Challenges: Nation Building Table 1. Types of National Power Type of Power Behavior(s) Primary Currencies Gov't Policies Military Power Coercion Threats Coercive Diplomacy Deterrence Force War Protection Alliance(s) Economic Power Inducement Payments Aid Coercion Sanctions Bribes Sanctions "Soft" Power Attraction Values Public Diplomacy Agenda Setting Culture Bilateral and Policies Multilateral Institutions Diplomacy Source: Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics by J.S. Nye, Jr. 2004. Criticisms of the Previous Slide * U.S. ­ led nation building exercises has had mixed success and failure (Dobbins, et al., 2003) * U.N. ­ led had a greater record of success, but is not long-lived & problematic, too (Dobbins, et al., 2005) * Track Two Diplomacy: Good concept, but execution in practice is quite problematic (Kaye, 2007; Diamond, Larry in Fukyama, 2005; Diamond, 2005).