PSY027 Analýza dat – kvalitativní výzkum PSY033 Postupy kódování v kvalitativní analýze Masterclass in Qualitative Methods Dr. David Hiles, Honorary Research Fellow, De Montfort University, UK. Výuka bude probíhat blokově v týdnu 21. až 25. 11. 2016, vždy od 8.00 do 11.15 v učebně PC54. Day 1. Intro: The idea of “qualitative inquiry” is not particularly new, indeed it probably pre-dates “quantitative” research by many, many centuries. In the human and social sciences, the serious application of qualitative inquiry methods has a fairly long history. However, qualitative inquiry invariably needs to justify itself, and the key to this is the formulation of the Research Question, within a model of Disciplined Inquiry, involving a close examination of the logic(s) of inquiry. Practical exercises. Day 2. Designing a qualitative study. Interviewing, inquiry groups, sampling, ethical issues, transparency, etc. Design, data collection and analysis using examples from (i) Grounded theory, (ii) Content/Thematic analysis, (iii) IPA, (iv) Discourse Analysis, (v) Conversation Analysis, etc. Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (e.g. using NVivo). Practical exercises. Day 3. Expanding critical design to include participatory perspectives of inquiry: e.g. phenomenological, heuristic, ethnographic, autoethnographic, etc. Critical issues: ethics, reflexivity, transparency, evaluating the addition to knowledge in qualitative research. The problem with mixed methods? Practical exercises. Day 4. The evolution and development of narrative approaches to inquiry: A case study in the development of NOI (Narrative Oriented Inquiry). Practical exercises. Day 5. Plenary: Discussion and exploration of critical issues. Consultancy sessions for individual students (Sign-up). Assignment Choose one particular approach to qualitative research (e.g., thematic analysis, phenomenological analysis, narrative analysis, grounded theory, discursive analysis) and conduct an analysis of a text (for details on the data sources, see below). The paper should conform to the following structure: A: A brief summary of the selected approach, including references to primary resources. You are expected to adhere to a particular variant of a selected approach (e.g., in the case of thematic analysis: Braun and Clarke’s approach or Anderson’s Thematic Content Analysis or Hill’s Consensual Qualitative Approach etc.; in the case of grounded theory: Glaserian or Straussian or Charmazian approach etc.). B: A formulation of a research question (and how it fits with the method you chose). C: The particular step-by-step analytic procedure you used to analyse the data (not a general textbook recipe, but a sequence of steps actually taken). D: The results of your analysis. E: A critical reflection of the method (strengths and limitations of the method used regarding your particular data and research question). Data: You are encouraged to use data from you own project if available (one interview or other form of data of a similar length). In that case, attach the transcript to your paper. If you do not have (or do not want to use) your own data, download the file called “Johana.docx” from the study materials. Foreign students should download the file called “Hannelore_ENG.doc” instead. Expected length: 5 to 10 pages Deadline: 29. 1. 2017 Method of submission: upload the file to the Homework Vault (“Odevzdávárna”) in the Information System. Student enrolled both to PSY033 and to PSY027 should upload the file to the PSY033 Homework Vault.