NSPD -1 "The National Security Presidential Directive" & Organization of the NSC & the IA Process, Bush II to Early Obama US National Security Policy Fall 2009 Masaryk University Dave McCuan NSPDs - National Security Presidential Directives • Instruments for communicating presidential decisions about US Nat'l Security policies - "National Security:" Defined as the defense of US & USG, global advancement of US interests, economic prosperity • Replace prior Presidential Decisions Directives (PDDs) & Presidential Review Directives (PRDs) Recall the Interagency Process National Security Council (NSC) Principals Committee (PC) Policy Coordination Committee (PCC) Deputies Committee (DC) ~\ ŕ \ ŕ---------------\ ŕ \ ŕ---------------\ ŕ---------------\ r NSC State OSD JCS DCI USUN Treas More Detail on The "Principals" Committee (PC) • Senior interagency forum for consideration of Nat'l Security policy • Meets at the call of NSA, in consultation with regular attendees of NSC/PC - Chair: NSA - Executive secretary: DepNSA - Regular attendees: SecState, SecTreas, SecDef, COS to Pres, NSA - Pertaining to their responsibilities: DCI, CJCS, Atty General & Director, OMB The "Principals" Committee (PC) - For international economic issues, add: SecCommerce, US Trade Rep, Asst to Pres on Economic Policy, SecUSDA • Asst to Pres on Econ Policy will serve as chair for agenda items that are principally international economics - Others: Chief of Staff for the VP, NSA-VP, Asst to Pres, DepNSA Detail: The "Deputies" Committee (DC) • Senior sub-Cabinet interagency forum for national security policy - Prescribe/review work of interagency groups - Ensure that NSC/PC issues have been properly analyzed & prepared for discussion - Meets at call of chair in consultation with other DC regular attendees - Regular members can request committee meeting for crisis management The "Deputies" Committee (DC) Chair: Dep NSAdvisor Regular Members: - Deputy SecState or USecState for Political Affairs - Deputy SecTreasury or USecTreas for International Affairs - Deputy Attorney General - Deputy Director OMB - Deputy Director of Central Intelligence - Vice Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff - Deputy Chief of Staff to the President/Policy - Chief of Staff for the Vice President - National Security Advisor for the Vice President - Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs For international economic issues, add: Deputy SecCommerce, Deputy US Trade Representative, Deputy SecAgriculture Policy Coordination Committees (PCCs) • Day-to-day forum for interagency coordination of national security policy • Provide policy analysis for other senior committees • Ensure timely responses to decisions made by President • Include reps from Exec. Branch depts, offices & agencies represented in NSC/DC Regional PCCs Europe/Eurasia Western Hemisphere East Asia South Asia Near East & North Africa Africa • Each of these PCCs shall be chaired by an official of Under Secretary or Assistant Secretary rank to be designated by the SecState Functior Democracy, Human Rights & Intl Ops (NSC) Intl Development & Humanitarian Assistance (DOS) Global Environment Intl Finance (NSC/NEC) Transnatl Econ Issues (NEC) Counter-Terrorism & Natl Preparedness (NSC) Defense Strategy, Force Structure & Planning (DOD) Arms Control (NSC) PCCs • Proliferation, Counterproliferation & Homeland Defense (NSC) • Intel & Counterintel (NSC) • Records Access & Info Security (NSC) • International Organized Crime (NSC) • Contingency Planning (NSC) • Space (NSC) • HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases (State/HHS) PCCs cont'd • Additional PCCs may be established as appropriate • The chairman of each PCC, with the agreement of the Exec secretary, may establish subordinate working groups • Bush II abolished the previous system of Interagency Working Groups (IWGs/IWAGs): - Oversight of ongoing operations assigned by Bush II (by PDD/NSC-56) was performed by the appropriate regional NSC/PCCs What about the pre-existing IWGs? There were approximately 102 IWGs under the Clinton administration • 46 were abolished with their functions transferred to a PCC • 54 continued in Bush II to operate as a PCC subgroup • 2 continue to function independently reporting to the Deputies Committee What about the pre-existing IWGs? IWGs Abolished by Bush II Chemical Weapons Convention IWG Plutonium Disposition IWG Standing Committee on Nonproliferation Humanitarian De-Mining IWG Human Rights Treaties IWG Climate Change IWG Whaling IWGs Gulf War Illness IWG Haiti ExCom Columbia ExCom Counter-terrorism Security Group WMD Preparedness IWG Security Policy Board Overseas Security Policy Board Intelligence Priorities IWG South Asia Small Group Indonesia IWG Gulf Arms Sales IWG ExCom on Kosovo List not all inclusive; some still classified What about the pre-existing IWGs? Continue as a PCC Subgroup... Counterintelligence Policy Board Computer Network Operations IWG Missile Technology Export Control Group Technology Transfer IWG Nuclear Testing Verification and Monitoring TF Iraq IWG Balkans IWG SVTC Bosnia IWG SVTC Great Lakes IWG Congo IWG African Crisis Response Initiative IWG Economic and Trade Affairs IWG Demobilization IWG West Africa Subgroup East Africa/Horn Subgroup Southern Africa Subgroup Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel * List not all inclusive; some still classified What about the pre-existing IWGs? Independent IWGS Esťd • Two IWGs functioned independently in Bush II, reporting to the Deputies Committee (DC) - Lawyers Working Group Established by NSD79 - Covert Action Working Group Established by NSD 79 Revised lA Process - WH DM Consolidation Under Bush II • Unless established by statute, existing NSC ad hoc bodies & exec committees were abolished as of 01 March 2001 - Working groups may be reestablished if deemed sufficiently important and vital • For reestablishment: scope of activities, relevant statutory mandate if any & the NSC/PCC that should coordinate this work needs to be identified • Positions relating to foreign policy that are designated as special presidential emissaries, special envoys for the President, etc. are also abolished unless otherwise reestablished as DoS positions Summary - Changes by Bush II Carrying Over to Early Obama • The structure placed more emphasis & empowered the PCCs. • Role of the NSC became more coordination than leader. • The Bush II IA Process was still difficult to manage, especially post-9/11.