Austria profile - Media 23 September 2013 Austria's public broadcaster, Oesterreichischer Rundfunk (ORF), has long-dominated the airwaves. It faces competition from private TV and radio broadcasters. Cable or satellite TV is available in most Austrian homes and is often used to watch German stations, some of which tailor their output for local viewers. A daily newspaper is a must for many Austrians. National and regional titles contest fiercely for readers. Media ownership is highly concentrated, says US-based Freedom House. Libel and slander laws may be used to protect politicians and officials, the NGO adds. Around 81% of Austrians were online by 2012 (ITU). Public broadcaster ORF operates one of the leading news websites. The press Die Presse - daily Kronen Zeitung - mass-circulation daily, regional editions Kleine Zeitung - Graz-based daily Wiener Zeitung - Vienna-based daily Der Standard - daily Der Kurier - mass-circulation daily News - current affairs weekly Television ORF - public broadcaster, operates national channels ORF 1, ORF 2 ATV - national, commercial; via cable and terrestrially Radio ORF - public, operates Radio Oesterreich 1, pop music station OE3, youth station FM4 and a tier of regional services Krone Hit Radio - commercial, nationally-networked pop music station Energy 104.2 - commercial, Vienna pop music station Radio Arabella - commercial, Vienna music station News agency/internet APA (Austria Presse Agentur) - owned by 15 newspapers and ORF Oe24 - news website