Contemporary Sociological Theory

The Final Grade

The Final Grade:
1. The final essay = 50%
2. Position papers (total of 11) = 25%
3. Participation in seminar discussions = 25%
The final essay has to be between 4000 – 5000 words long.
The  topic  should  connect  at  least  two  weekly  themes,  for  instance:  “social  theory  as
social critique“ and “sociological diagnoses of late modernity.“
Please, submit your final essay proposal by Tuesday, November 6. Once I accept it, you
can start working on it.  
The final essay deadline: Thursday, 12pm, January 31, 2013.
Position papers deadline: by 12pm of each Tuesday.
If you submit your position paper electronically, please name the file with your name and
the number of the paper (e.g. “name_4“). Note, the paper number is not the week number,
e.g. the first paper is about readings assigned for week 2.
Participation  in  the  seminar  discussion  is  an  essential  part  of  your  final  grade.  Take  it
seriously. And enjoy it!