Intellectual Property Rights HENRY LOESER Origins of IPR Types of IPR u uPatent uTrademark uTrade Secret uCopyright u Patent u u- Protects useful and non-obvious scientific and technological advancements and inventions u- must be new and novel uPurpose – To promote development of new ideas and new inventions by protecting the return on investment uRights & Responsibilities u - Exclusive rights to make and/or sell your invention (and close equivalents) u - 20 years Patent Trademark u u- Protects marks and/or symbols that represent products uPurpose u- Enabling consumers to identify the source of products u- Enabling producers to distinguish their brands Trademark Trade Secret uFormula, process, device, or other business information that companies keep private to give them a business advantage over their competitors. uPhysical and digital protection of ideas is also necessary Trade Secret uFormulas uCustomer lists uSurvey results uComputer algorithms u Copyright uA set of legal rights that arise from literary and/or creative work. u uAny creative expression fixed in a tangible medium. Copyright u u- books, poems, songs, films, paintings, dances, sculpture uPurpose u- Incentivize creative output through protection of work uRights & Responsibilities u- Exclusive right for copies u- Or any substantially similar work or derivative (but not facts or style) u- Distribution and/or public display u- Lifetime +70 years u u Copyright Copyright uTypes of Rights for Broadcasting u- Authors u- Publishers u- Recordings u- Performances Copyright uUses u- Descriptions, accounts, reuse, rebroadcast u- Any media u- Any public use u Copyright uCopyright Management uLaws and Regulations uCopyright Management Organizations (CMO’s) u Copyright uTerrestrial Broadcasting u- Legacy Radio & Television uOnline Broadcasting u -Streaming vs. Podcasting u Copyright Copyright Copyright Copyright