1. Mixed legacy: U.S. recognizing Israel 1948 2. The Suez Crisis: Why did Israel join Britain and France in 1956? 3. What were the political motives for the 1967 Arab-Israeli War 4. What does Eretz Israel mean? 5. Golda: Her legacy 6. Indefensible: Is defensible borders only a theory or a practical strategy 7. To the Lion’s Rescue: The 1973 Airlift 8. The Liberty Incident 9. Best kept secret: American complacency and the Israeli nuclear project 10. The Lion’s roar: Begin the warrior in Iraq and Lebanon 11. Ariel Sharon’s Ghost: Occupation and defeat in Lebanon 12. Reagan and Begin: The Actors 13. The importance of U.N. Res. 242 14. Madrid, 1990 15. Peace and distraction: the first intifada 16. Oslo: the promise 17. Yitzhak Rabin: assassinating a dream 18. Oslo II 19. Jerusalem: One city, two nations 20. What is National Security in times of Terror: American and Israeli perspectives 21. The peacemakers: American mediation and Israeli-Palestinian negotiations since 1998 22. Hope is Lost: Clinton, Arafat, Barak and the 2000 Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations 23. Taming the Lion: U.S. Foreign Policy and Israeli settlements 24. The Lobby: Is there an Israeli Lobby in America 25. Divided We Fall: the existential crisis of jewish identity and the State of Israel