Current populism in South Europe I:\Výuka\JMM027\EU_immigration_policy_by_Latuff2.jpg •GDP per capita in pps •(purchasing power standards) Source: Eurostat •Expectations on personal economic status: long-term trend Source: Ipsos database International sentiment • Source: Ipsos Global @dvisor • Opinion on the economic situation of the country: a comprehensive overview 4 •5 •6 Deception Attitudes of the people towards migration Trust in government and society institutions (% positive trend on valid votes) The others and us: a difficult world +7 +13 -8 +3 % Strongly + quite agree Source: Ipsos Barometer of civic sense for Comieco in cooperation with Corriere della Sera 10 Trust in political parties Source: Eurobarometer 2015 • 11 My voice counts in Europe • Source: Eurobarometer 2015 12 Italy as ‘anomaly’ —Narrative of inefficient country, pathological abnormality and continuous stagnation —Abnormal historical development – absence of bourgeois revolution, lack of state-building process, unification without unity (‘Italy without Italians’) —Existence of ‘two Italies’, myth of anti-fashism, role of the Catholic Church —Collaps of the First Republic and 20 years of Berlusconi strengthened the narrative of ‘permanent political crisis’ Long tradition of Italian populism —It’s not a new phenomenon – fascist regime used many populist attributes —Fronte dell’Uomo Qualunque first post-war populist actor in Europe —Similar language of Giannini and Grillo Structural factors —Collapse of the bipolar party model ¡Fall of Berlusconi IV marked the end of ‘fragmented bipolarism’ ¡Enhanced by the caretaker Monti’s government ¡De-structured party system opened political space for newcomers and caused high electoral volatility without changing the voting system Silvio Berlusconi — I:\Výuka\JMM027\silvio.jpeg Social de-legitimization of political elite —Repeated scandals of established political parties, even those originally protest and anti-establishment (LN and IDV) —Loss of voters’ confidence (2011 – 12% trusted political parties) —Strengthening of the climate of anti-establishment and anti-politics —Declining interest in the elections — •Turnout at General Elections between 1948 and 2013 •Turnout at European Elections 2014 18 The Italian political offer the main political parties 19 The vote in 2013 compared with year 2008 – variance in absolute values •Voting volatility between 1948 and 2013 (index of electoral volatility – Source: CISE) 21 The third general election in Europe for its volatility since 1945 22 Five Star Movement and Beppe Grillo Example of the Eternal City —37 years old Virginia Raggi became the youngest mayor and the first women in the office —Lawyer well connected to the old political establishment —Praised by mainstream media —Criticized by grassroots activists —Attracted moderate voters from centre and centre-right (60%) LEGA NORD and Matteo Salvini Shift towards migration/muslim issues 340