MVZ244 Midterm Guide, Directions, and Rules Guide The questions are asked in a sentence with a piece of information missing. You will fill-in-the blank with the missing information, usually a word, phrase, or term. Several fill-in-the blank questions contain two parts with missing information. The benefit is that while you may answer one part wrong you may still gain points with a correct answer in the other part. In the short answer questions, I look for your knowledge. The information is important not necessarily the length. So, while a paragraph of 6-8 sentences is acceptable so may be an answer with only 3-4 sentences. Again, I am looking for the correct knowledge. Directions Please bring two pens. One to use and the other as reserve in the case your “trusted” first pen has problems. Nothing besides your pen(s) and the exam papers should be on the desk in front of you. Rules No mobile phones. Keep them turned OFF and inside your backpack, jacket, purse, etc. I will be walking around and if I see a phone out after the exam papers have been distributed, I will confiscate it. No drinks. Water, tea and coffee should be drunk before class and all students are responsible for taking the appropriate steps (go to the toilet before the exam) to avoid a problem during the exam. You will not be excused. If a student decides to leave you will not be allowed to return to the classroom. No talking. If you have a question please raise your hand and I will walk over to your spot where I will answer your question. If there is talking after the exam papers have been distributed without the intent of asking the instructor (me) a question it will considered cheating. You will be asked to leave and will not be allowed to sit the exam. I understand that there may be an urge to ask for an extra pen or kleenex tissue. However, the whisper is considered talking and as innocent as the request may be I will not have the benefit of the context of your request and will interpret it instead as cheating. So, come prepared.