IRE214 Culture, Society and Politics in the German-speaking countries Masaryk University Home Exam III, Autumn 2018 Instructions: 1. Please two out of the three questions (Word limit is 3.000, font: Times New Roman, 1.5 line/paragraph spacing). 2. Please upload the answer sheet in doc/docx file (not pdf) to the folder ‘Final Exam III (04.02.2019)1 ’ by Wednesday (05.01.2019) at 9:00 am (local time). 3. Please indicate your name, student number and number of words. 4. Students who failed the mid-term essay are not permitted to submit the exam. 5. Similarly to a regular test, you are NOT expected to add a bibliography or intext citations. However, random tests would be examined for plagiarism (copying complete segments from online sources). While you an you’re your answers on the reading materials, in class presentations and online/offline sources, answers found to be copied from online sources are not acceptable and would result in a failed grade. Please use your own words and work alone. Exam questions: 1. What has been the impact of the refugee crisis on the population of Germany, Austria and Switzerland? (compare two of these countries) 2. Is integration of immigrants critical for European countries? In what way? Compare and contrast main attitudes and policies of two of the German speaking countries discussed in the course concerning integration of immigrants. 3. How do principles of federalism in Switzerland contribute to the peaceful coexistence of several minorities? Good luck! 1 Study materials under FSS:IRE214 => Homework vaults => ‘Final Exam III (04.02.2019)’.