(Geo)politics of decarbonization: case study of MENA oil producers Filip Černoch cernoch@jTLail.muni.cz Macroeconomics of the MENA region • For 5 regional oil exporters (Libya, Kuwait, Iraq, Oman, SA), more than 40% of GDP based on oil and oil-related government activities. • Four other (Quatar, Algeria, UAE, Bahrain) varies between 20-40%. • Main sources of manufacturing value-added are refinery, chemical and mining/extractive industries, construction. • In some MENA countries oil is the primary source of fiscal revenues. Non-oil fiscal revenues, however, often also relate to oil industry (Quatar — practically all investment income and the bulk of corporate income tax from Quatar Petroleum). • Oil makes more than 50% of total exports from MENA oil exporting countries. Limited economic diversification. GDP composition of MENA countries, 2016 ■ Oil "Government ■ Other Oil and non-oil fiscal revenue in selected MENA countries, 2016 (% of general government revenue) ■ Oil revenue ■ No noil revenue Oil and non-oil exports in MENA countries, 2016 ■ Oil exports ■ Non-oil exports Note: Low shares of oil in exports from the UAE and Bahrain are because non-oil exports include a large share of re-exports. Public sector employment in selected MENA countries (% of total employment of nationals) 80% 60% 40' 20'' 0% I I I Morocco Israel Palestine Egypt Tunisia Qatar Saudi Kuwait Arabia High shares of public employment in usually protected jobs with high wages contributes to low labour productivity of MENA oil-exporting countries. Emphasized by imported cheap non-national labour (since 80s), reducing productivity also in private sector. That prevents its development to internationally competitive form. Labour productivity in selected oil-importing and oi exporting MENA countries 200 -Tunisia o —|raq OHNl^)l*lnl0^C0(I)OH^lrt5lnl0^la(IlQI^(N(rltfl/llC^fflmaH^^lfl^ln^0 ogoOco^ojtOOO(W03cQOlJlJlQliJiOl[JliJlOlOlOO OOOOO OOO*—1 t—l *—l i—1 t—l *—l i—l HHHHHHHHHHHHriHHHHHHHrt[NrM[NrtW(NM(NP(tS^fN[Nn(n(P( Post tax energy subsidies in selected MENA countries, 2015 Changes in primary energy supply and GDP 270% ^ 240% o 210% 6 180% o 150% v 120% 5 90% CO o 60% ^ 30% 0% 250% 200% o 150% G ° 100% EU28 United States Russia Africa Asia (excluding India Middle East China China) ■■■■■■■■II A* A* .O^