Numbers Types of numbers Numbers in a group together may be called a series or set of numbers. If the order in which they occur is significant then they may be called a sequence of numbers. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 is a sequence of numbers, for example - it represents the numbers 1 to 5 squared. 1,3,5, 7 ... = odd numbers; 2, 4, 6, 8 ... = even numbers; 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 ... = prime numbers. The highest number in a group is the maximum and the lowest is the minimum. The room holds a maximum of 50 and we u/on't run the class without a minimum of 12 students. An approximate number is one which is roughly correct but is not the precise or exact number. Look at the figures and work out in your head what the approximate answer is tikely to be. Then use a calculator to find the exact number. An aggregate is a number reached by totalling a set of numbers = the total. The average mark achieved in the exam is calculated by taking the aggregate of alt the marks and dividing by the number of exam entries. A discrete number or unit is something which is separate and cannot be divided into smaller numbers or units of the same thing. The opposite of discrete is continuous. A bag of apples, for example, could be considered as consisting of discrete items whereas apple sauce could be considered - by mathematicians, at least - as continuous. A constant number or quantity is one that does not change. In the experiment u/e varied [changed] the amount of water in the beaker but kept the amount of salt added constant. A random number is one chosen by chance, i.e. it isnot predictable. Working with numbers The word figure is often used to refer to the symbol used for a number. Write the total number in words and figures. Verbs that are frequently used with the word number include calculate [work out] a number, estimate ' a number, round a number up/down/, total [add up] a set of numbers. Numbers can also tally", My figures don't seem to tally with yours. You can also deduct [take away, subtract] one number from another number. I make a rough guess at 2 make a fraction, e.g. *or 0.78 into the nearest whole number 3 match, agree Values and variables are also useful terms when working with numbers. Values are individual numbers in a set of data. The graph shows the temperature values for different months of the year. Variables are characteristics that can take on different values for different members of a group or set being studied. In investigating living standards you must take key variables such as social provision and cost of tiving into account. The incidence of something refers to how frequently it occurs. The incidence of twins in the population is growing. When talking about numbers, magnitude simply refers to the size of something, whereas in other contexts it indicates large size or importance. Write down the numbers in order of magnitude, beginning with the smaltest. When making calculations in, say, an exam, it is often a good idea to make an estimate" first of what the answer is likely to be. Then you will see if your final answer is in the right area5 or not. Exam candidates are also often advised ro show their workings" so that the marker can see how they arrived at their answer and they may get credit for their method even if the final answer is incorrect. 4 rough guess 5 approximately the same 6 leave all their calculations on the page 58 Academic Vocabulary in Use 25. 25.2 Exercises 25.1 Answer these questions. 1 What is five squared? 2 What is the next prime number after 19? 3 How is this sequence of numbers created? 3, 9, 27, 81 4 What is the aggregate of this set of test marks? 6, 8,9, 5, 6, 7 5 If you round up 6.66, what number do you have? 6 ~ and 4 - which is a whole number and which is a fraction? 7 ln your country is tax automatically deducted from employees' earnings? 8 Is an accountant pleased or displeased if figures that he/she is checking tally? 25.2 Dr Syal is advising one of his dissertation students who is interested in pollution in road tunnels. Complete the conversation. You are sometimes given the first letter to help you. Dr Syal: You could Cp the total number of private cars that use the tunnel each week, based on the day-to-day figures, and get an a.p.p.p.P.P.P.P.P.P..P.P.P.figure for how much carbon they're all emitting. Melissa: How p..P.P P.P.PPPP.P.would that figure have to be? Dr Syal: Oh, it doesn't ha ve to be exact, you just need to e... .P....Pmore or less what the tatal pollution will be. Then you can check to see if those figures t. with the figures that have already been published for similar tunnels. And the figure won't be c of course; iťll go up and down depending on lots of factors such as weather conditions, average speed, etc. Melissa: But can we say if the figur es will be true for the future too? Dr Syal: Well, we do know that the traffic growth has been cP.P....P.P.P.P.P.P..P.P....over the past ten years; it hasn't ever gone down, so I think you can ma ke some useful predictions. Melissa: Should I present each daily total as a dpp ..p.P.P.P.P.item or can I just put them all together into one figure for each week? Dr Syal: A weekly total is fine, and you can PP..P.ppit up or to the nearest 100. Melissa: Right, OK. Thanks so much for your help. 25.3 Rewrite these spoken sentences so that they are more appropriate for writing, using the word in italics in an appropriate formo 1 There were fewer car accidents last year. incidence 2 We made a rough guess at what the final figure might be. estimate 3 The graph shows the results from the lowest to the highest. magnitude 4 A computer program helped us work out the significance of the different variables. calculate 5 Taking x away from y will help you arrive at the correct answer. subtract 6 The results from the first experiment were not the same as those we got from the repeat experiment. tally 25.4 Fill in the gaps in this advice a maths lecturer is giving her students. ln the exam, don't forget to show all your (1) .P as we want to see how you (2) ..P.P.PP...P.P.P.PP.....P.Pat your results. Make your (3) p ...very carefully - you'd be amazed at how many people submit answers that are hardly even in the right (4)ppppppp . And please write legibly - we must be able to distinguish all your (5) ..... .p.....pp ! When doing graphs, plot your (6) .. ......carefully and if asked to describe an experiment don't forget to take all significant (7) into account. Good luck! I ·Find some examples of the use of numbers in your own subject area. Note down some interesting phrases or sentences. Academic Vocabu/ary in Use 59 ~. . r Statistics Basic statistical terms Notice the key vocabulary in these three short texts about statistics. ~~------~ I .. Six children are 7, 8, 8, 8, 11 and 12 years old.. f ( Their average age is 9 years old (the sum of their ~ ~ ages divided by six)..Th~ mode (tne most fre.quent t \ value) is 8. The med lan 158 (the halfway point \. I between the two extremes of the range). ~ l .,...,.--·--......-...-,.,-.~-"""--_.-...- t ; A normal dístríbutton ot data means tnat !I most of the examples in a set of data are close í \ to the average, while relatively few examples \ tend to one extreme ar the other. Normally ( \ distributed data shown on a chart will typically J show a bell (urve. It will often be necessary 1 l to work aut the extent to which individuals ~ deviate' from the norm? and to calculate the }.. figure that represents standard deviatiorr'. ) --~~~~....-...".,..-..---."...-~..--~~.--' ( 1; Statisticians are often concerned with working aut corretatlcns" - the extent to which, say, left-handedness correlates with intelligence. They must ensure that any data they collect is valid, i.e. that it is measuring what it claims to measure - all the subjects in the sample ' must be appropriately and accurately assessed as left- ar right-handed, for example. The figures must also be reliable, i.e. they would be consistent" if the measurements were repeated. Usually, statisticians hope that their calculations will show/indicate a tendency, e.g. that left-handed people will be shown to be significantly7 more intelligent than right-handed people. ~ . .~---1 1 differ 2 the average 3 average difference from the norm 4 connections, often as cause and effect 5 the subjects of the experiment or group representing the total population measured 6 the same 7 noticeably A probability' problém Notice the vocabulary in this problem from a statistics textbook. Sue picks a card at random/ from an ardinary pack of 52 cards. If the card is a king, she stops. If not, she continues to pick cards at random, without replacing them, until either a king is picked ar six cards have been picked. The random variable",C, is the total number of cards picked. Construct a diagram to illustrate the possible ourcomes"of the experiment, and use it to calculate the probability distribution5 of C. 1 likelihood of something happening 2 by chance 3 number or element of a situation that can change 4 results 5 assessment of probabilities for each possible value of C Other useful nouns for talking about statistics In a class of 8 women and 4 men, what proportion ' are male? Answer: one third In the same class what is the female to male ratio/? Answer: 2:1 The figures show a trend ' towards healthier eating habits. The study investigates the increase in the volume" of traffic on the roads. 1 number compared with another number 2 relationship between two numbers showing how much bigger one is 3 change in a particul c: 230,000 220,000 210,000 2 4 5 6 7 year 8 The chart.H...H ...H... the number of cars entering the downtown area of West City each day over an eight-year period (years 1-8). The totals are listed on the .......HH H axis (gíve two answers), while the years are listed on the ..H.. HH axis (gíve two answers). To the right of the graph we see the .. ..HH. The number of cars .. over the period. The total rose in the first few years and "HHHH'HH'HH'Ha HH'HHHHH'HH'H'Hin year 5, after which the numbers started tO..H .... HHHHH This can beHHH'HH'H by the .. 'HHH'H' that a new mass transit railway was opened in year 6, which is a "H'H' illustration of how good public transport can dramatically affect car use. 27.2 Answer the questions. 1 Draw examples of a pie chart and a bar chart. 2 What would be the best type of diagram to present the different layers of rock in the Grand Canyon? 3 ln a table, what is the difference between columns and rows? 4 What would be the best type of diagram to present the different stages in a research project you did? 5 How many segments are there in the pie chart opposite? 6 If you look at two adjacent columns in a table, are they next to each other ar separated? 7 What is another name for a legend in a diagram? 8 What type of data collection are you doing if you survey the first 50 people you come across? 9 What do two lines on a graph do if (a) they intersect and (b) they run parallel to each other? 27.3 Make the rather informal words in bold sound more precise and academic. 1 The different bits of the pie chart show the numbers of people in each age group. 2 She kept a record by marking the midday temperature on a graph for a month. 3 People's salaries usually reach their highest point when they are in their late 40s. 3 This flowchart shows the different bit s of our project over the next five years. 5 The two line s on the graph cross each other at point A. 6 Draw a line connecting the points that are next to each other. 7 The governmenťs popularity in the opinion polls is beginning to fall, 8 If you look along the top line of the table you can see the figures for the 1950s. 27.4 Change the sentences using words with the same meanings as the words in bold. 1 Populations of some bird species in South Asia have crashed by 97% in recent years. The number of cases of death by poisoning has increased sharply. 2 ln 2007 the child mortality rate was lower than 60 deaths per 1,000. 3 The average family car in the UK goes down in value by 20% per year. This means its value has fallen by more than half after just three years. 4 A typical piece of land on the edge of the city will go up in value by 15% per year, and house prices have gone up rapidly in the last six months. 5 Business courses have increased great1y in number while science programmes have gone down. 6 The temperature was higher than 45°C in some parts of the country during the heatwave. 7 Between 1983 and 2006, the number of this species of condor: went up from 22 pairs to 273. Other bird populations have gone up by two times in the same period. 8 The numbers of old soldiers attending regimental reunions are becoming smaller each year. ".large birds from South America Academic Vocabulary in Use 63