when? 18/9 -23/9 2017 where? UNESCO town centre of Telč (CZ) SCOLA TELCZ 2017 invitation Organizers: what? Telč - Old Town interdisciplinary workshop on regeneration of the rural townscape close to the UNESCO town centre Scola Telcz 2017 Take unique opportunity of intense fieldwork & interdisciplinary experience in one of the few Czech small cities with strong rural facet! You are invited to participate in the interdisciplinary workshop on regeneration of the rural townscape lose to the UNESCO to e ter i Telč, follo ed y t o i te se eeti gs i FSS MU duri g the autu se ester 2017/2018. The initial fieldwork workshop ill take pla e i Telč i Septe er 18th -23rd 2017. The curriculum-related workshop Successful absolving Schola Telcz will get you 6 ECTS, the accommodation and transport is fully covered by Masaryk University, you might also get financial support for the catering during the fieldwork week. This year aim for sociology Neigh orhood i Telč-Staré ěsto: Challe ges for sustai a le so ial de elop e t How to apply Simply register to the study group 06 of the course SOC 186 Research practice until September 11th 2017. We are the public-oriented activity! Schola Telcz will start with the public opening showing the results of the last year round. Find more details here: http://www.telc.eu/kalendar/1076 The competences of thick description and cultural-sociological analysis are more than welcomed!