chick. In the beginning Tom Scala was a loyal supporter of Chick, but their friendship gradually cooled. Tom, who was majoring in English, had a passion for rare and archaic words. He began writing the minutes in a simple, business-like manner, but very shortly the meetings "supervened" or "came to a focus." The secretary 68 STREET CORNER SOCIETY was to achieve his masterpiece in describing the last meeting before the summer vacation of 1937: The sun had passed the Meridian eight times when the last official pre-aestival eisteddfod of the Italian Community Club acervated at the Norton Street Settlement at 8:30 p.m. sharp! Chick had said to me sometime earlier: When a man uses a string of big words, the fellows think he is a genius. I can name for you five members of the club that think Tom Scala is a genius just because he uses words they never heard of before. By encouraging him, they really spoil him for our club.....I don't go for that, Bill, I tell you frankly. I don't think that is art. I think it is putrid.....Real art is simple. I read Homer's Odyssey in the original—at St. Patrick's—and I want to tell you, there weren't a lot of big words in that. Everything was told in a very simple manner, deep and moving, of course, but the words were simple..... Chick did not hesitate to express this opinion in the meetings. Tom liked to amuse the members, yet at the same time he took pride in his writing. When Chick tried to discourage him, he stubbornly persisted, and he was naturally drawn toward the non-college men who were most appreciative of his efforts. Chick had antagonized Jerry Merluzzo, Leo Marto, and Jim Filippo with his handling of Jerry's initiation case. Jerry had been invited to be a charter member but had been unable because of illness to attend the organization meeting. Chick proposed that Jerry be excused from paying the initiation fee but that he should not be considered a charter member and therefore should submit to an initiation. In several meetings Jerry pressed his claim to charter membership, vigorously supported by Leo and Jim. Though the majority of the members voted against him, Jerry and his friends continued to protest. Chick provoked an open clash with Jim when he announced that he was removing him from the judiciary committee. Jim demanded an explanation. Chick said: "I don't have to give you an answer, see. But since you ask for it, I'll tell you." The charges were that Jim was disorderly in meetings and destroyed the solemnity of the initiation by calling out, "Cut out the---!" Tom Scala protested against the repetition of such language in the meeting. Jim got very angry and demanded a chance to de- CHICK AND HIS CLUB 69 fend himself. In a voice barely under control, he held that he had not acted differently from many other members. When Chick tried to argue with him, Jim shouted, "I move the president be impeached!" Tom Scala seconded the motion. Chick was calm. He called for discussion. Tony Cardio said that there was no provision in the constitution for impeachment and suggested that one be put in. Chick said that serious charges should be made. Jim said that he objected to the personalities the president brought into the meeting and to his attitude toward the members. Doc asked Jim to withdraw his motion so that a constitutional amendment on impeachment could be put through. He refused, saying that a straight majority vote should be sufficient to remove an officer. Tom Scala said that his second to the motion had been a joke, which he now wished to withdraw. Doc moved that a three-quarters vote of the members should oust any officer. Paul Di-Matia objected, saying this meant anyone could move for impeachment at any time. He suggested that charges should be presented to the judiciary committee, which would present them to the club. Doc accepted the amendment. Tony Cardio objected, saying that any member should be able to bring up such a motion at any time. The motion was passed as made by Doc and amended by Paul. The idea of impeaching Chick Morelli was not a new one. Tony Cardio had been privately sounding out some of the members, although he had not planned any action for that meeting. If Doc had been willing to swing his noncollege men in favor of impeachment, the move might have carried through in short order, but he took the opposite stand. He told me that, while he had no love for Chick Morelli, he was unwilling to subject him to such humiliation. Tony Cardio had his chance to oust Chick, and he missed it. When once the impeachment motion had been made, it was necessary for Tony to act energetically to push through a vote. Instead, he was occupied with thoughts of legalism when the crisis came. If he was determined that everything should be done legally, he might have substituted a motion that the president be requested to resign. Chick could not have withstood an adverse 70 STREET CORNER SOCIETY vote on such a question. When Tony suggested the cumbersome procedure of amending the constitution, he defeated himself. When Doc and Paul had framed the amendment, Chick's position was again secure. Between meetings the proponents of impeachment tried to mobilize support, but without Doc and the non-college men they fell far short of the necessary three-quarters vote. For a time Chick was chastened. Instead of laying down the law, he would say, "After all, it's up to you fellows to decide. Whatever you decide you want to do....." However, it did not take him long to regain his old aggressiveness. In June the club was suspended for the summer months, to reconvene again in September. In view of the stormy sessions which closed the first season, many of the members wondered whether there would be a second season. Doc told me about an incident which occurred toward the end of the summer: We had a game of La Mora [a game played with fingers], with three men on a side. I was anchor man on my side, against Chick. The game was to twelve points, and when I came up, the score was eleven to three against us. I took nine points in a row and won the game for us. Chick was sore. He was calling me all kinds of names. But I only laughed. I thought it was a big joke.....After a while I went over and sat down in a doorstep on Norton Street. Chick came up and slapped me in the face. I told him, "You do that again, and I'll let you have it." Then he slapped me again..... The first time I didn't mind so much, but the second time I saw red. I chased him across the street. He backed up against the wall. I cracked him with a right to the shoulder. Maybe, if he had been out in the street, I would have let him have it on the jaw, but when he was backed up against the wall, I saw I might crack the back of his head open if I let him have it there..... He had a black-and-blue spot below his shoulder for a long time. He couldn't go to work for two days because he couldn't move his arm. I was worried. I thought I might have crippled him. I was sorry I lost my temper, but he really got my goat.....After that he didn't speak to me for three weeks. 5. THE SECOND SEASON When the club reconvened in September, interest was at a low ebb. Only Chick Morelli, Pat Russo, Joe Gennusi, Phil Principio, Tom Scala, and Lou Danaro attended meetings regularly. Paul DiMatia had an evening job and was given a leave of absence. CHICK AND HIS CLUB 7i Tony Cardio missed three meetings in succession and then received a leave of absence because he was "too busy" to come to meetings. Angelo Cucci began skipping meetings because he could not afford to pay dues. The other members had various excuses which all meant that the club was not very important to them. One night Chick encountered Doc in Jennings' after a club meeting which Doc had missed. Chick: Where were you tonight? Doc: I had important business. Chick: That's what you always say.....You better come to the club meetings or you'll get thrown out. Doc: I'll skip two meetings and come to the third. And you won't be able to do anything about it. Chick: That's what you think. Doc: All right. If you don't believe me, put a little side bet on it, and we'll see what happens. You can't put me out without changing the constitution, and if you try to do it, you won't have a leg to stand on. Chick: You'll see. Doc: Want to bet on it? Chick: No.....But you better come to meetings. Shortly after this Doc deliberately missed three successive meetings and dropped out of the club. Lou Danaro and Fred Mackey continued as members, but they were critical. Lou predicted that the club would turn into a political organization when one of the young lawyer-members wanted to run for public office. Fred said. "As long as the club has strictly a charitable purpose, it will be a good club. I don't like this mercenary stuff." Chick bent all his efforts toward reinjecting life into the club. He opened the first fall meeting with this statement: I know I am not diplomatic all the time. I know I have lots of enemies in the club. [Paul DiMatia said under his breath, "They are legion."] I'm glad I have enemies in the club; it makes it more interesting.....Even the greatest diplomats have enemies. Who am I to be without enemies? .... But one thing I want to tell you fellows, my interests are always for the good of the Italian Community Club. I don't want you to forget that. He then proposed that the club sponsor an oratorical contest for high-school students and offer a prize, to be raised by donations, which would be given to the winner when (and only when) he went to college. "After all, fellows, it is part of the purpose of our club to do something for the community. And I think this would 72 STREET CORNER SOCIETY be a good thing because it stimulates education, and that is one of our purposes." The members listened without enthusiasm, but, since they had no counterproposals, the contest was agreed upon. Three titles were given as "preferred subjects" for the speakers: "The Rise of the Italian-American Youth," "The Italian Contribution to American Civic Life," and "A Famous Italian-American." Chick named Patsy Donato chairman of the contest committee and appointed Joe Gennusi and Phil Principio to work with him. Shortly thereafter Patsy resigned with the excuse that his business did not leave him enough time to devote to the committee, and Joe took his place as chairman. Only Chick and Joe did any work toward raising money and publicizing the contest, and finally Chick had to announce that it was called off. He launched a tirade against the members for their lack of spirit and unco-operative attitude. Paul DiMatia interrupted to charge that Chick himself was responsible for the failure of the contest, since he tried to be a dictator instead of a leader. This was the first time that Paul had come out with a direct attack upon the president. Doc told me that he and his friends had been working on Paul. When we would be together, I would say to him, "Look at this thing that Chick has done. Now, that isn't right." And he would admit it. Then I would say—or one of the boys would say—"Look at that thing Chick did. Now, that isn't right." And Paul would admit it.....If he does all these things wrong, he must not be a good man to lead the club. After a while Paul would have to admit that.....A man naturally wants the things that are right—that he thinks are right. If you point out to him these things that he has to think are right—or wrong—he has to agree with you..... No, I didn't want to impeach Chick. A blow like that might blight a man's entire life. It just steamed me up to see the way he was tossing the fellows around. I didn't want to see him get away with it. Chick had been particularly severe with Tom Scala, and Doc and his boys had been talking to him as well. Angelo and Doc became Phil Principio's closest friends. In this way Paul, Tom, and Phil were won over to the noncollege faction. Since Doc was out of the club, the opposition was unorganized, but it was evidence of growing dissatisfaction with Chick's leadership. CHICK AND HIS CLUB 73 Whenever Chick seemed to be slipping, he came forward with a new idea. In the meeting following cancellation of the oratorical contest, he began in this way: I don't know what is wrong with this club, but if it is the president, I'll gladly resign. I really mean that, gentlemen. I have been giving the matter very serious thought. I'll resign tonight from the presidency, if that's what you want. Not from the club, unless you want me to do that. Tom Scala asked Chick to say what was wrong with himself. Chick said, "I can't answer that. You know, the law of self-preservation. No man condemns himself." When he saw that no one was prepared to act upon his resignation proposal, Chick proceeded with the routine business of the meeting. That concluded, he stood up, took off his coat, and announced that he was going to say things that would surprise the members. "As educated men, I think it is our duty to take some interest in the affairs of the state. Not that I think we should participate in politics, but I think that as educated men we should discuss the qualifications of the candidates in our meetings." Tom Scala objected, saying, "I thought our discussions were supposed to be purely intellectual, and now you are bringing politics in." "Well," Chick countered, "it is part of the purpose of our club to work for the betterment of our community. We should want to see that Cornerville is well represented at city hall and at the Capitol." The members who were studying law were unanimous in supporting Chick. Chick suggested that the club should write open letters to the the candidates, demanding that they take a stand on certain issues. The club could put pressure upon politicians to obtain a new public bathhouse and improved park facilities for the district. Leo objected: "I think we should keep out of politics, because everybody in the club has different ideas on politics. They have different men they want to support, and if we once begin to talk politics we'll never get anywhere with this club." "I don't see why we can't agree on some of the issues without indorsing candidates," Joe replied. 74 STREET CORNER SOCIETY CHICK AND HIS CLUB 75 Tom Scala first opposed the plan, but he was won over when Chick promised that the club would not be asked to indorse any candidate. Chick added: "But if a politician is deceiving the people, it is our duty to inform them." Only Leo Marto, Jim Filippo, and Art Testa voted against Chick. When the boys were gathered in Jennings' after the meeting, Leo cornered Tony: Leo: Suppose a friend of yours is running for office and you aresupporting him, and he promises he will help you out if he gets in.....Now I come around and show you that my friend is a better man and should win the election. Will you change your vote? Tony (hesitating): . . . . No.....Of course not. Leo: Well? In the next meeting it was Vincent Pelosi's turn to give a talk upon his field. He was planning to run for public office in his home district of Westland, and he devoted his time to presenting the case for political talks in the club. When he had finished, Chick called for discussion. After a brief silence, he took the floor himself and went over all the arguments he had given in the previous meeting. Once under way, he would allow no interruptions, and when he had finished it was time to adjourn. Lou Danaro and Angelo Cucci told me that Chick had talked his own plan to death. After this no more was heard about political discussions. In a short time Vincent Pelosi stopped attending meetings. As the club election of January, 1938, approached, there was a revival of interest. Perhaps the prospect of electing a different president proved stimulating to the members. In December, Doc returned to the club. As he explained to me: One night I was out riding in a car with Pat Russo, Joe Gennusi, and Chick. Pat and Joe kept trying to persuade me to come back into the club. Chick asked me to come back too. I don't know whether he wanted to say it or not. When the other fellows asked me, he had to ask me too..... Sure, Fred Mackey and Lou Danaro wanted me to come back.....Well, I decided that I was making too much of Chick to stay out of the club on account of him. I decided to come back. Doc was readmitted only after it had been voted, on Leo Marto's motion, that he must attend eight consecutive meetings on pain of expulsion and that he should not be eligible to hold any office until the eight-week period expired. This regulation prevented him from seeking any office in the January elections. As early as the preceding October the maneuvers leading up to the election were inaugurated. Doc told me that Tony Cardio was trying to persuade the members that Chick Morelli should be re-elected. Since the previous spring, when he had tried to impeach Chick, Tony had executed a sharp about-face. I do not know what passed between them. Whatever his reasons, Tony soon realized that there was no chance of re-electing the president. In December, Doc told me that Joe Gennusi, who expected to run for political office the following year, wanted to be president of the club and had Chick's support. Lou, Fred, Art, Patsy, and Tom had told Doc that they wanted to delay the election until he became eligible to hold office, but he refused to let them do so. One week before the election some of the members were in Jennings'. Chick, Pat Russo, and Joe Gennusi sat at one table. Doc, Angelo Cucci, and Fred Mackey sat at another. As Doc said: For the first time the cliques in the club were recognized openly. Chick called me over. He asked me, "Who do you want for president of the club?" I told him, "We don't care, but we want Art Testa for vice-president..... We shook on it. Chick pledged his vote.....We figured Joe Gennusi will be busy with his campaign in the fall, and he'll have to be absent many times, so we would have Art in the chair often. Maybe they figured that too. On election night all the members except Tom Scala were present, and there was one new member, Al Marotta, a close friend of Joe Gennusi. Leo Marto nominated Joe for president, and immediately it was moved that the nominations be closed. Doc's faction made no protest. Chick called for nominations for vice-president. Pat Russo nominated Tony Cardio. Doc and the other members of his faction were surprised. There was a brief pause. Then Fred Mackey nominated Art Testa. Art said something about being too busy for the job, but Fred talked to him, and he did not withdraw. Ballots were passed out, marked, and collected. President Morelli counted them as several others watched him. Chick announced that the vote was an eight-to-eight tie. He hesitated. He said 76 STREET CORNER SOCIETY that it might be a good idea to have another vote. Doc and his friends insisted that it was the duty of the president to cast the deciding vote. Finally, Chick rose. He announced that he would first give his reasons for his decision. He said that the boys had put him on the spot but that he would always act in the best interests of the club and not choose a man for any personal reasons. He would give his vote to the man who was best qualified for the position, who had done most for the club and would do most in the future—Tony Cardio. Doc and his friends were stunned. Pat Russo was unanimously re-elected treasurer. I was elected secretary. From talks with several of the members, I feel confident that the following record of the vice-presidential election is correct: For Art Testa: For Tony Cardio: Chick Morelli Tony Cardio Art Testa Pat Russo Joe Gennusi Leo Marto Jerry Merluzzo Jim Filippo Al Marotta Doc Fred Mackey Lou Danaro Angelo Cucci Patsy Donato Phil Principio Paul DiMatia Bill Whyte Art Testa made the gesture of voting for his opponent and so created the tie which led to his defeat. If Art's name is placed on the other side, the actual division within the club is fully represented. Several months later Chick discussed with me his choice between Tony and Art. He said: I don't like Tony. I hate him. But I couldn't let my personal feelings influence my judgment. I think he is better educated and more intelligent, and he had done more for the club. I asked Chick if he had not said that he would support Art Testa. No, I never said that. Once I did say that I would never vote for Tony Cardio for any office, but I changed my mind during the course of the meeting.....I saw that there was one member that was urging Art to run to beat Tony because Tony had once taken a girl away from this member. Now that's not right, Bill. And, another thing, Mr. Testa tried to decline the nomination, he didn't think he could do the work. I took that CHICK AND HIS CLUB 77 into consideration.....When I saw they were all so anxious to beat Tony, that roused my sporting blood. I voted for Tony just so they would not be successful in their plans. Yes, I've known Tony since we were kids.....Tony has proved himself to be untrustworthy. He wanted to be friends with me. I told him, "You'll have to come to me." ... . But then I didn't want to let my personal feelings influence me when I voted. I was looking out for the best interests of the club. I asked Doc why Chick had said he did not trust Tony. He explained : Tony was one of the members that held out against you when I was trying to get you into the club. One night Chick and I had him in Jennings', and we argued with him for a couple of hours.....Finally, he said, "Well, if you fellows feel that way about it, maybe I'm wrong." So he agreed to vote for you.....Then when the meeting came, Tony started to make the report of the membership committee, and he was ruining you. I told him he was out of order, all he had to do was tell the members how the committee ruled in your case. I don't know if I was right legally, but Chick backed me up, so we made him shut up. He just said that the membership committee was in favor of you.....But then he voted against you, and that one vote was enough to keep you out at first. Afterward he denied that he voted "No," but he was lying. I thought of everything, Bill. I had one of my men sitting next to Tony to see how he voted. When I told him that, he said first he put down "No," and then he crossed it out and wrote "Yes"—but he's not kidding me.....After that, Chick was sore. He said, "Cardio didn't keep his word. He's not to be trusted." .... I reminded Chick of that after the election. I asked Doc if he was sure that Chick had pledged his vote to Art Testa. He said: Chick broke his word. That's all I want to know.....I checked up with Angelo Cucci yesterday to see if he remembered what happened at Jennings'. He had the same story that I did.....Chick pledged his word that he would never vote for Tony only a week before the election. Since Pat Russo put Tony's name in nomination, Chick must have known that Tony was to be a candidate. Pat was Chick's closest friend and always supported him in whatever he did. It seems likely that Chick committed himself to both sides with the expectation that he would not be called upon to show his hand. The reasons he gave for the decision that was demanded of him are very significant. First, he discounted arguments which he characterized as personal: that he hated Tony and that Tony was 7« STREET CORNER SOCIETY untrustworthy. These arguments might have been used in a different way, to indicate that it was poor policy to select a vice-president who was hated and mistrusted by half the members in preference to one who was more or less popular with all the members. As impersonal reasons, Chick cited Tony's superior intelligence and his past and future services to the club. Art had not been a member as long as Tony, but from the start of the second season until shortly before the election Tony had had so little interest in the club that he did not attend meetings. Art's friends had a high regard for his intelligence, and none of them would concede that Tony was superior in this respect. But Tony was a college man and Art was not. Doc expressed it to me in this way: Don't you remember that speech Chick gave? He thought the office should go to the more intelligent man, to the college man.....When two men aspire to the same office around here, and one of them is a college man and the other is a corner boy, the college man will vote for the college man every time.....If he didn't, he might think he was admitting that a college education didn't do him any good. 6. DISINTEGRATION The election of Tony Cardio had devastating repercussions in the club. According to Doc's story: After that speech Chick made when he voted for Tony, Art wanted an open apology. Chick told me he didn't see why he should give one because he only said what he really thought. Now Art doesn't speak to him any more. I got hold of Chick after the meeting and told him what I thought of him. He just said, "I was in a tough spot."----I told him, from then on he would never have my confidences. We'll bowl together, we'll say "Hello" and "Goodbye," but we'll never be friends.....The man went back on his word, BUI. That's all I want to know. Doc's friends were equally disturbed. Patsy Donato, who was Art Testa's closest friend, dropped out of the club a short time after the election. At the next meeting Tony Cardio surprised the members by seeking to resign from office. When he was pressed for an explanation, he said that Chick had been telling everybody, including the Junior League girls, that he had made Tony vice-president, and CHICK AND HIS CLUB 79 he had made Tony feel very cheap. Chick said he had been joking and apologized to Tony. Tony was persuaded to withdraw his resignation, but the incident revealed that the two men were once again at odds. While President Gennusi was a college man, his attitude toward the corner boys was quite different from that of Chick or Tony. In discussing the friction between the two groups, he once said to me: In Cornerville the noncollege man has an inferiority complex. He hasn't had much education, and he has that feeling of inferiority.....Now the college man felt that way before he went to college, but when he is in college, he tries to throw it off. He tries to break away from the inferiority complex by talking big, by impressing people with what he has learned from his education. Naturally, the noncollege man resents that.....You want to know why I can get along with both groups? Because when I'm with the noncollege man, I never speak about my schooling or say that a man must have a college education in order to be qualified for a certain position..... There are some smart fellows on the corner, and there are some nut-heads in college. President Gennusi's first official acts were designed to conciliate Doc's faction. It had been rumored that Chick was to be made chairman of the judiciary committee in return for supporting Joe for president. Joe appointed Chick and Tony to the judiciary committee, but he selected Doc as chairman. He appointed Art Testa chairman of the membership committee, and chose Fred Mackey, Tom Scala, and Angelo Cucci to serve with the officers on the executive committee. Doc and his friends were favorably impressed. Since Night of Horror had been the outstanding feature of the club's first season, Joe decided that the members should prepare to give another play. He appointed Doc, Fred Mackey, and Art Testa to choose a play and plan the production. Joe questioned each member and found that only Doc, Phil Principio, Pat Russo, Fred Mackey, and Tony Cardio were willing to participate and that Paul DiMatia might be able to take a small part. Chick said that he was too busy. When the men were discussing the feminine roles for the Community Club play, Chick argued: 8o STREET CORNER SOCIETY We shouldn't get just any young lady. We want one with presence—by that I mean stage presence. This may not be liked by some, but I think we should get a young lady who is socially prominent. It will add to the prestige of our club. Before we had girls from A and B [outlying sections of Eastern City]. Now let's invade X and Y [suburban towns].....Mr. Cardio knows Miss Masucci. He could have her bring two girls from the Clarion Club. It had already been decided, upon Doc's initiative, that each girls' club known to the members should be invited to send members interested in trying out. Chick was unable to persuade the club to change this plan. This was probably one of the main reasons that Chick, Tony, and some of the other college men displayed so little interest in the play. At the same time, the Junior League girls started work on a play, with Felix DiCarlo directing. They asked for volunteers from the Community Club, but the men declined in order to concentrate upon their own play. In the following meeting Tony Cardio sought to withdraw from the Community Club play. Tony: I've just been talking with Felix DiCarlo, and he told me he had a small part in the first act of the Junior League play that would fit me perfectly. At least that is what Felix thought. They just need one man..... I'm bringing up the question because the club decided that we should not go into the play, and I don't want to go against the decision of the club. Chick: It is unnecessary for Mr. Cardio to bring up the question. That's a question of a man's free will. We can't dictate to the conscience of a man. Doc: The club decided that we should stay out of the play, and therefore I think it was a fine gesture on Mr. Cardio's part to bring up the matter before us. I think it would a good idea to send one man, and I think Tony should go. Paul: The Junior League helped us a lot with our play, and we're making ourselves look like heels by not helping them. President Gennusi: I object to that statement. Art: I'think it would be all right to send Mr. Cardio, because that wouldn't conflict with our play. Phil: I think we should reciprocate in some way. Chick: Probably I was misunderstood. I don't object to having Mr. Cardio take the part. But don't say we sent him. I mean, we can't dictate to a man's conscience. That's up to Mr. Cardio. President Gennusi: I don't think any motion is necessary. We just want to get the sentiment of the members. Chick: I'm not against Mr. Cardio's going. I was only trying to avoid dictation. Tony: That's all right, then. I'm glad to have the matter cleared up, because rumors have been going around that because I watched the first CHICK AND HIS CLUB 81 Junior League tryout I was going to take part in the play in spite of the club's decision. President Gennusi: I don't think you should mention rumors in the club meeting, Mr. Cardio. As Doc was unable to find a director, several weeks passed without any progress. In a late February meeting Tony Cardio suggested that, since few members were interested, the project should be dropped. Tony: What I want to know is, can the club stand any more deficits? How many tickets to this play can we sell? President Gennusi: You take the wrong attitude. It's not how many can we sell. It's how many are we going to get out and sell. Fred: I think each member should be able to tell ten tickets. Tony: We'll be lucky if half our members sell that many. President Gennusi: You take the wrong attitude. According to you, we shouldn't give any affairs. Tony: That's right. Not right now. President Gennusi: What I want to know is, why should we make a poorer showing this year than we did last year? .... I don't like the way Mr. Cardio is talking. He's objecting to everything the club tries to do. Tony: That isn't fair. You know I have always been a progressive member of this club. Paul: That's right. He has been progressive, but in this case you showed him where he was wrong. Chick (rising to his feet): In this club we always have a big ballyhoo before every event, but unless we hammer down on the members and assess them ten tickets each, we won't succeed. I don't doubt that we will succeed, but that's the way I look at it.....In this club there are a few members that are aggressive, and, in all deference, I'm one. But you can't get away from the principles of human nature. If the others slump, the aggressive ones finally won't work either. For several more meetings the play was discussed, but only Joe Gennusi and Doc's faction were interested. In March, when the committee was still unable to find a director, Doc suggested that the project be dropped. No one protested. In the next meeting President Gennusi announced that the Junior League girls had extended invitations to Community Club members for their dinner dance. Tickets were to cost $4.50 per couple. When the price was mentioned, some laughed and others shook their heads. Since the members could not afford to carry out the reciprocal, activities planned in the "mutual verbal agree- I I 82 STREET CORNER SOCIETY CHICK AND HIS CLUB 83 merit," the club drifted away from the Italian Junior League and all that it represented. Chick Morelli could not remain inactive while this trend continued. Ever since the election of the new president, he had been restless in meetings. Once in the middle of a lengthy discussion in which he took no part, he turned to me and said, "I'm going crazy here." When the play question was finally settled, Chick rose to his feet and began to talk: Fellows, I'm very serious. We have been organized one year now, and we haven't progressed too rapidly.....We've been-! Pardon me, gentlemen.....When I go to school every day, I learn something. But here it is always the same thing. We want to advance. We don't want to be like the ordinary man, the $2o-a-week laborer, that has no ambition. We want to turn our will into force. We need to advance. So, gentlemen, I am proposing something radical, and I want to ask you to let me handle it. He proposed a raffle to finance elaborate socials for girls and Italian students from near-by colleges. If we give these people functions, they'll be obligated to us.....We won't be accused of being cheap pikers like before.....Don't misunderstand me, gentlemen, I think the girls that said that just showed their ignorance, but we don't want to let it happen again. After the meeting he told me what he had been talking about. The previous summer the club had given an outing to which some of the Junior League girls had been invited. Some of the girls had thought that the men were "cheap pikers" because the outing had been such a simple affair. Can you imagine that? .... I was just saying that we should keep on the good side of them for diplomatic reasons. Personally, I don't think those girls have much intelligence. They don't realize that we don't have much money. When the new project was accepted, Pat Russo called for the members to clap hands for Chick Morelli's interest in advancing the club. Chick was named head of the raffle committee, and he chose Doc, Tony Cardio, Fred Mackey, and Pat Russo to serve with him. Chick and some of the men worked hard enough to make the raffle a success, although the receipts fell short of the original estimate. Doc told me his story of the raffle. I went to that meeting when the drawing was to be held. I didn't want to attend the meeting, but I followed every move they made all over the settlement house just to see that the drawing was on the level. Chick wanted to put the unsold tickets into the drawing so as to weight the chances against the people that really bought our tickets. I steamed up. I said, "The people that bought those tickets are your friends. You can't cheat them like that." Chick said, "Oh, honest guys!" I said, "Yes, honest guys." I really steamed up. I was so eloquent that nobody dared talk against me. Fred Mackey had been handling the regular club socials, but Chick felt that, as the initiator of the raffle project, he should also have the social arrangements in his hands. Joe agreed to the substitution. Chick organized two socials to which Italian college students, Junior League girls, and Aphrodite Club girls were invited. The socials brought out most of the members, but they did not revive interest in the club. Encouraged by his success with the raffle project, Chick became more and more active in club meetings, until he completely dominated President Gennusi. On one occasion he delivered a lecture to Joe. He said that all the constructive action in Congress was initiated by the President and argued that Joe should be more of a leader. Joe made no reply. When Paul DiMatia wanted to propose some new candidates for membership, Chick pointed out that Art Testa, chairman of the membership committee, was not present, and added that President Gennusi had used bad judgment in appointing a man whose attendance was so irregular. The president responded by appointing Chick head of the membership committee. Still Chick was not satisfied. After adjournment he called me aside and suggested that we organize a caucus before the meetings. Then, when he proposed something in a meeting, Tony Cardio, Pat Russo, and I would support him, and the measure would go through. Curiously enough, he also broached this idea to Doc. When Doc and I remained noncommittal, we heard nothing more of the caucus, but Chick continued to push his own ideas as actively as ever. Joe Gennusi knew what was happening, and he was worried. As Doc said to me: 84 STREET CORNER SOCIETY Joe is a weakling. He's no leader.....A couple of days ago Joe came to me and asked me, "Why don't you boys impeach Chick? He's taking too much power." .... Can you imagine that, Bill? I told him, "You put Chick in yourself. You throw him out if you want to." .... He wants us to do the dirty work for him.....What kind of a leader is he? Chick flatters him and gets his own way.....What kind of a leader is he if even Chick can toss him around? Joe Gennusi was well liked by the corner boys. It had seemed that he might be able to pull the club together and repair some of the damage inflicted by Tony Cardio's election, but he failed because he was not accustomed to acting with decision and leading a group of men. He was unable to handle Chick and Tony Cardio. When Chick had proposals to make and he did not, Joe was at a disadvantage. Even when Chick and Tony had nothing to propose, they talked volubly. In one meeting Doc allowed Tony and Chick to go on until all the members became restive, and then pointed out that they were simply going over matters that had already been decided. Taking up Doc's lead, Joe said that they were "making technicalities." Chick admitted it. "All right, I'm making technicalities, but if everybody else is making technicalities, I'm going to make them too." Joe shut off the discussion. Similar incidents occurred several times. When Doc made the first move against Chick or Tony, Joe was able to follow him and get them under control. He was unable to take the initiative himself, so, when Doc was not present, Chick had his way. What was happening to the club could be largely explained in terms of three men—Chick Morelli, Joe Gennusi, and Doc. Joe's efforts to cater to Doc's faction were displeasing to Chick. When Doc was chairman of the play committee, the college men could be sure that no special concessions would be made to further relations with socially superior girls. On the other hand, Joe disgusted Doc and his friends by his inability to stand up against Chick. Doc did not try to take the lead in the club because he realized that it was intended to be a college men's club. Chick Morelli was as unpopular as ever, but he had a clear policy, and he was always stepping into action. When spring came, only a remnant CHICK AND HIS CLUB 85 of the Italian Community Club was left, but Chick dominated that remnant. By the middle of April, Chick Morelli, Joe Gennusi, Phil Prin-cipio, Paul DiMatia, Pat Russo, and I were the only active members. The Italian Community Club was dead, but Chick would not admit it. He said to me: This is the best thing that could ever happen to the club. We were better off in the beginning. We'll be better off with ten or twelve good members. We got in the wrong kind of members.....You remember when we were having the talks every meeting, well when it came the turn of some of our members to give their talks, they would come up to me and ask me not to call on them for speeches.....Now that's bad, Bill, but what could I do? If I exposed them, they wouldn't believe I did it for the best interests of the club. They look at everything from a personal viewpoint. Reluctantly, Joe Gennusi accepted Chick's diagnosis. A year later he said: I think we had the wrong men in it.....In the beginning, I fought against having only college men. I hate discrimination of any kind. But maybe I was wrong. I think that the trouble with that club was that we had two kinds of members. There was one group that was aggressive and always wanted to do things. There was the other group that was always hanging back and never seemed to have the ambition..... You know who was the best member of that club? Chick Morelli. He always was aggressive. Of course, there is one fault that Chick has, he isn't tactful. He will tell a man right to his face what he thinks of him. Tony Cardio was a good member too, even if he wasn't well liked.....In the other group there were fellows like Lou Danaro, Ired Mackey, Angelo Cucci, and Art Testa. Angelo seems to be disgusted with life. It seemed that none of these fellows wanted the club to go ahead and do things.....Doc was a good member. When the Community Club broke up, the members had to de-decide whether their allegiance was with the college boys or with the corner boys. For men like Chick Morelli and Tony Cardio, on one side, and Doc and Angelo Cucci, on the other, no real decision was involved. Joe Gennusi identified himself with the college boys, and Paul DiMatia and Phil Principio went over to the corner boys. Paul explained to me: "I didn't have anything to do in the summer, and Phil Principio was unemployed, so we hung around together. And through Phil I was with Doc and Angelo and the rest 86 STREET CORNER SOCIETY of the boys." Later, when Doc moved over to Spongi's, Paul and Phil remained with the Nortons under the leadership of Angelo Cucci. Since Doc and Chick were two of his closest friends, Lou Da-naro had to make a decision. While the process of disintegration was still going on, he said to me: I think the two cliques are separating. The college fellows are supposed to be smarter than us, they're better than us—so let them go their own way. I think they're stupid in many ways.....Chick is still my friend. You know, we once had a fruit stand together. We worked together for two summers. I've always defended Chick. He has got many faults, but still I like him.....We used to go out a lot together, but now it's different. When I'm on the corner with Doc and Fred Mackey, he comes along and wants to go some place with me. I want Doc and Mackey to come along too, but he tells me, first we'll go this place, and then we'll come back for them. So we go, but we don't come back. After a while, I got wise to myself. Whenever Chick wants to go to a dance, Doc wants to go to a show, so I would rather go to a show with Doc.....I had to make my choice. Now Chick don't come after me no more. He just says, "Hello," and that's all..... I think Chick liked to go with me because he could tell me what to do. Whenever we would get into an argument, I would stick with him for a while, and then he would begin quoting from books, and I wouldn't know what he was talking about after that. So what can I do, Bill? I always have to agree with him.....That's the way Chick is. He was always trying to mold me. With Doc, it's different. When he argues with me, he wants to make sure that I understand every point. He goes slow for me. Then maybe a week later we're in the library and he comes across that point, he shows it to me: "See, Lou, remember that point we were talking about? Here it is in black and white." .... Chick don't do that. He don't want to explain things to me. He only wants to get the best of the argument. 7. REPUBLICAN POLITICS At one of the last Community Club meetings Joe Gennusi told us that John Carrideo, a young Cornerville lawyer, was organizing a Republican club in the district. The Women's Republican Club of Eastern City had pledged its financial support and had invited the members to attend a meeting. Joe added: A Republican governor will probably be elected this fall, and, in that case, if the Republicans in Cornerville make a good showing, the workers will get taken care of.....After all, you've got to consider, most of the Italian judges in this state have been appointed by Republicans.....I have to consider my own political aspirations, but if this new group will help the district, I'll join it instead of running for representative this fall. CHICK AND HIS CLUB 87 Forty young men from Cornerville, with representatives of other racial groups, attended "All-American Night" at the Women's Republican Club. Joe Gennusi, Paul DiMatia, Chick Morelli, and Pat Russo were present. The evening program began with a supper served by the ladies of the club. Mrs. Dillingham, who had once employed an Italian gardener, was in charge of entertaining the visitors from Cornerville. After supper she showed us around the luxurious club-rooms. "You can use this hall any time for your meetings..... This can be your smoking-room.....Just make this your home." There was music, a speech by the chairman of the state committee, and another by the gubernatorial candidate, Percival Wickham. As the meeting broke up, Wickham shook hands with each of the Cornerville men. The Community Club members accepted this hospitality with certain reservations. During supper Chick poured his impressions into my ear: I don't like this, Bill.....It looks like I'm being bought off. Let them convince me by argument, not by food. After all, I have my own political ambitions to think of.....It's all very nice and friendly here, but how would I be received if I went to call at the home of one of these ladies? I'll tell you how. She would come to the door and tell me, "I'm afraid you have the wrong address." While Mrs. Dillingham was showing us around, Paul DiMatia pointed at a picture of a buffalo hanging on the wall, and said to me, "They should have a bull there." As we walked home, I asked him to sum up his impressions. He smiled and said, "It was a little patronizing." Nevertheless, the meeting served its purpose. Afterward the Cornerville group gathered on the sidewalk to decide what should be done next. Tony Cardio joined us here. John Carrideo asked Paul DiMatia to be chairman of the next meeting of the local unit. Paul agreed. He said to me, "I have nothing to lose." "I'm convinced," said Joe Gennusi. Tony Cardio said, "I've always been a Republican at heart." Chick Morelli said that he was reserving his judgment, and Pat Russo followed Chick, as he always did. 88 STREET CORNER SOCIETY CHICK AND HIS CLUB 89 Republican money flowed into Cornerville as soon as the campaign got under way. A local headquarters was opened for committee meetings and political rallies. College men made up the nucleus of the local Republican club. There were some corner boys active at the start, but many of them dropped out later. Although a college man, Paul DiMatia was now hanging on Norton Street, and he withdrew with the other corner boys. He told me that the new organization was entirely made up of men who wanted to be leaders. They were all prepared to give orders but not to execute them. Instead of doing the spade work of canvassing the district for votes, they preferred to stay at headquarters, where they could discuss what should be done. When men prominent in the state organization appeared in Cornerville, the members of the local club tried to outjockey one another so as to gain recognition. In the midst of the campaign Tony Cardio won the Eastern City Young Republican's Oratorical Contest with an address on "The Constitution as Guardian of Our Liberties." On the strength of this he was chosen chairman of the largest rally held in Cornerville. Tony gained prominence as a speaker, but his personal limitations were recognized in the Republican Club as well as upon the street corner. As Joe Gennusi told me: We were having a committee meeting to discuss getting men for certain positions. During the meeting Tony Cardio made that speech that he always likes to make. He said we must get a man with a college education. He doesn't think that a man without a college education is qualified.....A couple of days later, I was talking with one of the boys that was at the meeting. He had never met Tony before, but from that one time, he hated him. He said, "Who does he think he is anyway?" .... Now that man wouldn't even give Tony the right time. When we had election of officers in the Republican Club, Tony was nominated for president. John Carrideo was elected, and Tony got only two votes, his own and one other. The man who seconded the nomination didn't even vote for him. I turned in a blank ballot. I figured, they're both my friends. I knew John would get it anyway.....After the meeting, I told Tony that the blank ballot was mine. He began to get mad. I told him, "Why didn't you decline the nomination?" He asked, ' Why should I?" I said, "Because you're not well liked." .... That burned him up. He said, "Now I know who my real friends are." He hasn't spoken to me since that meeting.....It must be annoying to Tony to know that he has all the qualifications, and yet he can't be elected to anything. Wickham was elected governor that fall, but Murphy carried Cornerville for the Democrats by almost six to one. The Republicans did poll a somewhat larger vote in Cornerville than they had in 1936, but the gain was not nearly so great as had been expected, and there was no way of telling what proportion of the gain was accounted for by the efforts of the college men. Some of the most prominent racketeers in Cornerville were also working for Percival Wickham. 8. CHICK MORELLI'S CAREER One evening in the spring of 1938, as we were walking through the market district, Chick discussed his political ambitions. He said that he could already count on five hundred votes if he ran for the board of aldermen but that he wanted to build up more support before he entered such a contest. As we passed a line of fruit stands, he stopped to pick up a couple of apples, said a few words to the dealer, and walked on without offering payment. As we munched our apples, he explained that these men all rented their stands from his uncle and that if he, Chick Morelli, ran for office, they would have to work for him or else lose their stands. He added, reflectively: If I got a good job, maybe I wouldn't get in the fight, but politics seems to be in my blood..... Pat Russo says that charity is important. That's all right, but after all, self-preservation is the first law of man.....If I get in office, I'll try to help the district, but I'll advance myself first. In the fall of 1938 Chick was not yet prepared to join in the Republican campaign. That would have meant sacrificing his ambitions in ward politics, which could only be realized through the Democratic party. Chick looked for another outlet for his political activity and found it in the campaign of Charles Madden, candidate for the Democratic nomination for district attorney. Michael Flaherty, the incumbent, had the support of all the local political organizations. If Madden proved to be a strong candidate, organizing his local campaign might give a Cornerville man who had no place in the existing organizations a favorable opportunity for the launching of his own political career. By the time Chick decided to support Madden, a one-time STREET CORNER SOCIETY CHICK AND HIS CLUB 91 member of the Sunset Dramatic Club was already in charge of the candidate's Cornerville organization. Chick set about forming an organization of his own and made himself district co-chairman. He had small boys distributing handbills, he had a group of young men and girls canvassing the district, and he made a number of political speeches. Charles Madden was defeated, but in Cornerville he polled nearly as many votes as his opponent. Encouraged by this "moral victory," Chick formed the Alexander Hamilton Club, with fifteen young men and girls that had worked for Madden and several former members of the Community Club. Doc, Phil Prin-cipio, Paul DiMatia, and Angelo Cucci accepted Chick's invitation to join the new club. Doc explained his membership in this way: Last summer, when I was going to run for representative, Chick came up to me and pledged his support.....I told him that he should think of his own political ambitions. It wouldn't do him any good to support me when I wasn't going to win.....But he said, "No, you're my friend, and I'm going to support you." .... It really meant something for him to do a thing like that. I felt obligated to him, so when he came around and asked me to join his club, I let him put my name down. I never go to the club meetings. Chick is lucky that I don't. If I was an active member of the club, I couldn't let Chick get away with the things he does. I don't know why they stand for it. I think Chick is doing the right thing for himself politically. He's got a bunch of young kids in that club. Those are the people he has to count on. With fellows my age, he's ruined himself already. We know him too well. In January, 1939, Chick, Doc, Phil, Angelo, and some of the other members of the Hamilton Club attended a meeting in honor of Charles Madden. Doc had this to say about it: They announced a dance to be given in honor of Madden, and they asked all those in the audience who thought they could sell tickets to come up on the stage and get them.....Chick was on and off the stage seven times. Some others came back more than once, but—seven times—that's too much. .... Chick just wanted to get into the limelight. All the boys noticed that. Later, Phil told me: I've dropped out of the club.....You know, Chick invited us to come up to that meeting for Madden. When we got there, he didn't pay any attention to us. He was too busy getting in with the important people to have anything to do with his own club members. That's bad, Bill. This was Angelo's story: I'm out of the club too. After the last meeting I talked to Chick out in the hall. I think he is just out for himself, and I told him that right to his face.....Well, he said he had to look out for himself so that when he got in a good position, he could help out all the members.....That's what he said, but I don't believe him. If he gets himself a good job, I don't think he'll try to help us. I really don't. By the summer of 1939 the Alexander Hamilton Club was dead. Chick had not yet hit upon the right combination. That fall he told me, "If I have the right fellows with me, we'll go places." Thereupon he set about reviving the Italian Community Club. This time the membership was limited to college men. Joe Gen-nusi and several other former members joined, but the membership was largely recruited from among those that had not previously belonged. The main feature of the Community Club program for the 1939-40 season was to be the production of a play written by Ed Preziosa, who, I was told, was one of the outstanding members of the club. Rehearsals began with Chick in the leading role and Ed directing, but the play did not proceed smoothly. Doc told me that several members of the Community Club reported serious friction between Chick and Ed: "It seems they don't get along. Ed thinks Chick is trying to toss him around. Ed is a strong-minded kid himself. If anybody is going to be tossed around, he'll do the tossing." In the early stages of rehearsals Chick had another idea. He proposed that the club sponsor a scholarship drive to send needy and deserving Italian students to college. The drive was to be launched with a banquet in the ballroom of one of Eastern City's largest hotels. The members voted to support the scholarship project, and Chick busied himself with making arrangements for it. He became so preoccupied with the scholarship drive that he decided to drop his part in the play. The conflict between the drive and the play split the club into two parts. Those who were more interested in Ed Preziosa and the play withdrew from the Community Club and formed the 92 STREET CORNER SOCIETY CHICK AND HIS CLUB 93 Buskin Players. They filled Chick's part with one of their members and brought in Doc to substitute for one of Chick's adherents. Angelo Cucci wrote the music for a dance that was used in the play. Ed became very friendly with Doc, and after his own play had been produced he suggested that the Buskin Players merge with Doc's dramatic club. Doc was noncommittal, but the proposal showed the wide breach that separated Ed and his friends from Chick and his friends. Chick delivered the first invitation to the banquet to Governor Percival Wickham. The governor's secretary told Chick that His Excellency was very much interested in the project but would not be able to find time to attend. Undaunted, Chick conferred with Attilio Volpe, a Cornerville banker who had been active in Republican politics and knew the governor's secretary. Volpe went in person and managed to get a pledge of the governor's personal appearance. This made it obviously a function which all prominent Italian-Americans should attend. Over five hundred people paid two dollars each to launch the scholarship drive. Percival Wickham was present at the start and was called upon to say a few words. He shook hands with some of the people at the head table, gave his official blessing to the scholarship drive, and excused himself. Following the governor, there was an extended speaking program. Supreme Court Judge Gennelli and various others prominent in the Eastern City Italian colony spoke words of praise for the scholarship drive and its organizers and pledged their support. Attilio Volpe spoke for the scholarship fund trustees, who were to handle the money and select the scholarship winners. First he ran over the names of the trustees. They were Maynard H. Atwater, chairman of the board of trustees of Ivy University and a member of the board of the Norton Street Settlement; Mrs. J. Harrison Dunbar, also a member of the settlement board; Thomas L. Brown, the prominent attorney who wrote Chick's letter of recommendation for admission to Ivy University Law School; John Ramsay, boys' worker at the Norton Street Settlement; and Attilio Volpe. Toward the end of the program, Alfred Martini, the master of ceremonies who had also been one of Chick's professors at St. Patrick's, called upon Chick Morelli. Clearly, this was the big moment in Chick's life, and he outdid himself. He spoke of the Italians who had made great contributions to civilization. He spoke of the difficulties faced by immigrant Italians in their struggle for recognition, and he proposed more education as the solution of the problems of his people. Chick received an ovation from his audience, and the following day the Italian news commentator characterized his speech as "un' orazione veramente maravigliosa." The Italian Community Club did not inaugurate the fund-raising campaign immediately after the banquet. Summer was coming on, and the members voted to postpone it until fall. When fall came, politics held the center of the stage. Chick worked hard for the election of Willkie for president, Wickham for governor, Bingham for attorney-general, and the other Republican candidates. Cornerville remained overwhelmingly Democratic in the state election, but the Republicans swept all the offices. The following winter Chick revived the scholarship campaign. He enlarged the committee to include some men and women who were prominent in Italian-American society. The second scholarship banquet was an even more impressive affair than the first. This time the mayor attended as well as the governor. It was announced that the drive had brought in something over a thousand dollars. While this fell far short of the ten-thousand-dollar goal, the drive was expected to continue from year to year so that more funds would be available. In the midst of the fund-raising campaign, it was announced that Attorney-General Bingham had appointed Chick Morelli to his staff. It was a small position, but it was a start in politics. Chick had come a long way since he had first organized the Italian Community Club. SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL MOBILITY 95 CHAPTER III SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL MOBILITY 1. THE NATURE OF THE GROUPS THE Nortons and the Italian Community Club functioned at different social levels, and they were organized upon fundamentally different bases. At the same time they were representative of a large part of Cornerville society. Most of the generalizations to be made about the Nortons could be applied equally well to a great number of other corner gangs, although Doc considered his boys "a finer group." The college men in the Community Club did not have so many local counterparts, but they filled the social position that had been held earlier by the Sunset Dramatic Club. Socially, the correspondence was close enough so that some of the corner boys used the names of the two clubs interchangeably. In other words, there was a continuous change in the individuals who held particular social positions, but the positions themselves remained constant, and the people who participated at a given level of society over an extended period of time bore close resemblances to one another. Three social levels were represented in the Nortons and the Italian Community Club in the early period of their history. At the bottom were the corner boys, at the top were the college boys, and between them were intermediaries, who could participate in either group. These distinctions were informally recognized even in the early history of the two organizations. One evening in the fall of 1937 I was standing on Norton Street talking with Chick Morelli, Phil Principio, Fred Mackey, and Lou Danaro, when Frank Bonelli and Nutsy came along and took up a position next to us. I was standing between the two groups. I talked with Chick, Phil, Fred, and Lou, and I turned to talk with Frank and Nutsy. There was no general conversation. Then Lou and Fred stepped forward and turned so that they were facing the others 94 and standing directly in front of me. I now had two members of each group on either side of me. At this point the course of the conversation changed, so that, for example, Nutsy said something to Fred, and Fred continued the conversation with Chick and Phil; Chick said something to Lou, and Lou continued the conversation with Nutsy and Frank. At no time did Chick or Phil STREET CORNER CONVERSATION an O Comer &nj HI CeUeje&r*) □1 Jnttrtntdimf O observer '?