Giving in CZ – trends and players CEE Trust meeting, Budapest CDF Corporate Programs for donors (corporate and individual) – Club of Corporate Donors - DONATOR – TOP Corporate Philanthropist (giving list) – Corporate Volunteering/strategies/indentifying partners – Measuring – LBG (Responsible Company Standard) – DMS – SMS giving – Communication (Social marketing, media, PR) – Tax/legal and expert Center (Ministry of Finance). – CEENERGI – Central and Eastern European Network for Responsibl Giving. Environment for giving – how to look at it • Amounts • Complexity of thinking • Players • Ways to give (financial/in-kind/time) • Standards • Tax benefits Giving in numbers in CZ – Individuals Giving in numbers in CZ – companies TOP Corporate Philanthropist • TOP 10 – absolute amount – 22,03 million EUR (1/3 of corporate donations – tax effective) • ČEZ 6,6 mill. EUR • Česká pojišťovna 5,1 mill. EUR • Mittal Steel Ostrava 2,94 mill. EUR • Česká spořitelna (Erste) 1,87 mill. EUR • Philip Morris ČR 1,51 mill. EUR • Microsoft 1,43 mill. EUR • RWE Transgas 1,00 mill. EUR • Eurotel Praha (O2) 0,68 mill. EUR • Plzeňský Prazdroj 0,46 mill. EUR (SAB Miller) • Komerční banka (SG) 0,44 mill. EUR What to do – where is the potential • Working with big companies to give more (other involvevement) • Working with SMEs • Attracting individual donors • Promote good ones x punish bad ones • Higher tax incentives will help... Environment – complexity of thinking – Do „Cathegories“ make any sense? Environment – complexity of thinking Do „Cathegories“ make any sense? Influences and drivers for CSR What influences the motivation... • Employees • Customers • NGO’s/Pressure groups • Investors • Governments and legislation • Media and the information revolution Influences and drivers • Employees o More aware o Have growing expectations of employer o Want engagement/participation o CZ – almost 40% of employees want the company they work for to be philanthropic and want to be involved. X 14% companies use it. Employees Employee voluneering and engagement - Service for companies - Partnership with volunteer organizations - Time reporting and measuring Employee engagement programs Corporate volunteering T-Mobile (One day for a good cause + benefits + auctions), GlaxoSmithKline (Orange Day) Matching fund – Citibank Employee collection Influences and drivers • Customers – in the CZ – 65% of customers would prefer to buy a product connected with a good cause. – 24% of them would buy even if the price would be higher. – 35% of customers would have positive attitude towards the advertising promoting a good cause. Customers • Social marketing program - Communication of the partnership - Win-win-win - Companies and NGOs training - Standards Influences and drivers Financial donations • Corporate foundations (ČEZ, Erste, O2, Vodafone) • Charity funds – Siemens, T-Mobile, SAB Miller Standards • Measuring and benchmarking corporate giving • LBG International (CDF also Slovakia) • Comparable amounts, motivations, strategic development.. Tax breaks • To which extend they matter? • 5% for companies (10% for education and resears). • 10% for individuals. Motivations and tax benefits • Ceenergi – Central and Eastern European Network for Responsible Giving • CEENERGI network in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, and Russia. • Network to promote responsible corporate giving and partnerships in CEE countries. • Membership of responsible companies, Top giving lists, events and materials.