9/1/2015 Presidential Campaign Finance 2012 Presidential Campaign Finance Election Cycle: 2016 • 2012 2008 About the FEC Press Office Quick Answers Contact Ui Site Map Compare Candidates Candidates (millions of dollars) All Candidates 1,325.4 Democrats 722.4 Obama fD) 722.4 Reouhlicans 598.3 Romnev ÍR1 449.9 Paul (R) 40.6 Ginqricb ÍR) 24.1 Santorum ÍR) 22.7 Perrv ÍR) 19.7 Cain ÍR) 16.2 Bachmann ÍR) 10.3 Huntsman ÍR) 9.1 Pawlentv (R) 5.2 Johnson ÍL) 2.8 Stein fG) 1.2 Roemer (O) 0.7 McCotter ÍR) 0.5 Contributions to All Candidates Search Contributors to Candidates Contributor's Name T Begins with T for All Candidates Go All Presidential Candidates' Current FEC Disclosure Reports Summary | Expenditures What's Included Here? Summary Contributions ■ Individual : PAC ■ Party Candidate Federal Funds Transfers-In Disbursements Cash On Hand $981,464,622 $1,655,496 $34,750 $5,759,657 $1,275,165 $331,692,817 $1,320,877,015 $5,848,155 Size of Contributions $200 and Under $621,235,168 $200.01 - $499 $500 - $999 $1000 - $1999 $2000 and Over $129,509,880 $113,171,332 $150,224,277 $345,774,882 Export Contributor Data Presidential Campaign Finance Summaries: Current and Historical Use the following link to change election years and get up to date information: http://www.fec.gov/disclosurep/pnational.do http://www.fec.gov/disclosurep/pnational.do;)sessionid=8879C68ED2C85F7297974E26771A37DB.worker3 1/1