Seminar in US Foreign Policy (USFP) Weeks 1 & 2 Dave McCuan Masaryk University Fall 2009 What is the Role & Importance of "Exceptionalism" in USFP? * What do we mean by the term, "exceptionalism?" * What values/traits/characteristics come with this term? * What are the conflicts among "exceptional democracies" when confronting other nations and engaging in foreign relations? * What are the "influences on USFP" that are affected by "exceptionalism?" Concept of Democracy * Democracy should reflect the idea & interest of the people. * Democracy is about participation of the people in political structure & accountability of the rulers to the voters. Challenges of Democracy * Place of non-state actors is very significant. * Equality & Democracy: `how much equality is required for a fully developed democratic system is a fundamental issue for democracy. Dahl (2001)notes the spread of democracy & equality during the twentieth century. He believes while the advanced welfare democracies of the late twentieth century started to bring about greater equality, these advances have been reversed in the last twenty years. * National democracy in price of trans-national dictatorship & war is another challenge of democracy. Typologies of Democracy * In philosophical theory, there are two major democracies today: * Liberal democracy: Liberal democracy justifies the vote of majority; its major concern is to get more participation of the people. * Democratic Liberalism: democratic liberalism do not care for Majority to be involve in politics, but it respect the vote & participation of elites & experts of the society for the benefits of people (Bellamy, 1999). * In reality, democracy is very ideological. Ideology & Democracy * James F. Bohman (1991: 93) identified four necessary but not sufficient conditions of communication for democratic decision making: such agreements must (1) be formally & procedurally correct, (2) be cognitively adequate, (3) concern issues on which consensus or compromise can be reached, & (4) be free of ideology. Ideological Democracy * Ideological democracy refers to ruling the society overtly by democracy & covertly by an economical ideology. * Here democracy considered as a good language for domination policy. Democracy, Ideology & Patriotism * Democracy depends on vote of people of the state. * Democracy was an innovation of nationstate & it is therefore very patriotic. While democracy may suit national community, it can be threat for trans-national of millions of masses out of the territory. The International System * Westphalian system ­ Since 1648, states (sovereign, territorially based) have been primary actors * Explosion in number of states post WWII ­ No enforcement power above states; thus self-help system dependent on exercise of power * Power is a relative concept; a zero-sum game (thus, consider effect that more states causes) * Types of power: military, economic, moral, cultural (Hard/soft; high politics/low politics) * Security Dilemma * Polarity Elements of Nat'l Power * Geography * Natural resources * Industrial capacity * Military Preparedness * Population * National Character * National Morale * Quality of Diplomacy The International System * Non-state actors' importance ­ International institutions; transnational NGOs; Multinational firms ­ Do they have independent effect, or are they tools of the strong? Int'l System, cont'd * Globalization ­ Integration allowing easy international transactions ­ Is globalization changing the Westphalian system? * Threat to sovereignty? To cultural values? Fragmenting effect? Int'l System, cont'd * American Hegemony ­ Imperialism? Exceptionalism? (Does it matter???) ­ Good or bad for the world? For the United States? * International Stability (good, bad, or contextual?) Grand Strategy ­ Grand Strategy: The use of all the instruments of power, or tools, at the disposal of the nation, in pursuit of the national interests * Political (diplomacy, official international relations) * Economic (trade, finance, technology) * Military (force: threatened or actual) * Cultural (value propagation: information, literature, media, music) Grand Strategy * Grand Strategy: A comprehensive, longterm guide to meeting particular interests (establishing objectives) * Strategy: A means to an end; the link between resources (tools) & how they will be used; but it implies active opposition & thus must reflect dynamism * Policies: Detailed plans implementing a strategy (similar to tactics) Dimensions of Strategy * Forces do not have inherent strategic effect; rather it is the purpose for which forces are used that provides strategic effect. * Strategy involves elements of interaction; when implementing a preferred strategy, an actor must take into account the adversary's probable reactions. Grand Strategy * US cannot do all things; limited resources ­ Cannot put out all fires, must distribute resources according to interests; thus, must prioritize * US leaders must identify national interests & persuade US public on necessity of protecting these (US public historically indifferent to foreign policy) ­ Note failure of US to obtain public support for foreign policy in Vietnam; inconsistent approach re Iraq today Strategic Diplomacy 1. Determine objectives in light of available power 2. Determine objectives of others & the power they have 3. Determine extent to which these objectives are compatible 4. Employ the means best suited to the pursuit of objectives