Community Media An Overview Types of Content •Information • •Opinion • •Entertainment Media Platforms •Cinema •Stage •Press •Broadcast TV & Radio •Web •Telephony > How? Media Sectors First - Public Service Second - Commercial Third - Community > What? Types of Communities •Interest •Location •Heritage •Experience •Language •Culture •Vocation > Who? Types of Community Broadcasting * Alternative – Struggle for pluralism, democracy and discourse in the public sphere (Latin America, Southern Europe) *Rhizome - Hub of community/civil society cooperation with public and private interests (Western Europe) *Access – Media platform not owned and/or operated by community (USA TV, Netherlands, Germany) *ICT4D – Development media initially funded by INGO’s (Asia, Africa) > 6 > The Basics Community Media Attributes •Community •Local •Not for Profit •Access/Participation •Alternative •Social Gain / Development •Arts & Culture •Serve the Underserved > Why? > 8 Why? What are participants’ motivations? •Political / Ideological •Social / Cultural •Access •Community Development •Individual Development Cinema • Picture 5.png Stage Picture 8.png Press • Picture 4.png Broadcast TV Picture 9.png Broadcast Radio Picture 10.png World Wide Web Picture 11.png Telephony Picture 13.png Enabling Media Environment •Recognition • •Legalization • •Support > When? Community Radio - Worldwide Picture 14.png > Where? Community Radio - Europe Picture 15.png Community Radio - Europe image.png Hungary image.pdf Czech Republic ez-map.png Streaming Internet Radio Picture 16.png Picture 18.png > Roma Youth Radio RYR12.jpg Picture 17.png Thank You! • Hank with Pig's Knee.jpg