FINAL PROJECT – Four Stages, four due dates Revised Nov 17 1. Proposal DUE in IS system on Nov. 28 end of day. Be sure to consider and incorporate any feedback from fellow students appearing in the discussion form. Identify the organization, issue or opportunity, and the challenge. For example: Organization - Habitat for Humanity Opportunity - Housing offered to homeless families in Brno Challenge - Inform and encourage homeless families to apply for it. OR Organization - Peak Strength (manufacturer of products for animals) Opportunity – Barknola, a new energy bar for dogs Challenge – Inform and encourage dog owners, who bring their dogs when camping, to buy it. OR Organization – MUNI International Student Association Issue – Well being of visiting students to be addressed with International Festival Challenge – Inform and encourage international students to become engaged in the planning. NOTE: The organization/issue can be real or hypothetical – you can imagine it! Just describe it enough so that I understand it. 2. Outline DUE in IS system on Dec. 6 end of day. Provide initial statements for each item in point A. below. 3. Present your Final Project in class on Dec. 14. 4. Three Final Deliverables (A, B, & C) DUE in IS system on Dec. 16 end of day A. Creative Brief Template for a Poster or Ad (print or online). These should be detailed and finalized: a. Organization: b. Opportunity: c. The challenge: (What is the need?) d. The solution: (How and why will you successfully meet the challenge?) e. The audience: (Who specifically will your messaging target?) f. The intention: (What does the audience need to understand/feel?) g. The specifics: (How should the visual message look and function?) B. Executed Tactic Follow your creative brief to create a new visual artifact, guided by one (or more) of our theories. You may create it in any digital platform, for example Publisher, PowerPoint, Photoshop, InDesign, Word, etc. Use your own photos or illustrations, or images downloaded. C. Written explanation of how visual theory (or theories) guided you. Be specific.