US National Security Strategy & Policy: An Introduction to the Theory & Practice of Grand Strategy & the Elements of US Nat'l Security Policy Masaryk University Fall 2009 Dave McCuan This Week's Agenda: Theoretical Dimensions of Nat'l Security & Nat'l Interests * What is "National Security?" What are its "component parts" or "elements?" * Morgenthau, on the two US "Mainstays" of USFP & Nat'l Security Policies ­ `Nat'l Interests & `Moral Abstractions' * Bush II vs. Obama Strategies & `Worldview' * Concerns for: ­ Strategic Constants & Norms / IR Theory ­ Instruments/Elements of National Power ­ The Limits of Military Power ­ Strategy as a Concept & Process ­ Defining American "National Interests" * Recent US Nat'l Security Strategies (NSS) 2008, 2009 What is "National Security?" What are its components? How wide-ranging is the term, "national security?" Concepts for Nat'l Security Policy Analysis National Security Policy Precedents National Security Policy -Making "National Interests" "Vital Interests" Role of Domestic Politics Policy Legitimacy National Power Threats & Constraints A "Grand Strategy?" National Security Policy Our `Working Definition "The pattern of government decisions & actions intended to counter perceived threats to America's national interests, and especially America's vital interests." From which we develop these KEY QUESTIONS for our subject material: 1. What are America's "national interests? 2. What are America's "vital interests?" 3. Who determines American "national interests?" "Vital interests?" A. Who and what threatens those interests? B. How do we determine threats? C. What actions should we take to protect those interests? D. Who determines priorities? Key Questions for the Course Let's Define National Security Policy (NSP) NSP: Pattern of government decisions & actions intended to counter perceived threats to America's national interests Policy = time players decisions, laws, rules, actions What matters here? History of PM! Meanings: Prior decisions / practices Prior actions / inactions Prior events / reactions Past lessons learned National Interests (NI) Things deemed important for national wellbeing, prosperity, continuity, & for NI: Economic interests Access to markets Political interests Countries with Shared interests & values Political Values Democracy Human rights Vital Interests (VI) Variables & conditions deemed essential for national well-being prosperity continuity Things on which our national survival depends What are you willing go sacrifice lives for? What are decision-makers desiring to protect? External Focus Foreign threats Internal Focus Education Poverty Environment US / America's Vital Interests American territorial integrity Stable and friendly Canada & Mexico Preservation of American political and economic institutions Safety of Americana at home and abroad Strong & Prosperous European free market democracies What else? Other variables / areas / topics to include? What's missing? Generic Threats Countries Soviet Union China The "axis of evil" Events War Political & Economic instability Disasters What else? Technology WMD Terrorism Other threats? Specific Threats - Setting Priorities Iraqi atomic bomb vs. Pakistani atomic bomb Nuclear missiles vs. terrorism Collapse of Russian economy & fledgling democracy vs. Collapse if Latin American economies & democracies How do we decide? Other `specific threats?' Part II Requirements for Grand Strategy 1. REQ1: Strategic Environment 2. REQ2: Means of Power & Projection (Roles for Deterrence & Coercion) 3. REQ3: Elements of National Power Requirement #1 * The Strategic Environment ­ Objective 1. Describe the various characteristics that make up the strategic environment for the US. ­ Objective 2. Explain International Relations (IR) theory & relate it to our understanding of important security issues that shape strategy. Strategic Constants & Norms * Physical Environment * National Character * Relationship between war & state * Balance of power mechanism * Geopolitical situation / geopolitics * Other variables? Strategic Constants & Norms (Strategic Characteristics) * Physical Environment: ­ Traditional elements: land forms, terrain, ocean & seas, climate ­ Spatial elements: natural resources, lines of communication ­ Political, economic, & social makeup of a nation results in part from physical environment ­ Location of international borders (land-locked vs. island nation vs. proximity to external presssures) Strategic Constants & Norms (Strategic Characteristics) * National Character: ­ Character derived from: location, language, culture, religion, societal politics, historical circumstances ­ Always evolving ­ Psychological profile" of each nation or political group involved in the conflict: * Enemies * Allies * Potential enemies & allies * One's own nation Strategic Constants & Norms (Strategic Characteristics) * The Relationship between War & the State: ­ A state will almost always become involved ­ States are normally replaced by other states or groups ­ Generally, a state is remarkably tough & enduring * Context of the state system(s) * No political entity is permanent Strategic Constants & Norms (Strategic Characteristics) * The Balance of Power Mechanism: ­ "status quo" in the distribution of power ­ no one dominant entity or group of entities ­ more than one political power center ­ Breaks down if: * One or more of the participants rebel * A power vacuum occurs * Geopolitical situation / geopolitics International Relations Theory: Quick Review & Summary * Main schools ­ Two Dominant Schools ­ Realism ­ Idealism/liberalism ­ Characteristics * Problem * Actors * Characteristics IR Theory, cont'd * Realism: ­ Central problem: war & the use of force ­ Central actors: states interacting with other states ( ­ Anarchic system of states * Hobbs, "Just as stormy weather does not mean perpetual rain, so a state of war does not mean constant war." * Thucydides, "The strong do what they have the power to do & the weak accept what they have to accept" (Penguin translation). ­ View: International politics is a jungle dominated by the exercise of power & power politics IR Theory, cont'd * Idealism/Liberalism: ­ Views a global society that functions alongside the states & sets part of the context for states ­ Trade crosses borders, people have global contacts, & international institutions (UN, NATO, etc.) create a context in which the realist view of pure anarchy is insufficient ­ International system: community ­ State of war focuses only on extreme situations & misses the growth of economic interdependence & the evolution of a transnational global society ­ Views international politics as a garden Requirement #2 * Objective 3. Describe how national-level strategy & policy incorporates the instruments of national power as a means of exercising power & influence. Instruments/Elements of National Power * Diplomatic/political * Informational * Military * Economic * Social * Others? Instruments/Elements of National Power * Diplomatic/Political: The use of a country's international diplomatic skills & political position to achieve national interests * Informational: The use of a country's information & psychological systems to achieve national interests * Military: The extent a country's armed forces can be used to achieve national interests. * Economic: The application of a country's material resources to achieve national interests The Limits of Military Power * Political & psychological limits? * Legitimacy & the credible capacity to coerce? * Physical limits? * Culminating points of actions? * Can you think of or provide others? Requirement #3 * Objective 4. Determine how the full dimension of strategy as a concept & as a process relates to the policy, strategy, & military operations relationship. "Strategy" as a Concept & a Process * The "Strategy Process:" 1. Determining national security objectives 2. Formulating grand strategy 3. Developing military strategy 4. Designing operational strategy 5. Formulating battlefield strategy (tactics) Strategy as a Concept, cont'd * Strategy ­ The bridge between policy & operations ­ Effective strategy must integrate political & military criteria rather than separate them ­ Civilian & military leaders may tend to polarize toward opposite sides of the bridge Key Points Weeks 1 & 2: Grand Strategy: Theory & Practice (cont'd) POLICY Economic Free Markets Defeat Terrorism Free Trade Democracy OPERATIONS Informational Military Human Rights Diplomatic/Political Strategy "Grand" Strategy as a Concept, cont'd * Complicating factors ­ Steps not neat or compartmentalized but blend & flow from national security objectives to tactics ­ Reverse flow or feedback system within the process ­ Numerous external factors have influence ­ Where & by whom are decisions decisions made ­ Remember that this is a "political" process ­ What does that mean? ­ See the next slide! Strategy as a Concept, cont'd * Characteristics of political/policy strategic objectives: ­ First step in making strategy is deciding which political objectives a strategy will aim to achieve ­ These objectives should establish: * Definitions for survival & victory for all participants in the conflict * Whether the nation is pursuing a limited or unlimited political objective Strategy as a Concept, cont'd * Characteristics of military strategic objectives: ­ Military objectives flow from political/policy objectives ­ Use of military power should not produce unintended or undesirable political results ­ Must consider centers of gravity & critical vulnerabilities "National Interests" * Vital "National Interests:" ­ An interest on which the nation is unwilling to compromise ­ An interest over which a nation would go to war * Sometimes interests are categorized ­ Survival ­ Vital ­ Major ­ Peripheral Requirement #4 * Objective 5. Discuss how the current U. S. National Security Strategy integrates the various elements of national power to achieve its goals & objectives. * Consider TWO recent US NSS (2002 & 2008; or 2002 & 2009; or 2008 & 2009) * Let's examine just one (2002) more closely Post - 9/11 US National Security Strategy (US NSS, September 2002) Goals * Champions aspirations for human dignity * Strengthen alliances to defeat global terrorism & work to prevent attacks against us & our friends * Work with others to defuse regional conflicts * Prevent our enemies from threatening us, our allies, & our friends with weapons of mass destruction US National Security Strategy, September 2002, cont'd Goals * Ignite a new era of global economic growth through free markets & free trade * Exp& the circle of development by opening societies & building the infrastructure of democracy * Develop agendas for cooperative action with other main centers of global power * Transform America's national security institutions to meet the challenges & opportunities of the twenty-first century