The Case of State Terrorism: Beginning the Discussion on the "Roots of Terrorism" & Changes in How Conflict Occurs in IR Today US National Security Policy Fall 2009 Masaryk University Dave McCuan 2 Moving to the "Roots of Terrorism" & How Changes in Conflict Affect Nat'l Security * Contending "Roots" Theories: 3 Broad Areas ­ Macro Level of Analysis: * Broad Economic, Social, & Political forces combined w/ Cultural & Historical factors = "Terrorism" (E+S+P/C+H = Terrorism) * "Commonsense" explanations, usually invoking "radicalized," visible sects or radicalists. * Popular among policymakers (External conditions, driven by internal, ind'l factors = Drive to Terrorist Actions) * Problem of a limited argument (Why not everyone?) * Assumptions are faulty: Ltd. Hiearchy, ind.orgs. coordinated, thought out activities like bombing campaigns. Collective dimension is downplayed. * Cultural determinists (Huntington, for ex.) ignore or downplay dynamics among movements & T.Orgs. ­ Micro Level of Analysis: Most Common Level * Psychological, Psychiatric Levels of Analysis * Mental Health Emphasis (Backgrounds & Case Histories) * "What made them do that?" The T Gene Factor? * Limits to this (Spread/Dispersion; Assumption of Differences; Neglects Situational Factors) ­ Middle Level of Analysis: Marc Sageman's Thesis * Combine on-the-ground approach w/ terror groups interactions across borders & influence of leaders, ideas, ideologies. Environmental factors as key here. * Link the interaction of: radicalization, mobilization, motivation, separation = level of activies 3 * Assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister (Rafik al-Hariri) as an example of "State Terrorism" in action: ­ Terrorist attack as "catalytic event" or critical incident that accelerates underlying political escalatory dynamics * Played out over next weeks to see if violence accelerates * Demonstrates difficulty of determining entity or entities involved in attack ­ Strong evidence of Syrian gov't planning, logistical, and operational support ­ Uncertainty amplifies damage of attack ­ Misattribution of attack ­ Forensic evidence and assessment of origin of attack * CNN coverage of attack and aftermath: ­ You can "Google" this and examine coverage from 02/15/2005 * Int'l Court, The Hague, takes up the issue of this bombing and assassination later this week and early next week. 4 5 6 7 * Terrorism and Coercion (State Terrorism, as Macro Level Theory) ­ Definition(s) and Interests * Paul Pillar's argument * Rummel's argument, data ­ Summarizing preceding discussions ­ Legitimacy and Illegitimacy ­ Legality and Illegality ­ Generalizable Theories * Levels of analysis / Cases ­ Macro, Meso, Micro * Actors here? * Structure vs. Agency, Temporality * Motivations ­ Cases (individual, small n, large n) 8 State Terrorism ­ Definitional Concerns * States as Terrorism "Sponsors" predicated on Coercion: ­ Three Categories Here (Paul Pillar 2001, 2003, Chapter 6): * "Sponsors:" ­ Seven states typically ID'd by USG (Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, N Korea, Sudan, & Syria). Venezuela more recent add. ­ Reduced recently as a phenomena. ­ Difficult to ID along two lines here (current involvement & importance of terrorism activity relative to US interests) * "Enablers:" Typically move off the FTO; problematic relation to deal with given US ties (Greece; Pakistan) * "Cooperators:" CT value here for USG; Defined by shared interest & shared value for secrecy * Might envision these three categories as: ­ Separate, yet connected; ­ Running along a "single spectrum;" and ­ Consisting of different mixtures of conflict, cooperation, coercion & evasion. 9 * Case #1: ­ RJ Rummel - Univ. of Hawaii Emeritus Prof. * Genocide: among other things, the killing of people by a government because of their indelible group membership (race, ethnicity, religion, language) * Politicide: the murder of any person or people by a government because of their politics or for political purposes * Mass Murder: the indiscriminate killing of any person or people by a government * Democide: The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder 10 * Rummel Graph: 11 * Cont'd.: ­ 12 * Cont'd.: ­ 13 * Rummel: ­