CJVA302: Week 5 Environmental Policy in N. America: Canada vs. USA Leads 2  Pavlina –  Pavla –  Kristyna – Trudeau & Environmental Policy  Bara – Trump & Environmental Policy U.S. Environmental Policy 3  Three key national agencies:  Environmental Protection Agency  Department of Energy  Department of Interior  Trump administration:  Scott Pruitt, head of EPA, climate change sceptic  Rick Perry, Secretary of Energy, climate change sceptic  Rex Tillerson, current Secretary of State, former CEO of ExxonMobil U.S. Environmental Policy 4  Attack on “climate change”:  Removal of climate change language from gov’t websites  Defunding of key agencies & scientific institutions  Repeal of Obama’s “Clean Power Plan”  Trump: climate change a hoax created by Chinese  Withdrawal from Paris Agreement – will they, won’t they? Canadian Environmental Policy 5  Trudeau: says all the right things, but is there substance?  Climate agenda vs. Alberta tar sands  Indigenous rights vs. oil industry Video & discussion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQhflH4alO0 (short) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqw99rJYq8Q (long) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/17/st op-swooning-justin-trudeau-man-disaster-planet 6Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office Questions Is Trudeau the progressive equivalent of Trump? All talk and no substance? Will the U.S. go through with withdrawal from Paris Agreement? Is there any potential upside? Is capitalism compatible with efforts to combat climate change? (Guardian video: 3 options) 7Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office