www.ceners.org fb.me/CenterForEnergyStudies Population growth and energy Filip Černoch cernoch@mail.muni.cz Population growth Source: US Census Bureau via Wiki Population growth • Driven by fecundity (reproductive rate) – how many offspring individual may have in his lifetime. • A population doesn´t grow to its full potential (indefinitelly). • Limits of population growth – conditions for life and reproduction. • Limiting factors • Carrying capacity – number of inhabitants (also people) that ecosystem can sustain with available sources. Population growth • Early populations grow quickly, unimpeded by resource constraints. • As population grows, competition for resources grows. • Mature population tend to reach equilibrium and fluctuate around it. If outgrows its carrying capacity regulating factors (femine, emigration) come into play. • If a population is bellow, birth rates tend to increase, population grows. What factors determine carrying capacity? • Density dependent factors • Density independent factors Hypothesizing the energy-population growth relationship • Limits of growth are supressed by „infinite“ amount of energy from fossil fuels ( mechanisation of agriculture + medical advances + savage systems + living in formerly unhabitable places). The first energy era (hunter - gatherers) • Human metabolism + fire. • Muscles to secure food, shelter, aquiring material. • Useful work of healthy adult: 50 – 90W. • Energy returns in foraging – barely positive to as much as 40x . • First usage of draft animals to cultivate the field (the very beginning of the agriculture) • Sustainable (= able to be maintained at a certain level) economy = damages were reparable. = If the ecosystem was harmed too much and stopped providing the resources, people moved to another place. The first energy transition • Early, preindustrial agriculture (beginning between 9000 BC and 6000 BC, lasting app. 16th century) • Domestication of draft animals + fire to produce metals = increase of energy usage. • Animals: 200 – 500W. • Fire to produce bricks and containers and to smelt metals. • Charcoaling to convert wood to charcoal to iron (inefficient process). • Nearly complete deforestation of some parts of Mediterranean (Spain, Cyprus, Syria – iron) and the Near East (Iran, Afghanistan – copper). • Considerable impact of people on the environment. Development is prevented by the limits of the environment. • Still no spare resources for education, science, tech development. First prime movers • Muscles replaced by waterwheels and windmills to grain milling, oil pressing, wood sawing etc. • Late 11th century England – more than 5600 water mills, 1/350 people. • Higher performance of draft animals (better harnessing, shoeing etc.) • Production of metals limited by the limits of environment. • Early 18th century – typical English furnace produced app. 300 tons of pig iron/year. 8kg of charcoal per 1kg of iron, 5kg of wood per 1kg of charcoal = annual demand 12 000 tons of wood. All natural forests gone. • 1 mill tons of iron requires ¼ of the British Isles under coppiced wood. • = in 1200 London surrounding is deforested, by 1500 metal ores shipped to Ireland, Scotland, Wales for smelting, then the the industry moves to U.S. Industrial age • Substitution of animate energy by engines and energies of fossil fuels (still in process in dome areas – Africa) • By 1900 several European countries energized by coal. • Previously the lack of energy prevents the population from (also economic) expansion. No spare resources for education, science, technological development. It was changed by the fossil fuels. • Watt´s steam machines 20kW. Industrialization, transportation, rise of well being. An inexpensive and reliable supply of heat and electricity. • But environmental consequences (serious changes of interactions in the ecosystem) • = fossil fuels provided a critical amount of energy for the humankind to develop. They (for uncertain period of time) removes the limits of (economic and population) expansion. Latest energy transition • Started by the first electricity plants in 1880s • Electricifaciton and inovation • An inexpensive and relable supply of electricity transformed every aspect of everyday activities – light, time-saving gadgets, energizing transport, boosting industrial production. • By 1950 oil and gas approx. 35 % of the world´s primary energy supply and by 2000 their combined share over 60 %. With coal fossil fuels provides 90 % of all commercial primary energy supply. = fossil fuels drive up farm productivity and hence reducing (drasticaly) agricultural population by mechanizing industrial production and letting the labor force move into the service sector. • But their impact on the environment is tremendous. Development in energy consumption 14 Energy-population relation Population growth Source: US Census Bureau via Wiki Demographic transition model Source: W. Thompson Demographic transition model Source: W. Thompson Age structure Conclusions = correlation between availability of energy and population (limiting factors suppressed by unlimited supplies of high-quality energy). - energy needed to provide for existing population + accommodate expected increase. = but fossil fuels are compromising the Earth´s ability to provide essential services = other source of energy needed? 21 Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) • An Essay on the Principle of Population. • Food is necessary for people to survive • Children will continue to be born • The power of population growth is indefinitely greater than the power of the Earth to produce subsistence. • Malthusian trap (population growth instead of high standard of living). X • Technological development. • Relationship between afluence and population growth (demographic transition theory). Perspectives • Cornucopians (boomsters, vs. Malthus and followers = doomsters) • Reformists: Work within existing structures to make society more “green” • Revolutionaries: Sustainability is not possible without radical change • Environmental determinists: Ecological limits will impose changes on society whether we like it or not • The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement 23 Technological development Sources Zabel, G.: Peak People: The Interrelationship between Population Growth and Energy Resources. Energy Bulletin. 31 32