FUNDAMENTAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY ICT- Information and communication technologies Diversity of Initiatives -Geographic -Cultural -Technological DEFINING COMMUNITY MEDIA Often identified in terms of context Assumes many forms and meanings WHY STUDY COMMUNITY MEDIA? Media influence and impact on human culture and society –especially communities Culture and society influence on media – especially communities MEDIA OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL CM are an intervention into the structural inequalities and power imbalances of modern media systems Vs. Public Service Vs. Commercial Serving the underserved Access and participation Media literacy MEDIA POWER Resources and opportunity to tell their story, Defending cultural identity Alternative to elite corporate journalism – “citizens’ journalism” Revitalizes the public sphere and provides conversations of democracy GLOBAL COMMUNICATION Dominant media and cultural imperialism Right to communicate is a human right CM activists fight for communication rights at intergovernmental level PLACE MATTERS Technologies make the world smaller We are global, but are we local? Relationship between place and community is an essential feature of everyday life Intimately tied to cultural forms, practices and traditions Mediated within and through communication KNOWABLE COMMUNITIES Collective consciousness of the relations of significance and solidarity – Raymond Williams It takes a village Dominant media tend to conceal the interconnected and mutually dependent character of social relations CM work to reveal this fundamental aspect of human communities THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES Access and participation Radical and Alternative media Community media CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE PUBLIC SPHERE Relationship between media institutions, public discourse and civil society Communities and CM help form the public sphere and democracy CULTURAL GEOGRAPHIES Relationship between place, culture and collective identity Minorities and indigenous groups COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ICT4D CM & SOCIAL MOVEMENTS CM role in popular movements for social and political change Facilitating cultural expression that informs social movements COMMUNICATION POLITICS Communication policies enable or constrain debate? CM promotes counters dominant media and promotes structural reform GLOBAL STRUGGLES AND LOCAL MEDIA International networks of CM IndyMedia