European Union Public Policy Professor John Wilton Lecture 5 Policy implementation •1 European Union Public Policy Lecture 5 A) Categories of difficulties: •territorial and institutional differentiation; •questions relating to structure and agency B) Framework of public policy implementation •2 European Union Public Policy Lecture 5 1.The issues and problems arising from territorial and institutional differentiation - ‘long chain’ of increasing decision points in policy implementation a) additional institutional bodies of the E.U. - tensions between E.U. institutions b) territorial basis/nature of E.U. - tensions between E.U. institutions and Member state institutions (national, regional, city, town, local) - •3 European Union Public Policy Lecture 5 2. Questions relating to structure and agency a) inter-institutional relationship within the E.U.; b) inter-institutional relationship between E.U. institutions and policy implementing institutions of national Member states •4 European Union Public Policy Lecture 5 Agency – ‘role of the individual’ - increased policy implementation ‘actors’ at increased decision points - increased opportunities to re-fight battles lost in the policy formulation stage - the problems of rigidity and flexibility •5 European Union Public Policy Lecture 5 Successful policy implementation and the complexity and multifaceted E.U. process 1.Method 2.Strategy/tactics 3.Objectives and milestones 4.Patience and the long view 5.Teams and functions 6.Structures 7.A set of rules •6 European Union Public Policy Lecture 5 E.U. public policy implementation: a)faces many difficulties/ by no means perfect; b)transfer E.U. law into Member state law imperfect; c)implementation interpretation issues; d)institutional policy implementation issues; e)cultural institutional implementation interpretation issues; f)inadequate E.U. implementation monitoring •7