ENS 271 Environment and Identity Lecturer: Hans-Jorgen Wallin Weihe E.mail adress: H-J.Wallin.Weihe@hil.no Hans-Jørgen Wallin Weihe Lillehammer University College Box 952 2604 Lillehammer Norway 0047 – 900 17 623 Teaching schedule: DAY AND TIME ROOM TOPIC WEEK ONE Tuesday 24. 11. 2016 15:15 –16:45 ROOM P31 Introduction to the course Wednesday 23 11. 2016 15:15 – 16:45 ROOM U33 Identity and language Thursday 24. 11. 2016 8:00 – 9:30 ROOM U32 Place names Landscape and memory Friday 25. 11. 2016 8:00 – 11:15 ROOM U33 Imperialism of identity The challenge of materialism, nationalism WEEK TWO Monday 28. 11. 2016 17:00 – 18:30 ROOM U33 The music of the landscape Smell and touch Tuesday 29. 11. 2016 15:15 – 16:45 ROOM P31 Terminology and landscape Wednesday 30. 11. 2016 17:00 – 18:30 ROOM U32 Age, Culture – the urban – the rural and the changing identity Thursday 1.12. 8:00-9:30 ROOM U32 Topics of planned essays Discussion: Writing style, references – essay or academic paper Summary of the course PAPER All assignments should be delivered by the 15th of January 2017 . To the address: H.J.Wallin.Weihe@hil.no Please be aware that papers will be graded and grades will be submitted to the Masaryk University The paper should be from 4 – 6 pages or in words from 2 – 3000 words and shold be written either according to standard academic requirements and should include a list of references, or as an essay in the same size. All participants should be aware that all passed papers is planned to be published in a small book. The title of the book is yet to be decided. Earlier papers have been published in the books: Aviguti – The Milky way (Inuit for the starformation of the same name) And Identity, memory and landscape If there are problems with submitting papers please contact Dr. Zbynek Ulcak at the Environmental Studies Department ulcak@fss.muni.cz Publications from the course Weihe, Hans-Jorgen Wallin and Syvertsen, Carsten 2009. Identity, memory and landscape. Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin (2010) Aviguti – in the milky way. Lillehammer: Permafrost Press