Statement on Academic Honesty SOC470/776 ● Fall 2010 I, __________________________ ( _______________________ ), certify that: (Your name) (UČO) 1) I have read the course syllabus and understand the course information about Academic Honesty; 2) I understand the definition of plagiarism as stated in the syllabus; 3) I understand that on the course homepage in IS I can read the FSS policy on academic honesty, and that there are other resources to help me learn what plagiarism is, how to avoid it, and how to cite sources properly – and that therefore there is no excuse for improper citation; 4) I understand that I can contact the teacher if I have any questions about academic honesty or how to cite information properly; 5) I understand that the minimum penalty for academic dishonesty in this course is ejection from the course, receiving a final course grade of F, and referral of the case to the FSS disciplinary commission. Knowing all this, I pledge not to engage in plagiarism or cheating, and will always do my best to cite information properly in all assignments. Signed: _________________________________ Date: ____________________________