Lecture 2: Basic concepts and definitions The need to understand n Ethnocentrism n Xenophobia n Racism n Nationalism 1. Ethnocentrism n The general term for the belief that your own group's cultural traditions and values are correct and superior to all others. n It is usually coupled with dislike and even contempt for people who have other cultural traditions. n It is universal -- all around the world people have these beliefs to some degree. n Most neighbouring ethnic groups resort to ethnocentrism, using ethnic, linguistic, religious, ... whatever criteria to make reliable distinctions. n Ethnocentrism is not racism, though it is usually connected with racism. 2. Xenophobia n Fear, dislike, contempt and hate towards the `others', those different, the `them' in opposition to `us' n Usually directed against a population group present within a society, which is not considered part of that society (e.g. immigrants) n "Sounds of Hate" the Neo-Nazi music scene in Australia and beyond: http://www.axt.org.uk/ Intolerance and the radical right n Populism: a strong charismatic leader at its core, winning popular support for struggle against an (non-existent, invisible, created) `enemy' n Stigmatisation: the act of assigning a stigma to a person or a group (any characteristic can serve as a stigma, be it visible trait or cultural marker etc.) n Scapegoating: means blaming somebody/a specific group (i.e. a scapegoat) for any kind of social or personal malady 3. Racism n Ideology of racial domination n Based on beliefs that certain racial groups are (biologically or culturally) inferior n Racism uses such beliefs to justify the way a given society treats certain groups (discrimination, segregation, etc.) n Harmful prejudice, discrimination, and/or persecution based on presumed ethnic/racial differences. Biological and cultural racism n European expansion to other parts of the world; encounters with physically very different `others' n The rise of modern racism in the 18^th and 19^th century n The role of Enlightenment and science; classification (biological R) n Contemporary racism (predominantly cultural R); `new racism' denies that it is racism at all, wants to be democratic and politically correct 4. Nationalism n Political ideology and movement that seeks national sovereignty and independent statehood n It puts the nation on a pedestal n Modernity of nationalism -- the rise of the modern `nation-state' Civic and ethnic nationalisms? n The need to transcend the divide between `political' and `cultural' or `West' and `East' nationalisms n The elevation of national consciousness and the national agitation for greater national autonomy (cultural nationalism) n Mass national movement for national independence and creation of state (political nationalism) n The elevation of one selected national identity within a state and promotion of `national interests' etc. (nationalising nationalism) Next week's reading list n From the "Nationalism" Oxford reader (Hutchinson & Smith, 1994): Clifford Geertz `Primordial and Civic Ties' (pp. 32 2^nd paragraph -- 34); either Renan, Stalin or Weber n From the "Ethnicity" Oxford reader (Hutchinson & Smith, 1996): Manning Nash `The Core Elements of Ethnicity'; T. H. Eriksen `Ethnicity, Race, Class, Nation' n From the "Racism" Oxford reader (Bulmer & Solomos, 1999): Michael Banton `The Racializing of the World'